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Topic: World war z:the movie

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chippygirl avatar
Subject: World war z:the movie
Date Posted: 6/22/2013 4:24 AM ET
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I have been waiting for this movie forever! I never like to go to the movies so DH was stunned that I went on our theaters opening day.

Loved it! 2 thumbs way up. It was quite different from the book (which I normally hate!) but great in its own right. I found the kid actors annoying.

check it out if you get a chance!

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Date Posted: 6/27/2013 9:23 AM ET
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Saw it on Monday and really enjoyed it.  You're right, it's a far cry from the book, but given the sheer scope of the book, it's easy enough to take the movie as one small story of the thousands that could be told.  In that respect it reminded me of Pontypool.  If you've read Pontypool Changes Everything all of the action takes place out in the world, but in the movie, Pontypool, all of the action takes place inside a tiny radio station and is only small percentage of the of the original story.  Both work really well on their own, but together enrich the overall story.

BTW, did you see that they're back to talking sequel now?  Originally it was supposed to be a trilogy, but that idea was scrapped when they started having trouble with the first one. Now that it's doing really well, talks are back on. 

Last Edited on: 6/28/13 7:23 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
rockmom66 avatar
Date Posted: 6/28/2013 7:09 PM ET
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We went last Friday.  We thought it was good, Dawn of the Dead (2nd) is still my favorite.  I haven't watched Pontypool yet.  Have it on my Netflix to watch list.  We did watch Autumn on Netflix, alittle bit of a letdown. Not as good as the book, but they never are.

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Date Posted: 6/28/2013 7:23 PM ET
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I thought Autumn was just awful, but I wasn't crazy about the book either, so that may have clouded my view.  Pontypool is one of my absolute favorites.

chippygirl avatar
Date Posted: 6/30/2013 12:04 AM ET
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I would love a sequel!

I didn't know Autumn was a movie, I'll have to check that out. I wasn't crazy about the books either, but stuck with them all just waiting for them to get better. I'm going to look for Pontypool, I've not read that.

I remember when I was little, we were in a clothing store, playing in the middle of one of the round clothing racks when a commercial came on for dawn of the dead. The radio commercial terrified me so bad, I've still never seen it!

Last Edited on: 6/30/13 12:05 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 6/30/2013 10:09 AM ET
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Shannon, if you want to read the book, the title is Pontypool Changes Everything and the author is Tony Burgess; the title was shortening to Pontypool for the movie.  Burgess's books are really difficult to get via PBS; I was on the list for over a year for this one and I think I got this one as quickly as I did because during that time period, the movie came out.  I've been waiting in excess of 3 years for some of his books.

chippygirl avatar
Date Posted: 6/30/2013 12:32 PM ET
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Thanks Sandy, I will look for it :)
sevenspiders avatar
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Date Posted: 7/3/2013 6:12 PM ET
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The book of World War Z is brilliant, original, epic and unlike anything else.  It transcends genre.

The movie of World War Z is a halfway decent zombie movie.

What the World War Z movie has in common with the book

Last Edited on: 7/3/13 6:12 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 7/4/2013 10:58 PM ET
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I thought it was a brilliant move filming Pontypool in the radio station. Smart move financially, and Stephen McHattie pulled off having the focus almost solely on himself - great actor!

swampdonkey avatar
Date Posted: 7/6/2013 8:44 PM ET
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Great to hear that so many people liked the movie.  I heard on the radio that the dj's thought it was terrible and a total let down.  Glad to hear it is worth it.  Saw on tosh.o he had a video of a guy that dressed up like a zombie and started to chase people.  Some of the reactions were priceless.

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Date Posted: 7/7/2013 9:46 AM ET
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Maya, I completely agree.  Keeping the story claustrophobic gave Pontypool far more impact than it would have had if they'd tried to remain true to the book. While I enjoyed the broader scope of the novel, this is a case where the movie left more of an impression on me than the book did. Good to hear from someone else who has seen the movie, because try as I might, I just can't convince anyone I know to give it a try.

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Date Posted: 7/9/2013 12:02 AM ET
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I didn't know Autumn was a movie, I'll have to check that out.     

NOOOOOOOO,  DON't DO IT!  The books are so good.  The movie is SOOOOOOOOO BAAAAAAAAAADDDD you will puke.  I wasted a whole credit on DVD swap for this piece of dung.


Last Edited on: 7/9/13 12:03 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 7/18/2013 3:50 PM ET
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my sons loved this story. They didn't read the book or see the movie

They listened to it read by the author (I think it was the author). 

This was about 4 or 5 years ago.

chippygirl avatar
Date Posted: 7/19/2013 2:31 AM ET
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Ugh. I don't want to puke lol, maybe I'll skip it! I also listened to WWZ from audible. It was really good. There were different readers for the different characters. I listened to it when I lived in BFE with an hour commute at 5 am. I would be almost too freaked out to get out of the car when I arrived because it was still dark out. Scary!
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Date Posted: 7/19/2013 11:31 AM ET
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The audio book was outstanding.  I listened to the entire thing from start to finish in one sitting the day after Thanksgiving the year it came out. Absolutely could not pull myself away and everyone else was watching football, so it worked out well.