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Review Date: 1/29/2009
Helpful Score: 1
I love memoirs, but I found this one to be just fair. It's an excellent story and insight into his life, and the amount of tragedy his family has to endure is unbelievable. However, I didn't particularly care for his writing style; there were too many repeated details, then jumping around, then lack of explanation for huge changes in his life. I see that he has another memoir that focuses on one of these times of big chnage, and I'm putting that on my wish list. I believe in second chnaces. :)
Review Date: 1/29/2009
I did not like this at all. I usually enjoy this genre and was every excited to read it after reading the synopsis; but I found it bizarre and flat. I couldn't wait to finish it, and I skimmed the last 50 pages or so.
Review Date: 1/29/2009
Good story, and the main character is completely unique; but I'm not a fan of his writing style.
Review Date: 1/29/2009
One of the best books I've ever read. I love memoirs, and this one was amazing. She tells her story with explicit emotion, and she has such strength.
Review Date: 1/29/2009
Helpful Score: 2
I love Jon Stewart, but I was left saying wtf? about this book. I tried to get through the first two essays and then promptly relisted the book. It did not engage me at all.
Review Date: 1/29/2009
Helpful Score: 2
I learned one terrific lesson from this book, but other than that, it was really an author's 200 page ode to her greatness and her S&M ability - Seduce & Manipulate. By the end, I was screaming in my head, YES! We know that you were the first woman xxx already. She has broken many barriers, and she has an admirable career; but she is certainly full of herself. Although I guess it would be difficult not be when you have achieved so much.
White House Nannies: True Tales from the Other Department of Homeland Security
Book Type: Hardcover
Book Type: Hardcover
Review Date: 1/29/2009
Helpful Score: 1
I really enjoyed The Nanny Diaries, so I was looking forward to reading this story. I say skip it and read The Nanny Diaries instead. While the book tries to center around one family's journey, she throws in a million other 3-sentence anecdotes throughout every chapter. The writing wasn't that engaging, and it was completely unorganized.
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