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Victoria T. (justicepirate) - Reviews

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The 100 (100, Bk 1)
The 100 (100, Bk 1)
Author: Kass Morgan
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 2/24/2014
Helpful Score: 1

At first I wasn't so sure about this book, which I was asked to read by my sister-in-law.

I was confused in he beginning, simply because I have a hard time remembering the loads of character names used and thrown at me in books right away. This book is about 4 people: Clarke, Glass, Wells, and Bellamy and those that they love. They live on what seems to be a space station. Apparently something tragic happened on earth that destroyed it with radiation. It has been a few hundred years since and there is a system that is very strict on their space station. Many young kids get convicted of crimes and it seems as if there is little room for justice and for understanding at all.

Clarke is a young girl who had been confined for a few months. She was in love with Wells and cared so much for her parents who are scientists, when she found out a secret they were keeping and was concerned for them. She has no idea how to deal with this secret.

Glass (interesting name) is a girl who was also confined. The memories she has of Luke and wanting to make sure he is happy is all that matters to her. Something happened between them and she had to break it off, but a piece of her wants to never let him go.

Wells loves Clarke. She has no idea what he'd do for her and how much he is willing to give up anything to make sure she can live. His father is one of the people who is in charge and gives him advice that he believes is worth while. Wells will make you very irritated at the end of this book, I'm sure.

Bellamy seems to be the only person who has a sibling. He will do anything to protect her. He can survive just for her sake, but maybe his sister isn't all she seems to be to him anymore. Maybe someone else is starting to get his attention as well.

I was intrigued by this story and got very into it where I couldn't put it down after the first one hundred pages (so I finished the rest of it that day). There are many questions I have and then again there are many things yet to come that i am interested in finding out!! This was exciting!

13th Boy, Vol. 10
13th Boy, Vol. 10
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 11/16/2013

This was one of the best from the series yet! I loved it! It is all about digging deep into people's pasts and feelings and pretty much shows why Hee-So even started dating boys.

Against the Death Penalty: Christian and Secular Arguments Against Capital Punishment
Review Date: 1/27/2015

As someone who believes fully in the love of our enemies and neighbors and to forgive those who hurt us, I take my stance against the death penalty seriously. I wanted to see what another fellow believer had to say on the matter with research included. Although this is a dated book (where the statistics don't seem to go past 1995), it had great information about first the Biblical aspects of Christians stances into the more modern histories of executions. He explains how violence and murders actually increase where the death penalty lies rather than decreases and gives information about the horrors of how people are killed through capital punishment. I learned a lot and found it to be filled with good information.

The Alchemist
The Alchemist
Author: Paulo Coelho, Alan R. Clarke (Translator)
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.6/5 Stars.
Review Date: 2/24/2015

I honestly could barely put this book down. I would have read it in one sitting if my sons did not need my attention, but in the first sitting I read 75% of the story. It was very unique.

A shepherd boy loves his flock and his parents wanted him to be a priest. He travels about and comes across Melchizedek who tells him that he should take a personal journey in search of a treasure at the pyramids in Egypt, in which the boy had dreamed about twice. Along the way the boy has mishaps and meets some people who either guide him or cause problems for him.

The entire story is basically about finding yourself and trusting in God. The scene with the wind was tremendous and amazing. I enjoyed this story and smiled at the end because in a way I figured something like what happened was bound to be. I am glad I read it after having it on my to-read list for a few years.

All That Is Bitter and Sweet: A Memoir
All That Is Bitter and Sweet: A Memoir
Author: Ashley Judd, Maryanne Vollers
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/28/2016

This was definitely a hard book to get through. Ashley Judd jumps around at times from her current life of advocacy in speaking up for AIDS/HIV victims, those who suffer from hunger and poverty, those who are victims of human trafficking, and then backtracks through her own struggles and upbringing. I will honestly say these should be two separate books or it should just be shortened.

I have no disrespect for Ashley Judd, and believe it or not her story actually made me relate to her more than I thought I would (as someone who was alone a lot feeling "left behind" or "left out" of the lives of those around me as I suffered from childhood and pre-teen/early teen depression). This definitely was something I didn't realize she had endured. I actually forgot that The Judds (singers) were actually related to her (whoops).

This also revealed to me why I can understand why I myself love animals so much as well as love to fight for justice for the same things she does (I too am a part of an organization): When you have so much emptiness from your childhood you don't want to see others have that emptiness so you do whatever you can to help them out. That is truly what I learned from this book.

Therefore, even though the book was a bit boring and a run-on about her life and struggles at times, it showed the beauty of giving God the strings and doing your best to live for him and those around you. I usually read books between 1-7 days depending on the time frame I have alone, but this one took me far too many days to read! I had to take a break to read another book within a day. I hope others are able to get through it faster than I did.

All the Truth That's In Me
All the Truth That's In Me
Author: Julie Berry
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 4.3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 5/19/2014

This book was so interesting and mysterious. Judith comes back to her hometown after being hidden away in the woods. No one seems to pay her much mind or bothers to talk to her because she is missing half of her tongue. She holds so many secrets and as we read this book, her story unfolds. Her own mother seems to hate her. On top of everything the boy she grew up loving is engaged to be married. Everything seems to go against her favor and perhaps running away from everyone would be the best answer for her life.

This story is set in a time period from over a hundred years ago, though I don't really think it was explained exactly when, but from the descriptions of much of the story, it is in Roswell Station, GA most likely during the Civil War or even earlier on, but probably in a small more confined town that is very concerned about obedience to God, though many of the people there seem to just be going through the motions while it means something to Judith.

Judith is talking to "You" throughout this book. It took me a while to understand who "You" was, but the narration was really unique and the chapters were very small in roman numerals on each page. It was basically a thought process of what Judith is thinking as if she is talking to this "You" who does get revealed early on.

The cover of the book was very misleading since the girl in it has a modern hairstyle and eyeliner on. Most of this story has Judith wearing a cap on her head and it is mentioned that her hair being down is a private thing. My sister-in-law let me borrow her book without telling me a thing about it. I did not know what to expect but I truly enjoyed this story a lot. I felt as if I could perfectly picture everything because of how it was written. I felt as if I was there myself, and for me, that doesn't always happen (and I read a lot, more than a book per week). This book was beautiful.

All Things New
All Things New
Author: Lynn Austin
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 11/14/2016

I had a hard time getting into this because at first it just seemed like a pro-slavery story, but that was to just give you a perspective of what Southerners after the Civil War's emotions were like and how they may have seriously felt. It definitely stirred up sorrows in my heart as I read it.

As I went on it became better and better and people were changing and growing. It didn't really get good for me until I got to 250 pages (out of 412 pages in this book). That is not a good thing. After that the story was amazing.

The main characters are as follows:
Josephine goes home after the Civil War is over. She lives down south in Virginia. It is really tough on her family to adjust to having no slaves any longer. Her mother Eugenia is a widow left with two daughters and a son dealing with his hardships of loss. Josephine has a hard time believing in God but she is willing to try to change and finds that doing tasks their slaves once did brings her comfort.

Alexander came from the north and was born a Quaker. He had rebelled against his upbringing and now wants to find peace for his own mistakes and to learn to love his enemies. He also wants to help the Freedmen adjust to a new life away from their slavery they once knew. It has been hard for him, but he trusts that God will see him through.

Otis and Lizzie are a married couple who grew up as slaves on Eugenia's plantation. Lizzie does not want to stick around while her husband does. She has three children to raise and hopes the best for their lives so that they won't have to suffer as she did. She has her own fears and story to tell throughout the book. Her husband Otis has a large trust in God and believes in loving his enemies and doing right by them, which she finds to be ridiculous.

Throughout this book there are relationships of friendships, family, and love that grow. It was very good and I believe speaks much truth for what life back in that time definitely could have seemed to be like. I will give it 3.25 stars.

Allegiant (Divergent, Bk 3)
Allegiant (Divergent, Bk 3)
Author: Veronica Roth
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/27/2014

Tris and Tobias/Four are surrounded by the Factionless. They are going to be learning a load of history about what really goes on in the city inside the fence. The mysteries are going to change their lives forever in so many ways.

It is hard to write this review without giving any spoilers at all. First off, I will say this was the most boring of the three books. There was a lack of feeling the emotions in the majority of this book compared to the other two, until you reach the end of the book. However, I will say that I believe it captured a lot of realities that could occur.

One mess up I found in this story has to deal with Tris' grandmother. In the first book her mom told her that her grandmother was high up with the Dauntless or something like that. However, in this book we learn that she hadn't talked to her mom in a long time and was a police woman who never sent her anywhere at all. They didn't keep that in line.

Also there were some questions I had throughout this book that I believe were left blank and were unexplained that they made seem like they would be revealed.

The ending? I actually liked it. I can understand how it would surprise people though or upset them.

What is this story about? Showing what love looks like sometimes, even though it can be hard to love. We have one life to live, and the choices we make are important. The relationships we make and how we deal with them are important. That's what I got from this series.

Amy Carmichael: For the Children of India (Heroes of the Faith)
Amy Carmichael: For the Children of India (Heroes of the Faith)
Author: Sam Wellman
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 5/9/2012

I really feel inspired by Amy Carmichael and her willing Spirit and her devotion to Christ so early on in life. The fact that she allowed Him to guide her is quite wonderful. I don't think this book explained as much, but I am sure reading some of her 30 books would be more helpful. She constantly gave glory to Christ, and for that I adore her. Through Christ she helped people in Ireland, Scotland, and England who were looked down upon. She went to Japan and was willing to be among the people as the missionaries disagreed with her. She went to India and established orphanages and a hospital to care for young children who were to be abandoned, abused, or sold as temple prostitutes or sacrifices. How amazing. The book was a little slow and not too interesting but the subject matter was interesting.

Angels in the Night
Angels in the Night
Author: Pablo Yoder
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/25/2016

This sweet Yoder family!! They got robbed dozens of times while being Christian Anabaptist Mennonite missionaries in Nicaragua. What I love about their story is that as Anabaptists ourselves we often get people questioning the non-resistence enemy-love portion of obedience of Jesus' words from the sermon on the mount and more of, "What if someone came to rob you?" or "What if someone says they'll kidnap your kids?" or "What if they have weapons and threaten you." The answer is all right here because they lived it constantly and God protected them countless times from harm as God's angels encamped their home.

I thought this book had some excellent stories of those they reached out to who were transformed by Christ and others who maybe were interested but were more drawn to worldly living. It was great how even though the family was heavily burdened, they sought God through community and prayer and had a closeness within their family because of it! Some of these stories were very heartbreaking and others were so filled with a reason to rejoice!

I do think the book could have been shorter as there were full details of probably 8-10 of their many robberies. I liked Pablo Yoder's writing though!

Anne of Avonlea (Anne of Green Gables, Bk 2)
Anne of Avonlea (Anne of Green Gables, Bk 2)
Author: L. M. Montgomery
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 12/15/2011
Helpful Score: 2

What a sweet story about Anne spending two years as a teacher in Avonlea where she herself had attended school. There were a lot of new and interesting characters in the story, as well as ones we remember and cherish from the first book. Anne is growing up and so many things are happening, while she still has an imagination and a love for things that are "so romantic". I thought this was a good book, but not as addicting and interesting as the first one was for me to read. I thought this was going to be like the Anne of Avonlea mini-series I grew up watching, but I suppose that story happens in a later book, and I was surprised but delighted by this story.

Anne of Green Gables (Anne of Green Gables, Bk 1)
Anne of Green Gables (Anne of Green Gables, Bk 1)
Author: L. M. Montgomery
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 4.4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 12/5/2011
Helpful Score: 3

This was a fascinating story about a young orphan girl who has quite an imagination. Although she is unwanted by most people and runs her tongue on and on, she finds herself in the home of Green Gables owned by a brother and sister who adopt her. This is filled with tales of how she spends her first 6 years in Green Gables in the first place she can truly call her home. It was encased with stories of friendship, heartache, and growing up. I wanted to read this book series for years (and even owned it as a child but had never read it until now. . and I am 28). I'm so glad that I have been able to read it. I laughed, cried, and could quote a bunch of it since I grew up watching the mini-series.

Anne of Ingleside (Anne of Green Gables, Bk 6)
Anne of Ingleside (Anne of Green Gables, Bk 6)
Author: L. M. Montgomery
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 4.2/5 Stars.
Review Date: 2/6/2012

Anne and Gilbert's children are growing up, getting into mischief and having issues with friends and pets. This book focuses mainly on them but also at times on their relationship and the people who live in their neighborhood. It was good but not one of my favorites if the series at all.

Anne of the Island (Anne of Green Gables, Bk 3)
Anne of the Island (Anne of Green Gables, Bk 3)
Author: L. M. Montgomery
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.2/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/12/2012
Helpful Score: 1

At first this story was just a continuation of the life of Anne Shirley and the people she loved. It wasn't very interesting but it was nice to see what they were all up to. This story is about Anne's time in college at Redmond with her gal-friends and Gilbert Blithe. Everyone of her friends seemed to be very into the idea of romance and getting married. She just wanted to enjoy life and friendships without all that to distract her. This story started to get very interesting in time and I cried during the last chapter.

Anne of Windy Poplars (Anne of Green Gables, Bk 4)
Anne of Windy Poplars (Anne of Green Gables, Bk 4)
Author: L. M. Montgomery
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/20/2012
Helpful Score: 1

This book focuses on Anne's time at a house she is boarding at called Windy Poplars with a few widows while she teaches at a school for three years while Gilbert Blythe is in medical school. It is cut into three years' time and is a combination of her letters to her darling fiance' Gilbert and her actual adventures in dealing with the people there (mainly the Pringles). It is filled with various love stories and events that Anne has a hand in, because she can't resist trying to do right for people. It was a really fun book! If you ever watched the TV mini-series, Anne of Avonlea was mainly based off of this book (but it is hardly like it at the same time). Definitely fun!

Anne's House of Dreams (Anne of Green Gables, Bk 5)
Anne's House of Dreams (Anne of Green Gables, Bk 5)
Author: L. M. Montgomery
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/29/2012
Helpful Score: 1

Probably my least favorite of the series thus far, but it was sad, yet happy, and interesting. Anne and Gilbert get married and move to the home they dreamed up. Gilbert is a Doctor and Anne wants to make a family. They befriend a few people where they live and some are quite unique and depressing characters. Very sad tales in this. As a woman who married her high school sweetheart and had children with him, I felt in many ways I could relate and in others I felt "that's so tragic". It was definitely no children's book (in fact I'd be so very confused if I had read this as a child as I had wanted to in the past). Captain Jim was awesome.

Annie (Ellie's People, Bk 10)
Annie (Ellie's People, Bk 10)
Author: Mary Christner Borntrager
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/30/2015

A great way to close this series. This was the tenth and final book from the "Ellie's People" series.

Annie (her Amish name) was left with an Amish family by her "English" mom when she was eight. She had a lot of fun with their large family and especially the girl her age named Lucy. Lucy begins to feel Annie is favored as a "pet" and gets jealous. This is about Annie's life and finding where she belongs. It was well written and a beautiful story about trusting in God even in the hard times.

Arisa 1
Arisa 1
Author: Natsumi Ando
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 8/21/2014

I will say, this is a new take on manga high school stories. Arisa is Tsubasa's twin sister. Because their parents are divorced, they each live with one of each parents. They haven't seen each other in a couple of years and write to one another constantly. When finally they are reunited, something crazy happens to Arisa. Tusbasa is ready to pretend she is her sister when she finds out clues to secrets her sister has warned her about at her school. She wants to help protect her sister from more harm, or others. I thought this was well done!

Authentic Beauty: The Shaping of a Set-Apart Young Woman
Authentic Beauty: The Shaping of a Set-Apart Young Woman
Author: Leslie Ludy
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 2/22/2012
Helpful Score: 1

While most purity books tend to focus on why you shouldn't have sex, this book focuses on the importance of living your life fully devoted to Christ who will help you maintain your purity. Leslie Lundy gives personal accounts of how she found her true Prince (Jesus) who in time granted her with the desire of her heart to marry. She is open about how she had to reach the point to discover why purity is so important and encourages young women how to live set-apart for Christ.

Awaiting the Dawn
Awaiting the Dawn
Author: Dorcas Hoover
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 2/9/2015

This is the story about the martyrdom of John Troyer and how his wife Marie was able to endure the hardship while having 5 small children to care for. This book doesn't give much history of their time in Guatemala, which I was hoping to hear more about, but it did express much information about what happened on the night of the murder, as well as the murder attempt of Gary Miller.

This book was filled with photos and it gave updates in a new chapter on what the family has since been up to. It was a bit of a fast read and took me only a couple of hours, but it was so well done. When a murder happens, most people seek revenge, but through Jesus' teachings they learned to find healing through forgiveness. Definitely this was great, and I loved it (and not just because I am a New-order Mennonite so I get that mentality in general).

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