A story of two families to apart by love, secrets and betrayal in the aftermath of the Second World War...
It is 1946 and the Temperleys and Chancellors have been neighbors for years. Reserved and cool-headed Marius Temperley has left the army and is struggling to fi into civilian life. His sister, Julia, quick-tempered, proud & passionate, has been running the family business since the death o her father. Both Chancellor brothers, Jack & Will, are in love with her. As the years go by, family secrets are revealed and the Temperley and Chancellors learn that passion can be both destructive and redemptive.
Review by Daily Express -- Good, old-fashioned story-telling with strong characters who develop in their own often unexpected ways.
It is 1946 and the Temperleys and Chancellors have been neighbors for years. Reserved and cool-headed Marius Temperley has left the army and is struggling to fi into civilian life. His sister, Julia, quick-tempered, proud & passionate, has been running the family business since the death o her father. Both Chancellor brothers, Jack & Will, are in love with her. As the years go by, family secrets are revealed and the Temperley and Chancellors learn that passion can be both destructive and redemptive.
Review by Daily Express -- Good, old-fashioned story-telling with strong characters who develop in their own often unexpected ways.