This was truly...TRULY...the worst book I have ever read in my entire life
I didn't know who Patton Oswalt was before I started reading this book. I was just looking for something to make me laugh and it came up as a recommendation for me. If I was to go by this book I would have to say that Oswalt isn't a very entertaining comedian. I decided to look him up on Youtube and found, rather, that he is quite funny. The book is so much different then his stand up. It seemed to drift from one thing to another and there wasn't very much there that made me chuckle. I grew up in the same time as he talked about and thought I could really enjoy this but I didn't. I liked some parts of the book like Dungeon & Dragons or when he went on about some of the greeting cards. But still, it didn't make me laugh or even giggle. It was more like a thought when through my head that said either "hmmm, I remember that" or "that's neat" but nothing spectacular happened. I think if you want the real depth of Oswalt then watch his stand up but stay away from the book.