I picked up this book looking for something new and thinking I could not go wrong with a series from a best selling author. As it turned out, this would become the second book that I ever stopped reading without finishing.
I found the whole book, at least the first half that I read, rather pedestrian. The plot was overly simple and the characters tragically under developed. The standard formula was used: Introduce a seemingly ordinary main character; introduce threat; find out main character has special ability; define quest; gather group around main character for quest; travel, travel, minor conflict, travel, hardship, travel; confront big bad enemy that you have no possible chance of defeating; be victorious; end (kiss girl and/or setup for next book).
What finished me off was the piece de resistance in run-on sentences. Actually, it was a whole string of them. By the time I finished reading the page, I was gasping for breath. To check out this literary phenomenon, see the fifth page in chapter 21 (page 289 in my paperback).
Maybe I expected too much after Robert Jordan or Tad Williams. Maybe I ended my read too early and this turns out to be a wonderful book. However, with so many good books out there worth reading I decided to waste my time no more. If this book did anything for me, it made me realize that anyone can be a writer and my hidden dreams of creating a best seller is possible.
I found the whole book, at least the first half that I read, rather pedestrian. The plot was overly simple and the characters tragically under developed. The standard formula was used: Introduce a seemingly ordinary main character; introduce threat; find out main character has special ability; define quest; gather group around main character for quest; travel, travel, minor conflict, travel, hardship, travel; confront big bad enemy that you have no possible chance of defeating; be victorious; end (kiss girl and/or setup for next book).
What finished me off was the piece de resistance in run-on sentences. Actually, it was a whole string of them. By the time I finished reading the page, I was gasping for breath. To check out this literary phenomenon, see the fifth page in chapter 21 (page 289 in my paperback).
Maybe I expected too much after Robert Jordan or Tad Williams. Maybe I ended my read too early and this turns out to be a wonderful book. However, with so many good books out there worth reading I decided to waste my time no more. If this book did anything for me, it made me realize that anyone can be a writer and my hidden dreams of creating a best seller is possible.
Helpful Score: 8
Love, Love, Love this book! It starts off a little slow, but by the middle you can not put it down. I read the first 5 in the Sword of Truth Series all in a row because I just could not get enough and HAD to find out what was next in store for the people in the book. One of my favorite of all time.
Helpful Score: 6
This is a science fiction fantasy book with complex characters and a dense interwoven plot. The only thing that bothered me were a couple of scenes of horrible violence against women. The author just couldn't conceive of killing a woman, she had to violated and raped and tortured first. It was if someone else wrote those parts because this series has one of the strongest female protaganists I've ever seen in a book.
Helpful Score: 6
I loved this one about 8 years ago, when I was big on Wheel of Time too. But during a recent rereading- I couldn't believe how bad it was.
Helpful Score: 6
This is a great story and an excellent start to a wonderful series. If you're like me and you love fantasy/adventure books you'll love this book and be craving the rest of the series. I must warn you though... the series is addicting so make sure to set aside lots of time!!
Helpful Score: 3
One of the all-time best fantasy novels I have ever read. Very engrossing, the characters and storyline quickly sweep you up and away. Unlike anything else out there, while remaining easy to understand and quick to read, it will leave you wanting more!
Helpful Score: 2
This book is an interesting one but goes on much too long.
Helpful Score: 2
Excellent, my first ever Wizard book. It took the first book to get me hooked. Something totally new for me.
I loved this book. I could not put it down.
Helpful Score: 1
I'd never heard of Terry Goodkind, until I was browsing in the bookstore and saw Phantom...not realizing that Phantom was the latest book in a series, I read it, not realizing until the end that I'd missed the majority of the story.
So, I went out and bought the first two books in the series - I'm hooked and am breathlessly awaiting the last book in the Sword of Truth series.
So, I went out and bought the first two books in the series - I'm hooked and am breathlessly awaiting the last book in the Sword of Truth series.
Helpful Score: 1
This is book 1 of a great series. I am currently on book 5 and enjoying it very much
Helpful Score: 1
This book was suggested to me by my brother-in-law. I wasn't interested at first and it sat around forever before I finally picked it up. As soon as I did, I was hooked. I'm not typically a Fantasy fan, but after reading this 1st book, I ordered every single one of the rest of the series. The characters were well developed, I felt involved in the story, and even thinking back on it now, I want to read it all over again. I couldn't say enough wonderful things about this book.
Helpful Score: 1
Loved it! I read 1,2 and 3 all in a row!
Helpful Score: 1
It's rare for me to rate a book good enough to command five stars but this is one of those that stands out for me. Goodkind has turned epic fantasy on its ear with this book. Mr. Goodkind has a wonderful talent for pace but not at the cost of imagination. The magic is really incidental in a way that helps the story rather than detracts from it. I found it easy to like the characters and the sparing descriptions were a refreshing change when compared to the works of Martin or Jordan. I'm looking forward to reading other books in the series.

Helpful Score: 1
I felt, after reading wizards first rule that it could have been shortened by 300 pages and still been as good as it was with the amount of pages it had. I liked some of the main characters but others not so much. I actually wished i was a character in the book so i could kill a few of the most annoying ones. . .
But anyways, I did finish through the long doorstop book, and i was left kind of empty, like that sucked type feeling in my head.
I browsed the other books in this series at the book store and without spoiling it for anyone i will just say that nothing really changes from one book to the next. I found this series very boring, and the show they made out of this ick even worse!!
I have to give this one 1 1/2 stars out of 5. Awfull
But anyways, I did finish through the long doorstop book, and i was left kind of empty, like that sucked type feeling in my head.
I browsed the other books in this series at the book store and without spoiling it for anyone i will just say that nothing really changes from one book to the next. I found this series very boring, and the show they made out of this ick even worse!!
I have to give this one 1 1/2 stars out of 5. Awfull
Helpful Score: 1
Obviously by all the reviews this series creates pretty diverse responses in readers. I picked it up because I was curious about the Legend of the Seeker TV show, which I never actually watched. I read the first three books in the series and agree that it is compelling reading - for me it was the imagination that produced the world and the background that the story is based on. But also like other reviewers, I found the run-on sentences to be ridiculous, as well as the contrasts between tasteful and honorable treatment of sex versus the gory details of the violence to be rather unbalanced. In fact, a lot of the emotion was quite forced and I found myself laughing or rolling my eyes at some of the descriptions that seemed so teenage-boy-fantasy: hot dominatrices in tight red leather brandishing both torture and seduction, blood, guts, and gore, talking dragons, the strong and beautiful heroine all in white, wizards and sorceresses, ... throw it all in there! For the creativity, I enjoyed reading it, but I doubt I will read any more of the series.
Helpful Score: 1
Love the entire Sword of Truth series. Some of the later ones get drawn out with all the details but they are well worth it!
Helpful Score: 1
Gripping, intense, fascinating but be forewarned there is a long section of torture in the dungeons.
Helpful Score: 1
First of all, I have to state, for the benefit of my husband, that he HATED this book. He hated it within the first 5 chapters, however, due to the annoying trait that we both share he had to follow it all the way through and finish the book.
What did I think.... Well, I picked this book up to read at the end of August 2009. I finished it February 2010. 7 Months. 6 of those months were spent slogging through the first six chapters. It was painfully hard to read this book.
The writing is not that great. The characters are laughable and don't evoke me to care about them at all. The villains are less than impressive and not a bit threatening or scary.
Richard was such a ninny. Crying over everything. I couldn't be more disappointed in a lead male character if I read a million books. I was so sick of him by the end of the novel. The only person who had any type of potential at all was Kahlan but she came off as being so weak at times when she is supposed to be this great Mother confessor whom everyone fears. and Zedd. Gads! awful! the only thing he had going for him is that he actually USED his magic unlike wizards in other books.
I liked the idea of the story. The idea behind the plot is good, but it is lost in the telling and it just dragged on and on and on and on and on and on... you get the picture.
After five chapters of this I finally gave up and found the novel in MP3 so I could listen to it and just get it over with. I listened to the book while at work, and while listening to it I only had to devote half a brain to it. I got the important parts and anything I didn't find important I could just zone out for a while and it made no difference to the story.
There was so much raping and murdering of men, women and children. I did not approve of this, and I understand that the author was using this to show the evil of the villains, but there is a line that must be drawn on how much a person has to read.
I want to read good literature. I want to learn something and be uplifted. I want to feel for the characters in the books. This book left me wanting for all of these things, the only thing I got out of it was disgust.
I don't know that I ever would have finished this if I had had to READ the whole thing. Listening to it really is the only way I was able to finish it.
I will never recommend this book to another human being. I cannot support the author or his books.
What did I think.... Well, I picked this book up to read at the end of August 2009. I finished it February 2010. 7 Months. 6 of those months were spent slogging through the first six chapters. It was painfully hard to read this book.
The writing is not that great. The characters are laughable and don't evoke me to care about them at all. The villains are less than impressive and not a bit threatening or scary.
Richard was such a ninny. Crying over everything. I couldn't be more disappointed in a lead male character if I read a million books. I was so sick of him by the end of the novel. The only person who had any type of potential at all was Kahlan but she came off as being so weak at times when she is supposed to be this great Mother confessor whom everyone fears. and Zedd. Gads! awful! the only thing he had going for him is that he actually USED his magic unlike wizards in other books.
I liked the idea of the story. The idea behind the plot is good, but it is lost in the telling and it just dragged on and on and on and on and on and on... you get the picture.
After five chapters of this I finally gave up and found the novel in MP3 so I could listen to it and just get it over with. I listened to the book while at work, and while listening to it I only had to devote half a brain to it. I got the important parts and anything I didn't find important I could just zone out for a while and it made no difference to the story.
There was so much raping and murdering of men, women and children. I did not approve of this, and I understand that the author was using this to show the evil of the villains, but there is a line that must be drawn on how much a person has to read.
I want to read good literature. I want to learn something and be uplifted. I want to feel for the characters in the books. This book left me wanting for all of these things, the only thing I got out of it was disgust.
I don't know that I ever would have finished this if I had had to READ the whole thing. Listening to it really is the only way I was able to finish it.
I will never recommend this book to another human being. I cannot support the author or his books.
Helpful Score: 1
Fun, Fun, Fun. Good story , nothing like the TV series. was going to let my daughter read it but some of the content was a bit much for a thirteen year old. The torture of the main character did not have to go on that long. Editing was shoddy. Wont stop me from reading the next one though.
Helpful Score: 1
The first book of one of the most well known and popular fantasy series in the world. Lots of adventure, romance, excitement, etc. Well-written with excellent descriptions.
Helpful Score: 1
The first in the Sword of Truth series of books by Terry Goodkind. A glorious adventure centered around Richard Cypher a woodsman who is chosen to become the Seeker of Truth. It's a richy detailed world with complex characters.
Helpful Score: 1
A quick and fun read at 820 pages. Easy to see how this launched a series.
Tiffany H. (tiffanyblitz) - , reviewed Wizard's First Rule (Sword of Truth, Bk 1) on + 71 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
This is an awesome book, and a nice, long, satisfying read...
Helpful Score: 1
A superb work of fantasy. This is by far one of the better fantasy books I've read. Richard is the reluctant hero, clear-sighted and determined to do what is right. Zedd was his mentor and friend while growing up, but Richard isn't sure he can trust his long-time friend anymore. Kahlan is the mystery woman who has captured Richard's heart, but Richard knows she has a secret that could change his life forever.
Could have been a 5-star book if the person who betrays Richard hadn't been so obvious from the start.
Could have been a 5-star book if the person who betrays Richard hadn't been so obvious from the start.

Helpful Score: 1
good storyline, rather intense at some points
Helpful Score: 1
This is the first of the series by Terry Goodkind. I enjoyed these books very much...best if read in order and all together...at this time I have all of them avaiable.
I agree with the above review and I also have them all available.
I agree with the above review and I also have them all available.
Helpful Score: 1
I started off reading this series because I fell in love with the show based on the books (Legend of the Seeker) I had heard from other fans who had read the books that they were graphic, and that deterred me from reading them for a while I will admit. I ended up buying them because I found them for super cheap and I so missed the beloved characters of the show. As some of the other reviews said, parts of it ARE graphic, but I feel they are justified. Evil doesn't come in a nice neat box. The story is great, and you really come to love the characters, especially if you have already watched the show and wondered about the other adventures of Kahlan and Richard. The world he creates is detailed and rich, and also varied. I love this series so far, it's not for everyone (all books fall under that heading haha) but it is a rewarding read.

Helpful Score: 1
If you have read the Wheel of Time series you are going to see lots and lots of similarities. It is as if this author was given the basic plot line of WoT and wrote it his own way.
There are enough differences that I will probably finish the series. It is much more brutal than WoT. It is very graphically brutal in parts.
This author tends to have his characters be kinda dumb. The phrase "I had no choice" is used repeatedly throughout the books, and the story would have been just fine without it.
I have finished the series and I won't read it again.
Although the story is okay, I find it difficult to understand how a society can function for thousands of years without any progress. There was no mention of doctors, scientists or inventors. The world is stuck in a medieval setting and so are the characters. If the time frame had been hundreds of years, this would be much more acceptable.
There are enough differences that I will probably finish the series. It is much more brutal than WoT. It is very graphically brutal in parts.
This author tends to have his characters be kinda dumb. The phrase "I had no choice" is used repeatedly throughout the books, and the story would have been just fine without it.
I have finished the series and I won't read it again.
Although the story is okay, I find it difficult to understand how a society can function for thousands of years without any progress. There was no mention of doctors, scientists or inventors. The world is stuck in a medieval setting and so are the characters. If the time frame had been hundreds of years, this would be much more acceptable.
I read this because I am a fan of the TV show Sword of Truth, that was inspired by this world Terry Goodkind invented. Those expecting it to be a lot like the show may be disappointed. It's a very good book, and I compared and contrasted the two different stories(TV show vs book) while reading. I find both enjoyable. The book is rich with details of the Midlands/Westland/Da'Hara and has a lot more character development which in some cases seems very strange if you've seen the show first. Richard and Khalan are two very different people from my first exposure to their characters. Well written fantasy with complex characters. I am currently awaiting the second book in the series.
A great fantasy. One of the best series of books I have read since Dragonlance.
It was barely okay and sort of tedious. I was hoping for something along the lines of "A Game of Thrones," but this book was nowhere close. It was just barely good enough to keep me from discarding it, and I'm the kind of person who hates to quit on a book once I start reading it. I'd say, in general, that it was a waste of my reading time. It had no intrigue or genuine surprises in plot twist, no significant suspense....just one somewhat predictable adventure after another.
This book was engaging to the end. I enjoyed the story. Some of the subplots seemed a little forced in that they really didn't advance the story, which is why I didn't rate it as 5 stars. But overall, a very enjoyable book.
can't wait to start book 2
Too dark for me. Started reading after watching the TV show this series inspired.
Actually enjoyed parts of it, but by the middle-2/3s way through, the stuff with that young boy, well, it just grossed me out to the point I couldn't enjoy the rest of what was happening. Guess I'm just not cut out for "fantasy".
Actually enjoyed parts of it, but by the middle-2/3s way through, the stuff with that young boy, well, it just grossed me out to the point I couldn't enjoy the rest of what was happening. Guess I'm just not cut out for "fantasy".
Love it! In depth, adult concepts without graphic sex, beautiful fantasy novel. :)
This is just my opinion but this book is not written well. And the editing is even worse. The story is taking way to long to develop. I read half the book and should have quit after the first three chapters. I just kept trying because I wanted it to get better. It never turned. The character development is sad, both of the main characters that the book is following are whiny, and All I could think of the entire time was Kristen Stewart in Twilight or any movie for that matter. Not good. The only two characters I liked were the wizard and the bad guy, but that dude was just too brutal for me. I don't agree with children being used to employ a plot. I mean I know people are bad like that in the real world, but I do also believe that creativity can take us farther than using children to get off a bad guy in a book. I do believe this one to be a fail, and I am super surprised that people are so into this series, enough for a t.v. show to be made.
P.S. I am not against books being over 800 pages but if they are they better be worth the read. This one is not!
P.S. I am not against books being over 800 pages but if they are they better be worth the read. This one is not!
Enjoyed Reading a lot. It kept my attention and was hard to put down. Immediately went and bought 2nd book.
This book is absolutely amazing! It is my new favorite book, and I dont say that lightly.
It's a fantasy novel, which means either you like fantasy or you don't. It has the two parts of magic theme, it has a bad guy and a hot chick. It has wizards and dragons. It has nice bits of philosophy sometimes, but it's nothing you haven't heard before especially in fantasy. However, it's a darker novel: what you might not know about this novel is that it does have a bit of bdsm thrown in, which took me by surprise. Still, if you're looking for a 1000 page journey which will start you in a fantasy series as endless as Wheel of Time, then here you go.
covery summary: In the aftermath of the brutal murder of his father, a mysterious woman, Kahlan Amnell, appears in Richard Cypher's forest sactuary seeking help... and more. His world, his very beliefs, are shattered when ancient debts come due with thundering violence. In their darkest hour, hunted relentlessly, tormented by treachery and loss, Kahlan call upon Richard to reach beyond his sword-to invoke wihtin himself something more noble. Neither knows that the rules of battle have changed.. or that their time has run out. This is the beginning. One book. One rule. Witness the birth fo a legend.
This is a good, solid book. (I'm not kidding, you could probably knock someone out with the paperback edition alone.) While I eventually came to realize it seems to 'borrow' from some classic plots, it's still put together pretty well. I've found that Goodkind is a love him or hate him author for most people (although I find myself in neither), but it's definitely a full ride. Warning, while there isn't any sexual content, there are hindsight musing of such, and some incredibly graphic scenes of their own right. Not for the weak of heart or stomach. But it made for a fun, cross-continental plane trip.
Fantasy Novel. Very enjoyable reading. Written very well. Characters are strong and engaging. I greatly enjoyed reading this book and would read it again anytime.

This is the start of an excellent fantasy saga. A must read for fantasy fans.
Great Read! Over 800 pages and read it in 1 1/2 weeks during freetime only!
Bethany F. (bethanykf) reviewed Wizard's First Rule (Sword of Truth, Bk 1) on + 26 more book reviews
First book in the Sword of Truch Series-- Be careful! Very addictive, but great books.
I love this series, but want to point out that it's not for children. The series strays far from the TV show, The Legend of the Seeker. It has adult themes not suitable for children.

It is very rare that I watch a movie or a TV show based on a book before I read the book. I have always been a firm believer in "the book is always better". Well, I have to say that fantasy books aren't normally my thing as I actually prefer to see the movie so after my fiance read the entire series we started watching "Legend of the Seeker", the ABC show very loosely based on the Sword of Truth series. Since season one is ended I decided to pick up the book. I read it in one weekend and haven't stopped. I was so impatient to read the fourth book this weekend that I actually went to Barnes & Noble and bought it!

The first book in what is what I believe to be the best epic fiction series out there. After reading this series no other compares. The characters are like no others and the story is gripping. You won't put it down. A must read.
The protective barrier that separates Westland from its neighbors to the east is about to fall, letting loose a monstrous evil upon the world. Only the combined efforts of a young man dedicated to finding the truth, an enigmatic woman intent on concealing her past, and a crusty old hermit resigned to his inevitable destiny can prevent the opening of the three boxes of Orden-an event with the potential to destroy existence itself. The inclusion of graphic scenes of sado-eroticism, though integral to the story, may deter purchase by some libraries. Nevertheless, this first novel offers an intriguing variant on the standard fantasy quest. The richly detailed world and complex characters will appeal to mature fantasy aficionados.
This book was too dark! It contained way too much evil! I love novels with legends & magic, but this was demonic. I expected there to be a battle between good & evil. I didn't want to read about molestations & rape. I had to skip over the paragraphs that were just extremely graphic. Disgusting!
Good book, great start to the series, and I can't wait to read the rest.
If you like intelligent fantasy this is a great book. Full of action, suspense, mystery, believable characters as well as a fully developed world and mythos.
An interesting fantasy where violence can have nasty repercussions for the protagonist. A bit long and the sequels are longer. It will be a while before I tackle book 2.
great begining
book arrived in decent condition a little more worn than I expected but certainly still readable I can't wait to find it in hardcover thank you
In the aftermath of the brutal murder of his father, a mysterious woman, Kahlan Amnell, appears in Richard Cypher's forest sanctuary seeking help ... and more. His world, his very beliefs, are shattered when ancient debts come due with thundering violence.
In their darkest hour, hunted relentlessly, tormented by treachery and loss, Kahlan calls upon Richard to reach beyond his sword-- to invoke within himself something more noble. Neither knows that the rules of battle have just changed ... or that their time has run out.
In their darkest hour, hunted relentlessly, tormented by treachery and loss, Kahlan calls upon Richard to reach beyond his sword-- to invoke within himself something more noble. Neither knows that the rules of battle have just changed ... or that their time has run out.
Series: Sword of Truth Series, #1
From Our Editors
Terry Goodkind is one of the hottest writers on the fantasy scene. His popularity is growing by leaps and bounds with each new novel, mostly due to his brilliant, page-turning style. Wizard's First Rule is a brick -- just the way we fantasy fans love 'em. But I'm telling you, you'll gobble this right up -- it flies by with lightning quickness. In this novel, we meet Richard Cypher as he and his trusted companions -- the beautiful and mysterious Kahlan and the zany sorcerer Zedd -- begin their quest to destroy Darken Rahl, an evil mage who bids to control the world by using his dark, magical powers. Goodkind's fantasy is enormously engaging and so, so addictive.
From Our Editors
Terry Goodkind is one of the hottest writers on the fantasy scene. His popularity is growing by leaps and bounds with each new novel, mostly due to his brilliant, page-turning style. Wizard's First Rule is a brick -- just the way we fantasy fans love 'em. But I'm telling you, you'll gobble this right up -- it flies by with lightning quickness. In this novel, we meet Richard Cypher as he and his trusted companions -- the beautiful and mysterious Kahlan and the zany sorcerer Zedd -- begin their quest to destroy Darken Rahl, an evil mage who bids to control the world by using his dark, magical powers. Goodkind's fantasy is enormously engaging and so, so addictive.
Haven't read it - the sheer length of it is daunting, although it looks very interesting