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Donna C. (darkcoffeeclouds) - Bulletin Board

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Donna C. (darkcoffeeclouds)'s Bulletin Board Entries

Donna C. (darkcoffeeclouds): I'm doing good so far on my reading goal but I should have added a goal not to bring in more books. I have read 5 books so far this year and while I have sent 2 of those out, and 2 others are posted I've requested 5 and ordered one physical book on amazon. I need to work more on reading books I already have and sending those out.
Entry added on 1/23/2017 7:55 PM
Donna C. (darkcoffeeclouds): Reading Goal for 2017

My reading goal for 2017 is to read at least 40 books, 20 of which have to be physical books I already have and 20 of the total have to go out of the house. I am still needing to make room on my shelves. I also want to focus on reading more historical fiction since I've read a few and really enjoyed them. If I feel good I'll read more than 40 but if my health issues give me trouble I might have a hard time with this goal. I hope this new year is a good one for me and everyone else. 

Entry added on 1/8/2017 5:10 AM
Donna C. (darkcoffeeclouds): I did it. My reading goal for 2016 was to read at least 24 books of which 12 had to leave the house. I need to make room on my shelves. This years goal only made a tiny dint so I need to go bigger in the next year.
Entry added on 12/16/2016 12:31 AM
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