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Don D. (don3) - Reviews

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Bank on Yourself: The Life-Changing Secret to Growing and Protecting Your Financial Future
Review Date: 12/7/2009

Was able to finish it in one day. There are a few repetitious statements that are uttered repeatedly (hence the term "repetitious") that will not take long to pick up on. The concepts and verbiage are not heavy nor should they be beyond the grasp of the casual reader.

How to Teach Your Baby to Read: The Gentle Revolution (Gentle Revolution)
Review Date: 10/28/2007

This is the first book in a series called the Gentle Revolution. It teaches parents how to teach your newborns, infants, young kids, toddlers, etc, not only how to read but more importantly how to learn. It is unfortunate that this is not required reading before the procreative act is performed. That way parents would be more than ready to provide for their child(ren) that which has been thought impossible for so very long.

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