order 1 & PM the title of the second book you'd like.
Entry added on 7/10/2006 5:01 PM
Maggie D. (wiccania): danse macabre - stephen kingi'm reading danse macabre for the first time since my attempt in 8th grade. when i was a kid it was just too dry for my interest. but now that i'm old enough to understand much of what king is saying, it's really a good book. i find myself taking notes of various horror movies and books that i want to find and enjoy. especially the books.
One of the books King lists is THE DELICATE DEPENDENCY by Michael Talbot. It's been out of print for at least a decade, but if you can find it, it's really worth a read. The premise is that vampires are the Illuminati, the unknown men who rule the world. Being practically immortal, they can make plans that take centuries and millennia to unfold. The story takes place in the Victorian era, and involves a scientist gets drawn into the world of the vampires. My description is not worthy of the spell this book will cast on you.
or at least until i decide to take it off my profile... 2 for 1 on paperbacks... hell, if someone requests two hardcovers i'll give em 2 for 1 on those, too. it's definitely a good way to clear out some of the clutter... my bookshelf is standing room only.
i need to find another 90+ lot of books on ebay for $10. that was a good deal.
must find ways to get my son to start talking -- well, not so much talking as enunciating. he talks plenty, we just can't understand what he's saying because he doesn't enunciate.
so if anyone's reading this and has a suggestion, by all means...
My son David is 16 and has high-functioning Aspberger's. Until he was 4 or 5, his only utterances were echolalic repetitions from Thomas the Tank Engine videos. How old is your son? What level of functioning is he at? Have you tried speech therapy?