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Review Date: 11/21/2018
Gift copy!
This is our second copy of this book and I'm sure it won't be the last. First received as a baby shower gift we started to read it to our oldest at about 6mon when she got interested in longer stories. The pages are bright and colorful with wonderful details....and even though the yellow potty puddles on that page are a little gross it's still a nice detail. We've used this book as a look and find and taught my daughter and now teaching my son to count with it. It's been read almost every night in our home for close to 2years now and both my little ones love it and have yet to tire of it. Now my 32mon old will help read it to her 12mon old little brother.
This is our second copy of this book and I'm sure it won't be the last. First received as a baby shower gift we started to read it to our oldest at about 6mon when she got interested in longer stories. The pages are bright and colorful with wonderful details....and even though the yellow potty puddles on that page are a little gross it's still a nice detail. We've used this book as a look and find and taught my daughter and now teaching my son to count with it. It's been read almost every night in our home for close to 2years now and both my little ones love it and have yet to tire of it. Now my 32mon old will help read it to her 12mon old little brother.
Review Date: 9/11/2013
Beautiful gift book. Motherhood is a blessing, a joy, a privilege, and a responsibility of eternal significance, but it is also equal parts the source of disappointment, discarded dreams, loss of identity and chronic fatigue. The 100 Most Important Bible Verses for Mothers is just that-verses to encourage you, comfort you, teach you and inspire you as a mom yes, but also as a woman, a wife, a friend, a daughter and most importantly, a unique child of God. There is a verse for the days when you delight in the little guy who won't take off his Superman cape and the days when you would rather lose a limb than do another load of laundry. There is a verse for the days when you can't remember who you were before you were Ashley's mom and a verse for the days you are so proud of Scott and the man he is growing up to be, you can't remember a greater joy than being his mom. The 100 Most Important Bible Verses for Mothers speaks directly to the hearts of moms everywhere.
Review Date: 10/5/2014
Cora Felton, the Puzzle Lady, is in a tizzy as she drives her niece, Sherry, and her husband to the Bakerhaven, Connecticut, hospital to have their first baby. There is good reason for the tizzy. Sherry, as fans of this series know, is the real genius behind Coras crossword puzzles, and if Sherry cant write them, will Cora be outed as a fraud? Complicating matters further, the towns lawyer, Becky Baldwin, seeks Coras assistance with a blackmail case. Following the first clue, which comes in the form of a Sudoku (Cora knows her Sudoku better than she does her crosswords), the Puzzle Lady sets off to do the drop of $10,000 in blackmail money. Simple task, it would seem, until Cora finds a body in the Dumpster. What follows is a farcical romp involving after-hours hospital visits to get Sherrys assistance with crossword-puzzle clues, snatching the Sudoku and crossword clues before the police find them, and dealing with the arrival of an ex-husband, judicial threats, and nighttime wanderings through a cemetery. Great fun for series fans, who will be pleased to know that mother and daughter are doing well.
Review Date: 11/15/2011
This book is great for giving many ideas from many languages in baby names, meanings and combinations. Do you want a new and original name for your baby?,then this book is for you.
Review Date: 6/29/2015
For a fresh collection of stylish color schemes, look no further than 1001 Ideas for Color & Paint. Featured ideas range from contemporary treatments to traditional looks, in everything from bold colors to pretty pastels. Readers will also find professional advice for choosing paint and color, descriptions of numerous popular paint techniques, and variations on color themes on a room-by-room basis presented in sketchbook-style illustrations. Over 1,000 color palettes, photographs, and illustrations provide inspiration and tips for success. With 1001 Ideas for Color & Paint readers can give every room in their home a brand new look.
Review Date: 1/12/2012
Treating diabetes can get complicated, especially when you consider the bewildering number of Medications that must be integrated with diet and exercise. Here you will find answers to 101 of the most common questions about diabetes and medications. This is an indispensable reference for anyone with type 1, type 2, or gestational diabetes.
Review Date: 5/5/2014
This is a beautiful gift book, currently being sold on Guideposts website. It is written by Rick Hamlin, an editor at Guideposts. He lives in New York City In Manhattan and interweaves his life with the interestingness of living in New York City. His wife, 2 sons and him live in a apartment building; 500 units coop that share the same laundry room. Only you buy these apartments and I am sure at a premium price. He sees the goodness of the people in New York, And this has a year's devotions with a Bible text and short, and I do mean short story.I could not put it down till I finished reading it. Rick is a very gifted writer and I must say New York City and the Bible interwoven were quite interesting. I loved his descriptions. He described in a short paragraph an old house his friends bought and it was so rundown I doubt that anyone would have bought it except in New York City. His descriptions are short and concise.He is an excellent writer. I also found it interesting how the New York folks regardless of race and /or religion work together to help one another.This is a 10++++ book.
Review Date: 6/25/2020
Beautiful gift copy! I just got this book a couple of weeks ago but it is not one you have to read straight through...it is a nibble kind of book worth every moment I spend reading. So many good ideas. I have not read about the part that tells me that the most important thing to do before you die is working to gain the kindgom of heaven more Christ center saved Christians. It is what Christ died for, to save us from our sins. "I am the light and the truth and the way, no one comes to the Father but through Me." It may be in this book somewhere.... I surely do hope so... before I finish reading the entire book.
Review Date: 6/3/2012
Dear Reader, Guess what? I'm falling in love! With Mack McAfee. My baby daughter, Noelle, and I have been living next door to Mack since the spring. I'm still a little wary about our relationship, because I haven't always made good decisions when it comes to men. My baby's father, David Rhodes, is testament to that. I9;m so worried he might sue for custody.
In the meantime, the World War II letters I found are a wonderful distraction. Both Mack and I are trying to learn what happened to the soldier who wrote them and the woman he loved.
Come by sometime for a glass of iced tea and I'll show you the letters. Plus I'll tell you the latest about Grace and Olivia, my brother Linc and his wife, Lori (who tied the knot about five minutes after they met!), and all our other mutual friends. Oh, and maybe Mack can join usMary jo Wyse. This is a great read.
In the meantime, the World War II letters I found are a wonderful distraction. Both Mack and I are trying to learn what happened to the soldier who wrote them and the woman he loved.
Come by sometime for a glass of iced tea and I'll show you the letters. Plus I'll tell you the latest about Grace and Olivia, my brother Linc and his wife, Lori (who tied the knot about five minutes after they met!), and all our other mutual friends. Oh, and maybe Mack can join usMary jo Wyse. This is a great read.
Review Date: 6/3/2012
Dear Listener, You've probably heard that my wife has left me. Rachel's pregnant, and she says that she can't handle the stress in our household anymore. My thirteen-year-old daughter, Jolene, is jealous of her. Maybe it's my fault. As a widower I spoiled her -- Jolene was reading over my shoulder just now and says that's not true. She claims Rachel ruined everything. But that's not true. The real question is: How can I get my wife back? I don't even know where she is. She's not with Teri Polgar or any of her other friends from the salon. The other question is... when will Jolene grow up and stop acting like such a brat? Of course, I'm not the only one in town with problems. Linc Wyse's father-in-law is trying to destroy his business. And you know Charlotte Rhodes? Seems she's becoming forgetful, and the family's worried about her and Ben. Lots of other stuff going on -- but Rachel is better at keeping up with it than I am. If you have any idea where my wife is, please give me a call. Please. This is a great read.
Review Date: 3/24/2018
This is a small gift book with 64 pages, but I loved it.It is definitely for a cat lover. A lot is said in this little book Granny has a tabby cat Rudolpha whom loves to look at her Christmas Tree and Rudolpha sees herself in an ornament and as cats are prone to do begins to bat the ornament. What a fun game says Rudolpha!
"Sitting in the bay window, unperturbed and appearing rather self satisfied as alway,was Rudolpha." Then there is a picture that pops out of Rudolpha under the christmas tree.
Granny loves cats so she bakes cat Christmas cookies. Of course, Rudolpha that character of act is watching.
Granny's granddaughter Wendy, Bumps her head sledding and convalesces for several days witha soft, purring Big Green eyed cat .Yes, you guessed Rudolpha. You see Rudolpha was no ordinary cat.I would say that she acts more like a human.
So if you want to know more! Read the book!
"Sitting in the bay window, unperturbed and appearing rather self satisfied as alway,was Rudolpha." Then there is a picture that pops out of Rudolpha under the christmas tree.
Granny loves cats so she bakes cat Christmas cookies. Of course, Rudolpha that character of act is watching.
Granny's granddaughter Wendy, Bumps her head sledding and convalesces for several days witha soft, purring Big Green eyed cat .Yes, you guessed Rudolpha. You see Rudolpha was no ordinary cat.I would say that she acts more like a human.
So if you want to know more! Read the book!
Review Date: 6/15/2012
The people of Cedar Cove know how to celebrate Christmas. Like Grace and Olivia and everyone else, Beth Morehouse expects this Christmas to be one of her best. Her small Christmas-tree farm is prospering, her daughters and her dogs are happy and well, and her new relationship with local vet Ted Reynolds is showing plenty of romantic promise.
Butsomeone recently left a basket filled with puppies on her doorstep, puppies she's determined to place in good homes. That's complication number one. And number two is that her daughters Bailey and Sophie have invited their dad, Beth's ex-husband, Kent, to Cedar Cove for Christmas. The girls have visions of a mom-and-dad reunion dancing in their heads.
As always in life -- and in Cedar Cove -- there are surprises, too. More than one family's going to have a puppy under the tree. More than one scheme will go awry. And more than one romance will have a happy ending!
Great gift copy! I loved this book.
Butsomeone recently left a basket filled with puppies on her doorstep, puppies she's determined to place in good homes. That's complication number one. And number two is that her daughters Bailey and Sophie have invited their dad, Beth's ex-husband, Kent, to Cedar Cove for Christmas. The girls have visions of a mom-and-dad reunion dancing in their heads.
As always in life -- and in Cedar Cove -- there are surprises, too. More than one family's going to have a puppy under the tree. More than one scheme will go awry. And more than one romance will have a happy ending!
Great gift copy! I loved this book.
Review Date: 12/28/2014
A Mother with 3 children is widowed right before Christmas in a true story In Dayton, Ohio. A Good Samaritan family gives them hope by leaving them the 12 gifts of Christmas. This is an excellent story about helping others at Christmas time. The beginning is sad the dad dies in his sleep of a heart attack and leaves mom with 3 grieving children. She is grieving and can not accept what happened to her husband so that she can not help her children. A strangers gifts lead them to healing.VEry good true story.
Review Date: 8/27/2012
On March 8, 1421, the largest fleet the world had ever seen set sail from China to "proceed all the way to the ends of the earth to collect tribute from the barbarians beyond the seas." When the fleet returned home in October 1423, the emperor had fallen, leaving China in political and economic chaos. The great ships were left to rot at their moorings and the records of their journeys were destroyed. Lost in the long, self-imposed isolation that followed was the knowledge that Chinese ships had reached America seventy years before Columbus and had circumnavigated the globe a century before Magellan. And they colonized America before the Europeans, transplanting the principal economic crops that have since fed and clothed the world.
Beautiful Gift Copy!
Beautiful Gift Copy!
Review Date: 1/18/2020
Priscilla is thrilled when her friend Eliza Jamison solicits her help with a special surprise wedding gift for her husband-to-be, Carson Fletcher. Unbeknownst to Carson, Eliza has purchased a perfectly restored classic 1957 Chevy Bel Airâa convertible, no lessâand is having it delivered to the island. But when the car arrives and is stored in Gerald's garage, it vanishesâjust thirty-six hours before the wedding ceremony. Priscilla is distraught and feels personally responsible for its disappearance, so she sets out to find the classic car. Can she find and return the vehicle to its rightful owners in time for the nuptials, or will Eliza's dreams of riding off into the sunset with her new husband be crushed?
Review Date: 6/28/2020
The family in this story needed to move from Boise, Idaho, to Boulder, Colorado. They had four horses and a wagon, for which they made a canvas cover. Because they felt it would be safer not to travel on the road that automobiles used, they traveled the same wagon route that the pioneers had used about seventy-five years before. The pioneers were traveling west on what was called the Oregon Trail. This family was using the same path to travel the opposite direction. Along the way they met cowboys, sheep herders, cattlemen, and farmers who made the trip interesting for the children. Their horses pulled the wagon over the rough and rutted road that had not been good to start with and was now worn down by many years of use with no road crews keeping it in repair. What should they do when they found a washed out bridge? What did the children find to do on this l-o-n-g camping trip? Would their family reach Colorado before the winter's storm made travel by wagon impossible?
Gift Copy!
Gift Copy!
Review Date: 6/19/2018
I am a lifelong Seventh Day Adventist. Please note David Koresh and the Branch Davidians are not an offspring of our church.They are their own entity and are not in any way related to Seventh Day ADventists. Whoever wrote the above description made a serious error that needs to be corrected.
Review Date: 7/3/2014
Faith, I tell them, is a mystery, elusive to many, and never easy to explain.
Sweeping and lyrical, spellbinding and unforgettable, David Ebershoffs The 19th Wife combines epic historical fiction with a modern murder mystery to create a brilliant novel of literary suspense.
It is 1875, and Ann Eliza Young has recently separated from her powerful husband, Brigham Young, prophet and leader of the Mormon Church. Expelled and an outcast, Ann Eliza embarks on a crusade to end polygamy in the United States. A rich account of a familys polygamous history is revealed, including how a young woman became a plural wife.
Soon after Ann Elizas story begins, a second exquisite narrative unfoldsa tale of murder involving a polygamist family in present-day Utah. Jordan Scott, a young man who was thrown out of his fundamentalist sect years earlier, must reenter the world that cast him aside in order to discover the truth behind his fathers death.
And as Ann Elizas narrative intertwines with that of Jordans search, readers are pulled deeper into the mysteries of love and faith.
Sweeping and lyrical, spellbinding and unforgettable, David Ebershoffs The 19th Wife combines epic historical fiction with a modern murder mystery to create a brilliant novel of literary suspense.
It is 1875, and Ann Eliza Young has recently separated from her powerful husband, Brigham Young, prophet and leader of the Mormon Church. Expelled and an outcast, Ann Eliza embarks on a crusade to end polygamy in the United States. A rich account of a familys polygamous history is revealed, including how a young woman became a plural wife.
Soon after Ann Elizas story begins, a second exquisite narrative unfoldsa tale of murder involving a polygamist family in present-day Utah. Jordan Scott, a young man who was thrown out of his fundamentalist sect years earlier, must reenter the world that cast him aside in order to discover the truth behind his fathers death.
And as Ann Elizas narrative intertwines with that of Jordans search, readers are pulled deeper into the mysteries of love and faith.
2 x 4 Furniture: Simple, Inexpensive and Great-Looking Projects You Can Make
Book Type: Hardcover
Book Type: Hardcover
Review Date: 7/30/2013
Beautiful Gift book. A collection of home and garden furniture projects, which call only for the use of inexpensive, standard 2" X 4" lumber, common tools and simple techniques. The designs range from traditional to contemporary.
Review Date: 10/27/2015
This is a very interesting book.It discusses and answers many questions that I had about the Amish and Mennonites.It's not long, but it explains many of their beliefs. If you wonder about either of these groups and the differences between them, This book will answer your questions.
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