Helpful Score: 11
This a very short book and a quick read. I expected to cry and feel very sad while reading it. My reaction was quite the opposite.
Written by her mother, this book describes the too-short life of Cassie Bernall. Her mother wrote very honestly and openly about her feelings of not only sadness and hurt, but also her feelings of anger and "why MY daugher?". She also did not sugarcoat a very rough period in her daughter's life when Cassie became a VERY rebellious teen (and thats putting it mildly).
Through the sadness and pain of losing a child, this book is very uplifting and reminds you of what is important in life, how to forgive, and will make you rethink your priorities. This book was about a life that was cut all too short, about a mother's love for her daughter, and her continuing struggle try to make sense of that horrible day at Columbine.
Written by her mother, this book describes the too-short life of Cassie Bernall. Her mother wrote very honestly and openly about her feelings of not only sadness and hurt, but also her feelings of anger and "why MY daugher?". She also did not sugarcoat a very rough period in her daughter's life when Cassie became a VERY rebellious teen (and thats putting it mildly).
Through the sadness and pain of losing a child, this book is very uplifting and reminds you of what is important in life, how to forgive, and will make you rethink your priorities. This book was about a life that was cut all too short, about a mother's love for her daughter, and her continuing struggle try to make sense of that horrible day at Columbine.
Nancy T. (SouthernMT) - , reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 32 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 5
This book was so good! I cried all through it, but it is so outstanding in my opinion that this young lady stood up for her belief in God even while in peril. She is truly a shining example for young people today. It is heartbreaking that she should have had to look death in the face while she stood up for her Lord, but I feel sure that God said "Well done, good and faithful servant." I would recommend this book to all young people, but she is also a truly inspiring example to all of us. Great, great book!
Bren (Breninithaca) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 377 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 4
I read this book in about an hour...and cried all the way through it. A heartfelt, moving book about one of the girls killed at Columbine.
Rachel B. (travnray) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 182 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 3
This book was not was I expected. Yes, it is a biography, but it is also very much a parenting book. It details the strained relationship between a mother and her teenager, and it gives a unique look at both sides of the story. The mother's style of writing is difficult to read at times. She's obviously not a professional, but she has an important message, if you can open your heart and read between the lines. I'm glad that I read this one.

Helpful Score: 3
Reviewed by Taylor Rector for
SHE SAID YES is the empowering story of Cassie Bernall, a victim of the Columbine High School shooting on April 20, 1999. Cassie had a gun pointed at her forehead and when asked if she believed in God she said yes. She was shot for standing up for what she believed in. Misty Bernall, Cassie's mother, wrote the book and there are many quotes from other members of her family and friends who were in the school library where Cassie was shot. There are quotes from people from her church who knew her and people that knew her from school. Cassie went through a very hard stage in her first couple of years of high school and ended up at Columbine High School because she was doing so much better. She was very involved in church and was not even scared to stand up for what she believed in.
You don't have to believe in God, go to church, or be religious in any way to fully enjoy this book. The basic question is, could you do what she did? Would you be able to stand up for what you believe in, even if that meant being killed? The only thing that I really didn't like about this book was the fact that only the first chapter was about the shooting at Columbine. The rest of the book is about Cassie and background information on her and how she ended up attending Columbine High School.
SHE SAID YES is the empowering story of Cassie Bernall, a victim of the Columbine High School shooting on April 20, 1999. Cassie had a gun pointed at her forehead and when asked if she believed in God she said yes. She was shot for standing up for what she believed in. Misty Bernall, Cassie's mother, wrote the book and there are many quotes from other members of her family and friends who were in the school library where Cassie was shot. There are quotes from people from her church who knew her and people that knew her from school. Cassie went through a very hard stage in her first couple of years of high school and ended up at Columbine High School because she was doing so much better. She was very involved in church and was not even scared to stand up for what she believed in.
You don't have to believe in God, go to church, or be religious in any way to fully enjoy this book. The basic question is, could you do what she did? Would you be able to stand up for what you believe in, even if that meant being killed? The only thing that I really didn't like about this book was the fact that only the first chapter was about the shooting at Columbine. The rest of the book is about Cassie and background information on her and how she ended up attending Columbine High School.
Helpful Score: 2
Wonderful story of Cassie's life told through her family and friends. It is also a wake up call on what our children go through and can be hiding from us because they think things are normal.
Christine A. (sportsmom) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 3 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
This is a quick read and highly recommended. It's very sad and moving but has a great message about living each day to its fullest and remembering what is important.
Diane W. (williswood) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 128 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
A wonderful story about the girl who said, yes I am a Christian before she was killed by one of the Columbine murderers.
Ashley S. (southernmommy) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 25 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Wonderful book!
Nicole D. (diazmommy) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 4 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Great story about a very sad situation. The book keeps you riveted to find out more....
Helpful Score: 1
This book is a classic. It's a touching story of a beautiful life cut short. What a tragic ending for a beautiful girl and spirit. May all the victim's of the Columbine tragedy rest in peace. The shooters were victims as well, may they also rest in peace. May the world never experience another school tragedy like this again.
Jennifer N. (MoxiesMom) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 51 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
A great book on seeing some good in the Columbine Tragedy.
Karen S. (MsMusic) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 106 more book reviews
Everyone should read this teen's story. Can we ever doubt that Satan is truly out to destroy our lives and kill us!

I was not a fan of this book. I only read about half way thru it and I was just appalled at how this lady wrote. The book was nothing at all what I expected it to be.

I read this book in a matter of hours-once I started it I didn't want to put it down!!
One of those books that makes you take your own life set it in front of you and examine it piece by piece!!!
One of those books that makes you take your own life set it in front of you and examine it piece by piece!!!
A lovely book written by a courageous young girls mother
Victoria T. (justicepirate) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 350 more book reviews
I think this book is one of the reasons why I was able to grow stronger in my faith in Christ when I read it as a teenager (I was a freshman the year she was killed). It helped me gain more courage to not be afraid and to be proud of God in every aspect.
loved it!
Awesome Book!
Tricia M. (Tricia911) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 223 more book reviews
I enjoyed this lok into Cassie Bernall's life. It was as much about her parents and their grief as it was about her. It was about them being tough love parents and pulling her back from the dark side of life only to lose her anyway. It was heart wrenching. But a great easy read.
Mark B. (semograd2000) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 13 more book reviews
Excellent read! Although it is disputed as to whether or not Cassie responded to the question, it is still a good book about a teen's journey of faith.
Gayla C. (hope7) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 109 more book reviews
give this book a 10 and Im stingy. I read it in just a few hours and it was one of those books you just cant put down once youve started reading. The Columbine tragedy has been dissected and evaluated over and over again and each time I read about it I am more convinced that there are dark powers working to destroy families and seem to focus on the youth of our society.
Cassies story was the first story of two I have read about the Columbine murders that I can foresee the vast majority of youth relating to on muliple levels. Her home conflicts and her getting into the wrong crowd and finding that this crowd was recruiting her into their dark world and how they literally would not let her go and planned out such vicious attacks on her parents, her teachers, and basically get the picture they hate all authority figures and you question their parents ability to condon such behaviour.
I think Cassies parents did the right thing in removing her from that location and that school, personally public schools are not the place for any children, because they are conducive to the bad elments in society and seem to be a place where dark powers of this world thrive and do not have the best interest of each student in mind. Her story of how well she did at a private Christian school just before transfering back to Columbine public school is just another reason for us to listen and not just hear but to take action and consider the seriousness and potential traumas to our children by placing them in public schools. How sad to think that if they had kept her in the private school this would not have happened. A lesson on many levels for all of us. Lessons on parenting, lessons on picking the right environment for our kids to learn in, lessons for teens considering getting into such lifestyles, and lastly lessons for the masses in regards to how much God does make positive differences in our lives, our families lives and our communities. God bless this family with peace that Cassie is in a better place and we all shout YES!
Cassies story was the first story of two I have read about the Columbine murders that I can foresee the vast majority of youth relating to on muliple levels. Her home conflicts and her getting into the wrong crowd and finding that this crowd was recruiting her into their dark world and how they literally would not let her go and planned out such vicious attacks on her parents, her teachers, and basically get the picture they hate all authority figures and you question their parents ability to condon such behaviour.
I think Cassies parents did the right thing in removing her from that location and that school, personally public schools are not the place for any children, because they are conducive to the bad elments in society and seem to be a place where dark powers of this world thrive and do not have the best interest of each student in mind. Her story of how well she did at a private Christian school just before transfering back to Columbine public school is just another reason for us to listen and not just hear but to take action and consider the seriousness and potential traumas to our children by placing them in public schools. How sad to think that if they had kept her in the private school this would not have happened. A lesson on many levels for all of us. Lessons on parenting, lessons on picking the right environment for our kids to learn in, lessons for teens considering getting into such lifestyles, and lastly lessons for the masses in regards to how much God does make positive differences in our lives, our families lives and our communities. God bless this family with peace that Cassie is in a better place and we all shout YES!
Ellen A. (goingup321) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 13 more book reviews
Wow! What an incredible story. Inspiring.

True story about 17 year old Cassie Bernall. Cassie walked into the library of her suburban high school the morning of April 20, 1999 she didn't know that by the end of the hour, two classmates would storm the school, guns blazing, and kill as many people as they could, including her.
Excellent book about the frightening time of the Columbine shootings. Who would ever expect in this day and age to be killed for believing in God.
Marcia K. (marwan) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 496 more book reviews
Very interesting book, but also emotional.
Gayla C. (hope7) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 109 more book reviews
I give this book a 10 and Im stingy. I read it in just a few hours and it was one of those books you just cant put down once youve started reading. The Columbine tragedy has been dissected and evaluated over and over again and each time I read about it I am more convinced that there are dark powers working to destroy families and seem to focus on the youth of our society.
Cassies story was the first story of two I have read about the Columbine murders through paperbackswap that I can foresee the vast majority of youth relating to on muliple levels. Her home conflicts and her getting into the wrong crowd and finding that this crowd was recruiting her into their dark world and how they literally would not let her go and planned out such vicious attacks on her parents, her teachers, and basically get the picture they hate all authority figures and you question their parents ability to condon such behaviour.
I think Cassies parents did the right thing in removing her from that location and that school, personally public schools are not the place for any children, because they are conducive to the bad elments in society and seem to be a place where dark powers of this world thrive and do not have the best interest of each student in mind. Her story of how well she did at a private Christian school just before transfering back to Columbine public school is just another reason for us to listen and not just hear but to take action and consider the seriousness and pttential traumas to our children by placing them in public schools. How sad to think that if they had kept her in the private school this would not have happened. A lesson on many levels for all of us. Lessons on parenting, lessons on pickig the right environment for our kids to learn in, lessons for teens considering getting into such lifestyles, and lastly lessons for the masses in regards to how much God does make positive differences in our lives, our families lives and our communities. God bless this family with peace that Cassie is in a better place and we all shout YES!
Cassies story was the first story of two I have read about the Columbine murders through paperbackswap that I can foresee the vast majority of youth relating to on muliple levels. Her home conflicts and her getting into the wrong crowd and finding that this crowd was recruiting her into their dark world and how they literally would not let her go and planned out such vicious attacks on her parents, her teachers, and basically get the picture they hate all authority figures and you question their parents ability to condon such behaviour.
I think Cassies parents did the right thing in removing her from that location and that school, personally public schools are not the place for any children, because they are conducive to the bad elments in society and seem to be a place where dark powers of this world thrive and do not have the best interest of each student in mind. Her story of how well she did at a private Christian school just before transfering back to Columbine public school is just another reason for us to listen and not just hear but to take action and consider the seriousness and pttential traumas to our children by placing them in public schools. How sad to think that if they had kept her in the private school this would not have happened. A lesson on many levels for all of us. Lessons on parenting, lessons on pickig the right environment for our kids to learn in, lessons for teens considering getting into such lifestyles, and lastly lessons for the masses in regards to how much God does make positive differences in our lives, our families lives and our communities. God bless this family with peace that Cassie is in a better place and we all shout YES!
Boyd S. (golfpro) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 41 more book reviews
Excellent and educational for parents and children. I "should have" told my teen that I didn't want him touching this book, then he might have.

Reviewed by Taylor Rector for
SHE SAID YES is the empowering story of Cassie Bernall, a victim of the Columbine High School shooting on April 20, 1999. Cassie had a gun pointed at her forehead and when asked if she believed in God she said yes. She was shot for standing up for what she believed in. Misty Bernall, Cassie's mother, wrote the book and there are many quotes from other members of her family and friends who were in the school library where Cassie was shot. There are quotes from people from her church who knew her and people that knew her from school. Cassie went through a very hard stage in her first couple of years of high school and ended up at Columbine High School because she was doing so much better. She was very involved in church and was not even scared to stand up for what she believed in.
You don't have to believe in God, go to church, or be religious in any way to fully enjoy this book. The basic question is, could you do what she did? Would you be able to stand up for what you believe in, even if that meant being killed? The only thing that I really didn't like about this book was the fact that only the first chapter was about the shooting at Columbine. The rest of the book is about Cassie and background information on her and how she ended up attending Columbine High School.
SHE SAID YES is the empowering story of Cassie Bernall, a victim of the Columbine High School shooting on April 20, 1999. Cassie had a gun pointed at her forehead and when asked if she believed in God she said yes. She was shot for standing up for what she believed in. Misty Bernall, Cassie's mother, wrote the book and there are many quotes from other members of her family and friends who were in the school library where Cassie was shot. There are quotes from people from her church who knew her and people that knew her from school. Cassie went through a very hard stage in her first couple of years of high school and ended up at Columbine High School because she was doing so much better. She was very involved in church and was not even scared to stand up for what she believed in.
You don't have to believe in God, go to church, or be religious in any way to fully enjoy this book. The basic question is, could you do what she did? Would you be able to stand up for what you believe in, even if that meant being killed? The only thing that I really didn't like about this book was the fact that only the first chapter was about the shooting at Columbine. The rest of the book is about Cassie and background information on her and how she ended up attending Columbine High School.
Great book for Teens and their parents. My daughter gave it to me to read. A sad and true story.
Very good book! It took Ms. Bernall alot of courage to write this and it gave me some new insights on life struggles.
Christine B. reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 29 more book reviews
this would be a good book to read in a youth bible study group.
Elizabeth A. (libby4200) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 8 more book reviews
Very touching story of Cassie Bernall, who was killed for beliving in God during the Columbine shootings.
Jacquelyn D. (Soapmaker) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 11 more book reviews
Heartwarming and encouraging true story of a young girl's courage.
A great and Quick read. Misty Bernall does a great job writing this book about her beautiful daughter. It has all the emotions a person can have in this book, love, happiness, angry, sadness, heartbreak and faith.
Donna T. (realtrgrl3) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 77 more book reviews
Excellent. We get to know one of the girls who was in the Columbine High School massacre, through her mother's eyes. The answer "yes" to the killer's question will stay with you.

About Cassie a 17 year old junior at Columine High School in Colorado. A modern day martyer. A typical teen having a typical day, when two rampaging classmates put a gun to her head and asked her if she believed in God. She said, "yes". With that simple word, the story of Cassie's courage in face of death was catapulted into the consciousness of an entire nation. Cassie's mother breaks her silence to recount the dramatic transformation of a daughter who had once started down a troubled path similar to that of her killers.
Ruth M. (artist5) - reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 77 more book reviews
Cassie Bernell, a 17-year-old junior at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado,
was a typical teen having a typical day, when two rampaging CLASSMATES PUT A GUN TO HER'HEAD AND ASKED HER IF SHE BELIEVED IN GOD. She said yes.
With theat simple word, the story of Cassie's courage in the face of death was catapulted into the consciousness of an entire nation.
Very good book!!
was a typical teen having a typical day, when two rampaging CLASSMATES PUT A GUN TO HER'HEAD AND ASKED HER IF SHE BELIEVED IN GOD. She said yes.
With theat simple word, the story of Cassie's courage in the face of death was catapulted into the consciousness of an entire nation.
Very good book!!
Molly M. (Shortiesport) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 45 more book reviews
This book was about Cassie Bernall who was a victim of the shooting at COlumbine High School in Littleton, Colorado
Phyllis H. reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 51 more book reviews
Cassie Bernall, a 17 year old junior at Columbine High School in Littleton Colorado, was a typical teen haveing a typical day, when two rampaging classmates put a gun to her head and asked her if she believed in God, She said Yes. With that simple word, the story of Cassie's courage in the face fo death was catapulted into the consciousness of an entire nation. Around the world, people were quick to call her a martyr. But with all teh talk about Cassie's final moment, a far more remarkable story has ben left untold. Until now. From the back cover.
HARVEY T. (mywifeluvs2read) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 36 more book reviews
Kimberley O. (stillMagnolia) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 128 more book reviews
This is the realife story of Cassie Bernall, the young girl that was killed in the school shooting in Littleton,CO in April 1999
Shannon W. reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 52 more book reviews
What a joke of a book. read columbine for the truth.

very heart warming & sad at the same time. Great book
Harold Wayne H. (HaroldWayneHamlin) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on
This is about a young girl who was killed at columbine high school. From the information in the book I think that a witch's coven was at work in the area. There may have even been child sexual abuse involved.
It is not so much the information the book covers that is interesting but the story between the lines. I am surprised that the police did not follow up on the coven possibility angle. It had the classic child abuse, coven, hand print all over what happened up there.
Wayne Hamlin
It is not so much the information the book covers that is interesting but the story between the lines. I am surprised that the police did not follow up on the coven possibility angle. It had the classic child abuse, coven, hand print all over what happened up there.
Wayne Hamlin
Beth O. (mom22blessings) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 21 more book reviews
One of the most gripping stories to come out of the shoting at Columbine High School.
Jennifer N. reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 18 more book reviews
AMAZING story for teens!
Interesting insider's view of the tragedy at Columbine written by the parent of one of the girls who was killed.
Barbara C. (kewl) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 469 more book reviews
"One of the most gripping stories to come out of the shooting at Columbine High School."
June P. (junebug4) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 42 more book reviews
How sad was that day in Colorado when 2 young gunmen went into Columbine High School and went on a shooting spree. They asked this Cassie if she believed in God and "She Said Yes" and because of that she was shot and killed. Her mother write of Cassie's troubled life before she became a Christian and how her life changed.
oops sorry about the last review. i thought i was reviewing another book... :-) anyway, great book read it in like 2 1/2 hours. large print 100 or so pages.
Lindsey G. (LinzluvsGJ) reviewed She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall on + 112 more book reviews
Wonderful book about Cassie Bernall and the shooting at Columbine and the inspiring message.