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Karen L. (wish2read) - Bulletin Board

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Karen L. (wish2read)'s Bulletin Board Entries

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Karen L. (wish2read):


I live in the beautiful mountains of East Tennessee. I am currently a SAHM. I love to read, but my favorite subjects and authors change by the season. Spring is all about gardening. At Christmas it is annual favorites such as the Paul Evans books.

In addition to reading, I love to craft, garden, DIY, and organizing. I am always looking for new interests to checkout, so there is always several other things that I can add to the list.

I have a toddler that thinks he is grown, a teenager that knows she is, and a husband that is a wannabe professional fisherman who acts like a kid. They all keep me hopping!

Happy reading and I'd love to hear from you if you want to send me a PM.

Entry added on 4/13/2008 10:04 PM
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Colleen G. (raeeleven):


I'm fairly new to this swap thing and don't check it as regularly as I should. Nor do I check my e-mail as often as I should. Just don't have time sometimes. I try to check it atleast every other day. But anyway - you are welcome to e-mail me whenever you want. My address is . I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for the invite.

~ Colleen

Reply added on 4/15/2008 5:37 PM
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Rachele K.:

Hello! I am also from East Tennessee (Jonesborough) nice to know there are others in the area that are big readers like me! My favorites are mystery/suspense like James Patterson, Stuart Woods, Nora Roberts, Sue Grafton, Jonathan Kellerman, and I could go on!

I too am taking care of a toddler. They are a handful! She is 2 1/2 and thinks she's 12. She keeps me busy along with 2 cats, 2 dogs and a fish named Nemo! Does leave little time for reading, but I squeeze it in when I can.... it's my only form of relaxation!

Happy Reading to you too! Look forward to hearing from anyone in the area.

Reply added on 5/7/2008 10:07 AM
Susan A. M. (TnTaur):

I'm in Johnson City also and have recently found a person frm Bristol and another from Kingsport on this site. Maybe we could all get together sometime?

Reply added on 8/13/2008 7:31 PM
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Rae H. (paulrae):

Hi- I am in Jonesborough too- I am a foster parent and bio parent to two boys 7 & 5. Love to ready mysteries/ suspense and anything vampire.

Reply added on 10/1/2008 6:57 PM
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Kelly L. (CraftyGardenerTN):

Hi there! I live just outside Johnson City in Limestone and would love to chat sometime! I homeschool my 14, soon to be 15, year old daughter and hub travels a lot. I am a very artsy person and very down to earth. Some of my fave things are painting, beading, sculpting, paper crafts, mixed media, nature, gemstones and crystals, alternative healing, traveling, reading fantasy and much more.

Reply added on 1/15/2009 3:49 AM
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