Helpful Score: 1
I highly recommend this book to all citizens paying taxes. As you might not know, teachers have the option of saying "no" to joining the "Teacher Trust" (union) but you still have to pay "tribute" as the author puts it. For what purpose? You're not entitled to the health benefits so you shouldn't be forced to pay anything. The only reason I'm a member is because I don't want to look for health insurance, dental, vision, life insurance, etc. It's easier to shut up and just give my 1% and enjoy the "benefits" that the union has "fought" so hard for. The author also mentioned that you can't say "no" to PACs, which is funny because I didn't sign the form and got no reaction from the AFT. As a teacher, I see people quote the union contract daily. The contract is only as good as the union that's going to back it. So we still have 35 students in a classroom, no lockers for personal belongings, no heat in the winter or air in the summer (please, be serious), no supplies, no textbooks, etc. The tenure, the building seniority, and the back-stabbing is ridiculous. Our contract is up August 2008. Nothing will change. There is so much unionism going on that I'm considering turning to a private or charter school.