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Marie N. (pottergal): PJ Swap

I wasn't going to put PJ size somewhere public, but i did update likes and dislikes on my profile last week.

Here it is, moved where it is less obvious, I hope!

For Swaps, this is the weird list of what I like and don't:

(borrowing the format from MarieE - didn't  need to change many of these items, not even the birth month! wonder is that means astrology is for real!)

I would much rather have quality over quantity. For PJs, I love Soma (great sales!) and separates, knits and cropped pants since i'm short, no shorts since I'm heavier than I ever thought I'd be. Per the list below, jewel tones or animal prints over pastels. Simple over fussy. I HATE ruffles on jammies. Also, the fabrics need to be soft and no embroidery that is rough on the back side. I have fibro and some days like today, I'm hy[er sensitive to everything. Live in the south, so I never need flannel or super heavy things. Not a nightgown fan.  Love things that are feminine but not fussy, LOVE slippery fabrics. Almost forgot that! That should give you something to work with! XL if woven fabric or running small, otherwise L usually works for tanks, knits and Soma stuff. From Target I go with XL.


Air fresheners: none

Alcohol: never

Allergies: Dust mites, mountain cedar, oranges, cats, bermuda grass

Bags: I am good for now.

Bath and Body: I am good for now unless someone has a cure for oily skin that works to take the shine off in the southern heat!

Beverages: totally hooked on Starbucks Sumatra whole beans and LOVE their Indivisible brand beans also

Birthday: March 29 back in the dark ages before electronic communication existed

Calendar: None needed.

Candles: No Candles needed at the moment.

Candy/food: dark chocolate is my downfall especially FannieMae vanilla cream bonbons, coffee bean candies from Pearsons, pretzel M&Ms, fresh fruit of any kind

Colors: deep Mediterranean blue, red, deep brown, kelly green - any deep and rich jewel tones, no pastels

Crafts: oh my. long list here and I don't do much with any of them anymore, so inspire me into action! Sewing (hooked on good fabric - silks and Indian cottons and then there is my penchant for collecting old jeans to make into things someday!), pottery which has been on hold but is about to make a comeback (looking for old lace to use for impressions in clay), drawing, want to learn to paint, used to do embroidery, crocheting but hate needing a magnifier to do it now. My artistic side got put aside a long time ago and when i dust her off she is pretty good, but needs practice!

Credits: always welcome

Decor:  rustic, (prefer old wood over peeling paint rustic) and art deco leaning more toward Amish simple than Victorian fussy

Garden/Outdoors: love my bird feeders and bath - no houses yet

Gift Cards: Lowe's, Home Depot, Starbucks, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iTunes, pampered chef

Jewelry: Can a girl ever have enough of this? I should say I do, but love original thoughts in jewelery especially if they have silver and turquoise in them!

Kids: None of my own, but provide books to local kids through some local charities

Kitchen: Need a bigger kitchen if I get more tools, but love Pampered Chef and could use silicone utensils for the new white pans I got from Lori's show!

Mailing supplies:  I can always use Scotch or Duck Brand Packaging Tape or bubble mailers for hardcover books

Misc: N/A

Movies: I'm a netflix subscriber - not a keeper item for me

Music: country and i still use and swap CDs

Pets: one cat who needs nothing and I don't wear anything with animals on it in public :-)

Restaurants: my roomie is a better cook than I, so we don't go out much

Scarves/gloves/shawls: shawls are put to good use  - love Paisley prints. otherwise it is too warm here in winter for anything else

Stationary: I think I have a good supply for now - don't use it much anymore

Tools: I love a good gadget if it works well

Wish list books: I have a few out there but not much right now - trying to catch up on reading what is here

Collect:  vintage clothing patterns from pre-1960, old photos of random people, buttons - older or original or unique - prefer interesting over quantity, lace that can be used in projects from pillows to pottery (it makes for great patterns in clay, so even small pieces with strong patterns can be useful), names and phone numbers of well read, wealthy, conservative men with country spreads :-), Starbucks Bearista bears. I have Christmas for 2009-2012 but missed the 2012 bears from the rest of the year. They are adorable and i forget to look for them till Christmas! I also have the pilot and a halloween pumpkin and would love more.

Things I Dislike (unless listed above): Anything you might classify as 'cute', Bath & Body items (unless mentioned above),  picture frames, stuff that just sits around, I have enough coffee cups to last a lifetime and I honestly don't use travel coffee mugs or can cozies

Entry added on 12/28/2012 10:51 AM
Last edited on 12/28/2012 11:12 AM
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Ron B. (RonB):


I haven't done the friend thing before and don't know if this will reach you.  My wife, Bonny Ridgway (maiden) Schimelpfenihg (prior name) Badour, went to School in Leming and Pleasanton and was raised in Verdi.  She has four sons (Steve, Chris, Tom and Sean Schimelpfening) who all graduated from Pleasanton HS.   We live in Kirby and are both retired.  I don't do much with PaperbackSwap any longer because Richard got greedy and starting charging too much (my opinion) to use his site.  I maintain an account there because I am number 1 or 2 on several books on my wishlist.  I do most of my trading on Bookmooch which is not near as slick as PBS but it is free.  Let me know if you get this:  I don't do Facebook but Bonny does.


Ron Badour



Reply added on 4/7/2019 1:26 PM
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