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Jeannette J. (TSarien) - Reviews

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All Night Long
All Night Long
Author: Jayne Ann Krentz
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.8/5 Stars.
Review Date: 10/2/2007
Helpful Score: 1

The penile dysfunction bit had me in stitches!!!!! Otherwise, it's very so-so.

Atlantis Awakening (Warriors of Poseidon, Bk 2)
Atlantis Awakening (Warriors of Poseidon, Bk 2)
Author: Alyssa Day
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 9/18/2008
Helpful Score: 2

If you are (like me) a fan of anime, this novel will totally stoke you.
It reads like one of those weird anime yarns with people sprouting powers literally out of the blue, 500-yr-old bodylicious and lustful warrior dudes that look like Brad Pitt, witch ladies in love (and in peril), villians that are evil evil evil -vampires too-, witch covens gone bad, shape-shifters in love, nereids singing, all wrapped up into 284 pages. Add to that an enormously ancient and powerful artifact that HAS to be retreived by the heroine and hero.
Dang, where is Superman when you need him? (or better yet, Zechs Marquise on board the TallGeese!)
I certainly loved the funny repartee, and the references to modern times that bring a touch of the mundane to an otherwise too alien background.
About the structure of the novel itself, I HATE disconstructed sentences! And Ms. Day has this particular bad habit. And it annoys me. And it distracts me. Sends the suspension of disbelief crashing down. And it annoys me.
So, if you are all for twisting plots that barely make sense, battles that need a military consultant, and elements-wielding 6-pack-rock-abs warrior dudes in desperate need of Dr. Ruth, this book is certainly your cup of tea.

Atlantis Awakening (Warriors of Poseidon, Bk 3)
Atlantis Awakening (Warriors of Poseidon, Bk 3)
Author: Alyssa Day
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 9/18/2008

If you are (like me) a fan of anime, this novel will totally stoke you. It reads like one of those weird anime yarns with people sprouting powers literally out of the blue, 500-yr-old bodylicious and lustful warrior dudes that look like Brad Pitt, lady in love (and in peril), villians that are evil evil evil -vampires too-, witch covens, shape-shifters in love, nereids singing, all wrapped up into 284 pages. Add to that an enormously ancient and powerful artifact that HAS to be retreived by the heroine and hero.
Dang, where is Superman when you need him? (or better yet, Zechs Marquise on board the TallGeese!)
I certainly loved the funny repartee, and the references to modern times that bring a touch of the mundane to an otherwise too alien background.
About the structure of the novel itself, I HATE disconstructed sentences! And Ms. Day has this particular bad habit. And it annoys me. And it distracts me. Sends the suspension of disbelief crashing down. And it annoys me.
So, if you are all for twisting plots that barely make sense, battles that need a military consultant, and elemental-wielding 6-pack-rock-abs warrior dudes in desperate need of Dr. Ruth, this book is certainly your cup of tea.

Born of Fire (League, Bk 2)
Born of Fire (League, Bk 2)
Author: Sherrilyn Kenyon
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/3/2010
Helpful Score: 3

Meet C.I. Syn: thief, smuggler, ex-convict, surgeon, robotics expert, crackpot software hacker (a.k.a. filch), art Connoisseur, tortured soul and of course, sex fiend.
Then there is Shahara Dagan: poor, caretaker for her no-good family, poor, galactic police officer/bounty-hunter (a.k.a. Seax), poor, tortured soul, stricken with poverty.
As the story goes, he is a bad, bad boy who make million$ doing his bad, bad things; she is a poor do-gooder wanting to get some ka-chink to get her sister medical treatment, so off she goes to capture him and his bad, bad self. As is the way in romance novels, things are not what they seem (gasp!!), and though he is a bad bad boy, he has reasons to be such because of course, fate had dealt him a really bad, bad hand.
The boy rose from the ashes of despair like a phoenix from the flames and now is a much-sought-after commodity. There are starships battles and friends from the earlier novel drop in to save the day and of course the villain who-does-not stop.
On the other hand, the theme of 'What CI Stands For?' thru the book is very funny.
It was a good ride but not a keeper.

Born of Ice (League, Bk 3) (Also published as Paradise City)
Born of Ice (League, Bk 3) (Also published as Paradise City)
Author: Sherrilyn Kenyon
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 4.2/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/3/2010
Helpful Score: 2

Son to CI Syn and Seax Shahara Dagan, Devyn Kell has everything: trained as an assasin, a filch, heir to his parent's shipping empire. Dang, the man even plays the piano. So what gives? The man gets into the league (heeellllooooo!!!!! Haven't you read the earlier novels? Did he ever listened to his parents and uncles rantings about the bad bad league?) and learns that the league is not about protecting the innocents. (big DUH!)
Anyway, the man ditches the league (and the people from his unit! -For that alone he should be sent to whatever works as Gaul in that universe-) and now he is some sort of Robin Hood.
Enters the dispossesed heroine Alix Garran, bent by the big bad into a weapon for getting Devyn into jail. We meet the kids from the heroes from earlier novels, problems get solved, boy gets girl, ho-hum.

It just seems like there were just too many convenient "facts" that were thrown out there and you had to accept it for what it was. There was no depth; and the deux ex machina at the end had me screaming bloody murder.

One last thing:
How did "manwhore" Caillan Dagan become an Emperor?? Did I miss something???

Burning Up Flint (Cyborg Seduction, Bk 1)
Burning Up Flint (Cyborg Seduction, Bk 1)
Author: Laurann Dohner
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.8/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/30/2012
Helpful Score: 2

**WARNING** This book contains porn.
You can plainly read this is a published e-book, since no writer I know would disregard the basic rules of syntax like Ms. Dohner does. She NEEDS an editor. Other than this and the porno scenes, the story flows straight forward; it has no memorable characters. The cover art is rather nice, but misleading.
There is one moment almost to the end of the book, where cyborg Flint is blackmailed into giving fellow cyborg Iron a 'teaching class in seduction' using his property Mirasia. That scene was really hot and arousing although it turned into porn at the end. A pity, that would have given this book a stellar moment, thus making it a keeper.
Enjoyable? Some.
Keeper? NO.

Chicks' N Chained Males
Chicks' N Chained Males
Author: Esther Friesner
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 11/23/2021

Really nice collection of stories; some of them left me wanting to know more... which is the intention of the editor, so yeah, good stories all around!

Corona (Star Trek, No 15)
Corona (Star Trek, No 15)
Author: Greg Bear
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 10/7/2008
Helpful Score: 1

A reporter who wants to expose the inner-happennings of a Federation Starship (and ends up as yet-another-conquest for Capt. Kirk), a computer that believes itself more intelligent than Mr. Spock (ha!), all framed into the dilemma of what to do with a Star that has achieved sentience...
A very interesting flirt with the meaning of consciousness from Mr. Bear, who after this continued his affair with the concept (pick up his other novels if you don't believe me). Since he was writing inside the frame of an established franchise, the characters are somewhat stifled; yet remain believable. This is one of the nicer Star Trek novels from the original era.

Dark of the Moon
Dark of the Moon
Author: Susan Krinard
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 3.2/5 Stars.
Review Date: 9/18/2008
Helpful Score: 1

I actually liked this book. I've read some the Wolves cycle from Ms. Krinard, and I can honestly say that the slow building of the plot -and the twist at the end!- was very nice. Warring vampire gangs in the 1920's sounds a bit farfletched, but if you look at the actual history of the time period, it makes sense.
The relationship between Gwen and Dorian takes its own sweet time, which makes it completely believable. Ms Krinard has a very stylized prose that actually takes you there to the bleak humdrum of Hell's Kitchen and the misery of the docks and back alleys. It reflects on the journey of the heart that Gwen goes thru, from desolate to bright and in the middle of a war between good and evil.
Ms. Krinard introduces a concept almost unheard of in the genre: a Vampire dedicated to God. She has (masterfully) pushed this beacon of light into the background, to serve as a guide for those less altruisticly inclined... oh but I reveal too much.
This book has very little (sexy) romance, but the way Dorian and Gwen gravitate around each other is a thing romantic dreams (and nightmares) are made of.

Dead after Dark: Shadow of the Moon / The Story of Son / Beyond the Night / Midnight Kiss Goodbye
Review Date: 7/25/2009
Helpful Score: 1

I'm sorry to say that I paid for this piece of crap with my hard-earned money. I should have given the money to charity,at the very least it would have done good for my soul; but nooo, I had to buy it.
The only story I would give 3 stars for is The story of Son, since I don't have time to follow Sherrilyn Kenyon's incredibly complex world I was utterly lost during the first story. The last story I tried several times to finish, but coud not get 'into', so I gave up on it.
About the technical stuff I usually comment on, I would just say
all the stories -with the notable exception of Ms. Squires- lack internal cohesion; meaning that they feel like pieces of text taken from the middle of a larger novel. They do not have a beginning or an end; and that, my friends, is terribly annoying.
If the short story is set on a larger universe, I would like to be told about it. (Kudos to Alyssa Day for announcing that her story in Wild Things was in her warriors of Poseidon world!)

Deadly Game (GhostWalkers, Bk 5)
Deadly Game (GhostWalkers, Bk 5)
Author: Christine Feehan
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 10/2/2007

It was nice, but if you have read the other 'Game', it's more of the same. I did enjoy the character of Ken (not Nick, that is from MIND Game) Norton, though.

Dr. Seuss's ABC: An Amazing Alphabet Book! (Bright  Early Board Books(TM))
Dr. Seuss's ABC: An Amazing Alphabet Book! (Bright Early Board Books(TM))
Author: Dr. Seuss
Book Type: Board book
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/24/2009

Board book for the young ones to start visualizing letters and with the help of an adult, associating written letters to its phonetic sound. Very recommended for the toddler/pre-K crowd.

Faery Magic: The Lord of Elphindale / The Faery Braid / The Love Talker / Dangerous Gifts
Review Date: 4/11/2009
Helpful Score: 1

What I really like about this anthology is that these are *real* fae characters, not the Tinkerbell kind. These is nothing wrong with Tink! I personally like mine beautiful, strange, sometimes deadly and always with an agenda, hidden or otherwise.
Beware of faery bearing gifts!

The Fate of the Phoenix (Star Trek)
The Fate of the Phoenix (Star Trek)
Author: Sondra Marshak, Myrna Culbreath
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 10/18/2007

This has got to be one of the very BEST out-of-cannon ST novels out there. Sequel to The Price of the Phoenix, this book takes you on a ride into Ch'Rihan, home to the 'Romulans' (who rather be called rihannsu); following the Commander from "The Enterprise Incident" and certain Iowa-born human (no spoilers here, sorry).
And then there is Omne...
Pick it up and find out.

Fire Me Up (Aisling Grey, Guardian, Bk 2)
Fire Me Up (Aisling Grey, Guardian, Bk 2)
Author: Katie MacAlister
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 10/2/2007
Helpful Score: 1

Funny Funny Funny!!!Poor Aisling, has waaaaay too much on her plate and no way to chew. My fave character: Rene!

Harmony's Way (Breeds, Bk 8)
Harmony's Way (Breeds, Bk 8)
Author: Lora Leigh
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 10/9/2007
Helpful Score: 1

Good God, what a piece of ...! I am by no way squeamish, but the sex scenes were on par to some porn I've read on the 'net. Poor plotline, characters were uni-dimensional and boring. Could not take it anymore after page 195 out of 312.

The Help
The Help
Author: Kathryn Stockett
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 2/18/2012

Set in rural South in the 1960's, this book is a rather personal memoir of the lives of women on both sides of the racial divide. It is historically accurate in setting and language use; and of the narrative of events of the era... yet it failed to connect me to the characters. I understand the need to showcase this which was (and is) one of the most important moments in American Modern history, but as a novel it did not appeal to me as a reader.
This is the reason it is here, being swapped.
I am completely sure it will make the rounds of book clubs and readers clubs for YEARS to come; and it will spark debates about racism and its roots and how it affects our lives; this I welcome and quite likely will participate in.

Holy Smokes (Aisling Grey, Guardian, Bk 4)
Holy Smokes (Aisling Grey, Guardian, Bk 4)
Author: Katie MacAlister
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/10/2008
Helpful Score: 9

She is Aisling Gray, and you can call her frustrated... Well, I'm Jean and I've have enough. Like I said in the other book (You Light my Fire), this thing about Aisling being so powerful yet so clueless is driving me right out of kilter...and turning me off this author. I loved The Corset Diaries and Men in Kilts; but this one is over for me. Also, I have tried hard to like Drake, but other than he is 'uber-sexy' there is nothing there. Frankly, I like Jim the demon newfie more.
It is a sad day indeed for an author when the secondary characters are better than the protagonists.

How Much for Just the Planet? (Star Trek, No 36)
How Much for Just the Planet? (Star Trek, No 36)
Author: John M. Ford
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 2/2/2009

For those who thought the 23rd century took itself too seriously, this is just to show that Kirk can turn a tap-dance better that Richard Gere. There is the mystery of the N'Gaan milkshake, and the Scot's field of honor, Klingons covered in lemon meringue (yum!) and Nyota Uhura...

Klingons vs Federation; and the people of Direidi are in the middle... oh what to do?

Mount a broadway-like musical to keep the warring factions after each other, featuring a golf tournament, a sing-along, and -of course- the ultimate pie fight!!!

The Human Division (Old Man's War, Bk 5)
The Human Division (Old Man's War, Bk 5)
Author: John Scalzi
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 4.7/5 Stars.
Review Date: 5/22/2023

Great book! You do have to have some knowledge of what is going on, (read The Old Man War first!) but once you are on, boy oh boy you are ON! The intrigue, the backstabbing, so much politics, it is magnificent. Read it first to know what is going on, then re-read it to get the timing right in your head, then read it a third time just to enjoy it.

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