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Elvira M. (spicedlatte) - Reviews

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Deeper We Fall
Deeper We Fall
Author: Chelsea M. Cameron
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 2/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/15/2014

Oh man... As much as I wanted to love this book, I did not feel any connection to the character or the story. Don't get me wrong, the book could have had so much more potential but it just wasn't for me.

The beginning was fantastic! Story begins with the tragedy that Lottie had to experience where her best friend got into the car accident. After two years she still blames herself for the accident but wants to start new at college where she and her twin will be attending. On the first day of being there she realizes that no other than Zack Parker is attending the same college with his brother Zan who were the ones that caused the accident. Right when she wanted a fresh start, the fame seems to have a different answer.

Now.. Why this is not for me:

1. Many times, I dislike Lottie. It's just the way she talks to people makes me want to shake her up and say STOP! I know that it's supposed to be cute when she rambles on about things because she gets nervous but the things she says makes me want to skip a chapter just so I wouldn't have to be in her head.

2. Zan is a romantic. Period. & Lottie.... Well she is not. Whenever Zan has something sweet to say, I always felt like Lottie had some simple, out of place response coming.I was going to add many quote-follow ups for this but my Kindle died at the last minute and I couldn't find my charger!

3. The big secret that Zan was seeming to have wasn't even that mysterious after all. It actually made him kind of look like a regular guy after that which was a big turn off.

4. Everything just seems to happen. I understand there are coincidences but when they are in almost every chapter, it gets really tiring. Oh Zack just seems to be Lottie's new roommate's boyfriend; Zan is her twin brother's dorm neighbor; they bump into each other everywhere; Stryker becomes Zan's friend... BUT WAIT! Stryker also has a sister Trish who actually is Lottie's new coworker! Oh man! What a cute little family.

So overall, I don't think I can give this book more than 3 stars because Zan really won me over. & this could have been an amazing book because of its potential but again, it wasn't really for me.

Delirium (Delirium, Bk 1)
Delirium (Delirium, Bk 1)
Author: Lauren Oliver
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.8/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/15/2014

Re-read January 2014 - because it's just so good!

After years of loving Delirium and re-reading it now, I realized that I never fully finished the book. And now I am sitting here after being finished with the book and dont even know what to say. The love, the pain, the shock, and the raw feelings from this story broke my heart all over again.

I know that the whole pointthe only pointis to find the things that matter, and hold on to them, and fight for them, and refuse to let them go.

Best part about experiencing this book as Audiobook the great narrator. Sarah Drew really outdid herself and really made my heart flutter with the expressions. There are no more words that I can say which can tell how beautiful and absolutely perfect this was. Turns out I suck at positive review because I am so overwhelmed with emotions but seriously guys - its amazing

It's amazing how words can do that, just shred your insides apart. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me - such bullshit.

The Essence (Pledge, Bk 2)
The Essence (Pledge, Bk 2)
Author: Kimberly Derting
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.2/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/15/2014

It has been few months since Charlie became the Queen of Ludania. So many things has changed: new place to live, new responsibilities, New Equality law. But what hasn't changed is Sabara. She is still inside of Charlie - taunting her during nights, trying to gain power.

When the Ambassador arrives from the northern country, Charlie is invited to a Summit where she could have a chance establishing more connections that could help her country. But before she is scheduled to live, there is a threat against her life. During second book of Pledge Series, Charlie will find herself trying to fight Sabara, figure out her feelings with Niko, and try to stay herself without listening to the voice inside of her.

What a great addition to the series! From the beginning, I wasn't sure if I liked Charlie. She presented herself as an immature girl who is not happy with anything. But as the book went on, I really gained a lot of respect for her and what she was trying to do for the country. All of the side characters were amazing as well. This time we actually get to hear Brooklyn's side of the story which makes us see the softer side of the Commander.

I couldn't stop reading. The only reason behind 4.5 star rating is because I couldn't connect with any of the characters from the beginning. But I turned the pages as the story went on and loved it! Cannot wait for the next book in the series - The Offering.

Fiddlehead (Clockwork Century, Bk 5)
Fiddlehead (Clockwork Century, Bk 5)
Author: Cherie Priest
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/15/2014

Gideon Bardsley is a genius when it comes to inventing but being hunted by assassins is something he could not have predicted. His new machine, the brilliant Fiddlehead, could calculate and predict events in the future based on simple facts. Why someone wants to destroy it is one question that needs to be resolved before it is too late.

Belle Boyd has been employed with Pinkerton Detective Agency or Pinks after getting somewhat retired from Confederacy. After getting an assignment from Abraham Lincoln to find out who put a threat on Fiddhead, she finds herself following the road which leads her to discovering the awful truth about the disease that was generated from gas. During all the events that happened, she needs to be careful who to trust and who to blame for the situation of United States.

Perfect ending to a great series. Steam-punk has been getting very popular among readers and I can definitely see why. The alternative retelling of history was exciting and gave me a new perspective on the this subgenre and it might be my favorite one. Cherie Priest has become one of the authors to watch for and I cannot to read more of her work!

Hopeless (Hopeless, Bk 1)
Hopeless (Hopeless, Bk 1)
Author: Colleen Hoover
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/14/2014
Helpful Score: 1


The moment my lips touch yours, it will be your first kiss. Because if you've never felt anything when someone's kissed you, then no one's ever really kissed you. Not the way I plan on kissing you.

SUMMARY. Sky was adopted thirteen years ago, or thats what her mother, Karen, told her. She didnt remember who her father was and she didnt really had the urge to find out. All of the memories from her childhood were faded away and she didnt feel like exploring any of it. She was happy. She had Six, her amazing best friend, and she was finally going to a real high school after being homeschooled for many years. Her love life has never been very advanced despite anything that she tried because she never felt anything. The only reason why she would make out with guys is because it made her feel numb. One day she goes to get some groceries and meets Holder, beautiful and absolutely hot guy that makes her get butterflies and feel like she cant even remember her own name. It feels like she known him her whole life and his words Its like he always knows how to say the most perfect thing. But its not until she finds out the truth about herself, about Holder, Karen, and even her father who makes her wish she never find out in the first place.

THOUGHTS: O.M.G. I CRIED.I cried so much, I still want to cry just thinking about it. I seriously never thought that just a few words can bring that kind of a twist to the story and makes my heart ache for her. I usually dont tell any of the books to my boyfriend (mostly because he doesnt really care) but I made him listen to this one! After every single twist I would start cussing and crying and had to tell him what was going on! I could tell he liked it as well. But back to the book. I think that I have never seen a more beautiful writing. There were so many kissing scenes and each one of them just made you feel like it was their first kiss. I got blushed a couple of times during the book and it was nothing more than kissing. I love how caring Holder was and how the feelings were expressed all throughout the book. Fascinating! But seriously though. Read this book, it will make you cry and you will love it.

Impostor: A Variants Novel
Impostor: A Variants Novel
Author: Susanne Winnacker
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/15/2014

Super girl with special powers that can transfer her into anyone that she wants? And she works for Forces with Extraordinary Abilities, a secret branch of the FBI. The summary sounded so good and I could wait to start reading this.

I wouldn't say that the story disappointed me but I expected a little more from it. It's a well written story but there is nothing memorable about it. The feel of the story feels... ordinary. There is mystery but the way Tessa was behaving was mostly concentrating on her emotions and how she felt about herself instead of actually getting to mystery-solving part.

I still would consider reading the next book in this series just to find out what will happen and hope it will be more exciting :)

Kissing Fire
Kissing Fire
Author: A. M. Hargrove
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 0.5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/15/2014

Little overview before I start getting into my thoughts about this read. Avery is a rich girl that was always close to everyone in her family except her mother. She never knew the need for money but she always wanted to make it out on her own. When she receives a new job in Seattle, she leaves without second guessing and very excited to start her new job. Once shes in Seattle, she decides to visit her brother that she havent spoken with in a while. But when she gets there, she meets her brothers wifes brother who is staying with them for few nights. Without trying to reveal his identity, he calls himself Just Miles. Shes immediately attracted to him and wants nothing more than jump his bones. The next day when she has to face the danger, she needs to leave everyone behind to hide in Prestons cabin to avoid being seen by the drug cartel thats chasing him down.

Soooo That damn cover. I can drool over that cover for hours. And the first quarter of the book really made me happy becausepretty cover = amazing-new-favorite-book, right? SO WRONG!!! After that quarter passed and the gorgeous DEA agent Preston met Avery, it all went to hell. Heres a little overview of my status update that I pulled from Goodreads so you can see the progression of my thoughts:

1% "O.M.G.! The cover is to DIE for!!!! So excited for this book."

10% "Hahahahahahaha omg!!!!! This is the funniest thing that could EVER happen! Poor FBI agent must have been so embarrassed! Lol"

15% " My oh my... Sounds like "Just Miles" might have those dimples on his ass that I want to bite into! -drool-"

23% "I moved my mouth back down Just Miles' abs and his towel had parted. Good heavens, I now felt like Moses did at Red Sea. I started purring to the tune of "Hallelujah"!!"

43% ""Honey, I don't give a damn about your mother's approval" - Ummmmm I'm confused. Wasn't he supposed to be a badass DEA agent? Because right now he sounds more like my gay best friend."

85% "If somebody is not gonna be chased or shot, I'm so giving up on this book. I want action not the sleazy, puppy love :/"

99% "Mehhh... What a waste of time. Review coming up -.-"

That pretty much sums it up. I mean seriously, the badass DEA agent is supposed to be the hot guy here and after sobbing about how unworthy he is, it just makes him look like a pussy. And Avery! Im sorry but she just turned out to be dumb (+ very very very self-conscious without a decent reason) in my eyes.

When Preston tells her that they havent been in danger for few weeks and he just wanted to be with her, she flips out and moves away for months. She literally drops everything and says that her heart is broken and she does not know how to live with herself. I mean seriously! Just a bad expression of a conflict in a book that couldve been made so much better.

Would I purchase this? Hell yes, that cover still makes me drool!

Would I ask for a refund? You know it!

Love Water Memory
Love Water Memory
Author: Jennie Shortridge
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.8/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/15/2014

"What is love, she wondered, and what is memory? Where did the two intercect, and when would it no longer matter what came first..?"

This wasn't a thriller or the type of book that you may consider as an adventure. This is a heartfelt, deep story filled with raw emotions that makes you think about your own actions.

When Lucie Walker found herself at San Francisco Bay not remembering who she was, she knew that something terrible had happened. She had no memory of who she was but the things around her made her feel real. As in she could find out who this Lucie really was. But then she finds out that she has fiance and they are supposed to get married in just few months.

Lucie finds herself trying to remember the person she's supposed to love while Grady finds himself trying to love a person who is the same but completely different. With slow pace but honestly, Love Water Memory is the kind of book that wants you to look at the person next to you and think about what would happen if that happened to you. It's not a fun little read that you can breeze through, it is a story of a mental battle of woman who has a second chance to find herself and start from blank slate.

Orange is the New Black: My Year in a Women's Prison (Audio CD) (Unabridged)
Review Date: 1/15/2014

Listening Length: 11 hours and 14 minutes
Version: Unabridged Audiobook
Publisher: Tantor Audio
Narrated by: Cassandra Campbell

This was a great example of why we should never judge the book by its TV Show. After watching Orange is The New Black on Netflix, I thought that it was pretty good with good story line and entertaining subject. However, the book was entirely different from the set up, the story line, and side characters.

If you are a relatively small woman, and a man at least twice your size is bellowing at you in anger, and youre wearing a prisoners uniform, and he has a pair of handcuffs on his belt, I dont care how much of a badass you think you are, youll be fucking scared

After 10 years of carrying a case full of drug money, Piper has to do 15 months in prison. From trying to learn how to adjust to prison rules to finding people that she grows very affectionate for this memoir is definitely worth reading. For those who already watched the series before they read a book its not rated R as they show in the book and unfortunately, we do not get to hear the story from the other prisoners POV.

So if youre interesting in a story about minimum security, I would suggest checking it out. I have never been a big biography fan but this book made me re-think that.

Pawn (Blackcoat Rebellion, Bk 1)
Pawn (Blackcoat Rebellion, Bk 1)
Author: Aimee Carter
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.6/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/15/2014

Survive the streets. Obey the rules. Pass the test & proof that youre worthy to help the society.

Kitty Doe has lived with forty other children since she was little. Studying for the big test that will determined her rank in the society is everything that she is focusing on with her boyfriend Benjy. The day she turns 17, she will know what the rest of her life will look like. But when she receives a III, she knows that being in sewage maintenance forever can only mean one thing she is doomed and she will never see Benjy again. But Kitty doesnt give up and will fight.

When she meets Daxton Hart and he offers her to be the higher level there is she knows to take that chance. Being higher rank means she can still be with Benjy and keep him safe. But she will never expected the events that occurred after she has been masked stripped of her identity to take a face of Lila Hart the second heir to the nations throne.

This was an amazing read. I loved reading about the world structure and the ranking that took place in the book. Reading about the history of why the ranking was put in place made a lot of sense and I could see that happen in real life. With Dystopian side of the story, there was enough action and romance to keep it interesting and make reader get engaged with all the characters. This might sound bad but the author made me vote for Kitty to be with Knox but I guess I just have to wait until the second book and see! ;)

The Pledge (Pledge, Bk 1)
The Pledge (Pledge, Bk 1)
Author: Kimberly Derting
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.8/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/15/2014

My breath is my pledge to worship my queen about all others.
My breath is my pledge to obey the laws of my country.
My breath is my pledge to respect my superiors.
My breath is my pledge to contribute to the progress of my class.
My breath is my pledge to report all who would do harm to my queen and country.
As I breathe, I pledge.

The aging Queen of Ludania has no heir and unless she can find a female that can replace her, her soul will die and the country will be in danger. In order to keep control, every established class had their own language that only they could speak.

Charlie has a secret that her parents told her to never share.. with anyone. She could understand every single language out there which can get her killed. When she meets Max at one of the underground clubs, she is intrigued by him. Every time he is near, she can sense his presence and cannot get enough of it no matter how hard she tries to ignore it. But there is more secret to Ludania that she could have ever imagine beyond the City Walls.

Seeing everyones reviews on Goodreads, I wasnt sure what to think of this book. It was a fast read for me but the story was very captivating. Connection between Charlie and Max was memorizing and I enjoy reading about their progressed friendship. I cant wait to start reading the second book in this series.

Rush (Breathless, Bk 1)
Rush (Breathless, Bk 1)
Author: Maya Banks
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.6/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/14/2014
Helpful Score: 2

Gabe wanted Mia for years just as she wanted him. When he finally decides to take that step, he makes her sign a contract to ensure that his public figure will not be compromised. Things between them heat up fast and as soon as Mia signs it, shes expected to be in his will. But what scares her the most is that she loves it. and she might not ever recover after a man like Gabe Hamilton.

He kissed her as though he were starved for her. Like he'd been held away from her and had finally broken free. It was the kind of kiss that lived only in her fantasies. No one had ever made her feel so..consumed.

The story was a little much for me since Im not very big on erotica. But since there was a lot of story to it, I still enjoyed reading about Gabe and Mia and how their relationship progressed. I wish I could have seen more emotions throughout the book and not just dirty, rough sex scenes that were getting boring very fast.

You can't control everything. You can't control how someone feels about you. Or what makes them tick. You can only control how you react, how you act, how you think and feel.

Best part of the book was definitely the ending. It was emotional, beautiful, and sweet. Something that the rest of the story lacked. I hope that second book in Breathless Trilogy will be better.

Strands of Bronze and Gold (Strands of Bronze and Gold, Bk 1)
Strands of Bronze and Gold (Strands of Bronze and Gold, Bk 1)
Author: Jane Nickerson
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 2/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/15/2014

What was supposed to be an amazing and extravagant retelling of Bluebeard turned out to be a dull comparison even to a simple, average Fiction book.

When an author decides to do a retelling of any tale, there needs to be some sort of criteria that makes it exciting, breathtaking, and memorizing. The only thing that was exciting about this book was the ending (with about 5 pages of chasing and stabbing)..

Monsieur Bernard de Cressac (a.k.a. Bluebeard) was a creepy and pedophile-ish Frenchman who gave me the shivers so thumps up on that. I couldnt find him charming at any point of the book but Im not sure if it was the writing or the bad accent of narrator. Either way if this story would be intriguing, the reader should have been able to fall in love with him at least for a moment to break their hearts later. But that didnt happen.

Jane Nickersons writing is elegant but dull and if this was more of a historian fiction might have worked. But once the story takes turn to be a retelling it captures different kind of audience and in this case the right material just wasnt delivered right.

Teardrop (Teardrop, Bk 1)
Teardrop (Teardrop, Bk 1)
Author: Lauren Kate
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/15/2014

Sooooo... that was interesting I guess. Still don't understand why this book got so much buzz but at least somebody out there in marketing does their job *thumbs up*

But I'm still sad that I wasted one whole credit in Audible on this. I don't know if I'm the only one who treasures my credits but if I get a book, I expect it to be awesome sauce no matter what. I seriously feel like Gollum and just wanna say: "my preeeeeeeeecious" when I click that confirm button with the book added.

I guess the 13 hours that my brain had to process Teardropwasn't as bad because it gave me some background noise while I was working away. Of course, I might have tuned out some extremely boring parts (ahem - like Eureka being an irritating brat for the thousandth time - ahem) but still got the story.

I do have to say that the ending definitely made that one more star because of turns of events that followed the story. Yes, I still very disliked Eureka's characters and just wanted her to shut up so I can hear everyone else talk, but managed to finished the book.

The only thing that I really liked about Teardrop is mythology side of it. It wasn't anything special but I always loved the story of Atlantis and wanted to hear more about it. Loved the side characters as well. Pretty much everyone except Eureka lol

Uninvited (Uninvited, Bk 1)
Uninvited (Uninvited, Bk 1)
Author: Sophie Jordan
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.6/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/15/2014
Helpful Score: 1

Uninvited is the kind of book that you cannot give up to. The thrill and the adventure only begins in the second part of the book that makes you question the blurred line between dystopian genre and the real world.

With high violence rate, 2021 brings promise where everyone is required to get tested for HTS a gene that is also known as Homicidal Tendency Syndrome, or kill gene. People that have this gene are dangerous to society and eventually will snap and kill someone. Before Davy Hamilton got tested positive for HTS, she was the girl that everyone wanted to be. Popular, talented, accepted to Juilliard, and with the hot boyfriend who will do anything for her. But when everyone finds out that she is a carrier, they see her as a monster. Someone who will eventually snap. Davy is forced to go to a different school with other carriers where the real threat is not what the outside the Cage, but on the inside.

First 60% was definitely sometimes out of Chick-Lit genre. Girl likes a boy and then theres a big tragedy and he rejects her with her best friend betraying her back. Davy was a typical teenager with thinking a little too high of herself. I wasnt sure if I was going to like this book because of the way she acted. Her simple I am better so I cannot be a carrier demeanor was a complete turn off.

However. Once you get to the second part of the book, this is where the action begins. With military grade training and high alert security, the world-building becomes less of a reality. You can clearly see the switch that was made in Devy and her realization that only the strongest will survive. She became strong, fearless, and simply amazing.

White Trash Beautiful (White Trash, Bk 1)
White Trash Beautiful (White Trash, Bk 1)
Author: Teresa Mummert
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/15/2014

"I'm not naive. I know I don't get the happily ever after. My knight in shining armor took the highway detour around this godforsaken shit hole."

White Trash Beautiful is the reality based book that you know is fiction but you still know there there are girls out there like Cass who are going through the same thing. Living in trailer park with a druggie boyfriend, trying to make ends meet, and hopefully save up some money to live out in the city. The situation is so close to the truth, it makes your heart hurt while you read it.

"After being told for so long that I was worthless and no one else would want me, I began to believe it. I always put on a strong face for others."

Meeting Tucker in the diner has been like a fairytale where she meets the prince who will save her from her sad reality. But she knows that it cannot be true, even though Tucker keeps telling her that she is worth better then the life she has and needs to try harder.

"I don't care about where you came from or who is waiting for you at home. Tonight is just you and me, Cass. No one else matters."

Romance between Cass and Tucker was mesmerizing. Her pushing him away made sense and it broke my heart to try to hold on to something happy in her life. I was trying to figure out what was his reasoning behind being nice was but as the story went on, he was exactly how you want a hot rockstar be - charming and sweet. Not going to be my new favorite but I definitely liked the flow of the story and cannot get my hands on the second book.

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