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Alisa F. (Greycat133) - - Bulletin Board

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Alisa F. (Greycat133) - 's Bulletin Board Entries

Alisa F. (Greycat133) - :

Games hosted as of 10/23/13:

Young at Heart - a Young Adult WL elephant swap

Old is New Again - Classics retold elephant swap

The Unsinkable Swap - Titanic-themed swap in honor of the 100th anniversary

Star Spangled Swap - Americana/Patriotic swap to celebrate the 4th of July

Going for the Gold! - Olympics/summer games swap

Starting at the Beginning - A YA series swap

Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Reading Life for me - a Pirate themed secret identity swap

Can You Read All That - Omnibus, Anthologies, Novella Collections swap

Rise of the Janeites - A Jane Austen themed swap

Winter Masquerade Ball - A costume secret identity swap

Pick A Pair - a paired book swap

It's Game Time - A newbie swap

Books about Books - books about other books/writing swap

Let's Get Cooking! - A cookbook swap

I Wanna Travel the World - A travel themed swap

Yo Ho, Yo Ho, Voyage the Second - 2nd pirate swap

Our Furry Friends - Pet swap played in memorial of my departed cat Greysen


Entry added on 7/8/2012 1:11 AM
Last edited on 10/24/2013 11:41 PM
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