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Faith M. (baronessjoannapretre) - Reviews

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Beguiled (Fairest Maidens, Bk 2)
Beguiled (Fairest Maidens, Bk 2)
Author: Jody Hedlund
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.7/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/12/2021

January 12th, 2021

After reading four or so of Jody Hedlund's books, I began to notice patterns in them. You meet the girl. You meet the guy. They begin to fall in love, but romance interferes with their goals. The guy gets captured. There's a battle. They care about each other more than themselves. Though Ms. Hedlund didn't, and doesn't, use these in every one of her books, they pop up frequently. I kept reading her stories, but I began to grow tired of these plot points.

In this book, hower, Ms. Hedlund doesn't avoid these entirely but does explore some new ideas. For example, she introduces a new type of main female character. While most female protagonists of hers are either sweet, kind, patient, and gentle or angry-appearing but truly thoughtful and witty, this character, Pearl, has sass and spunk at a level you've never seen! She means business when it comes to fighting and is not a dainty flower. I immediately liked her.

Then, while most romances briefly cover loving someone because of who he or she is on the inside, not outside, it is one of this book's main messages. Interestingly, Pearl is the envied and wanted daughter of the queen and is hiding on the Isle of the Outcasts, where those with peculiar looks, such as ugly scars, live; however, she has none. She wears a veil to make it look like she, too, has something hideous to hide but is truly hiding her identity of being the princess. This goes on for some time, and I was delighted by what it meant in the plot and the message Ms. Hedlund delivered.

In the end, the book thrilled me. Though not everything was original, it seems that Ms. Hedlund is going down some new paths. She had me rooting for the good guys and despising the bad ones as she inspired me to work on my own novel. I cannot wait to read the next in the series!

A Cowboy for Keeps (Colorado Cowboys, Bk 1)
A Cowboy for Keeps (Colorado Cowboys, Bk 1)
Author: Jody Hedlund
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/31/2021

Jody Hedlund's lastest story is so wonderful that I don't know where to begin!

The book had a beautiful pace to it: When it was a bit slow, you, the reader, could feel the peace of the characters. Other times, one event quickly followed another, and your heart was pounding with those of the main characters, Greta and Wyatt.

The characters were relatable; I could understand both of the main characters while I simultaneously adored their little girl, Astrid.

Every part had a purpose. A subplot may seem interesting or funny, but it would resurface in the future as something even more important.

Jody Hedlund's similes, ones I had never heard before, were creative and original. They made the pictures and events even more vivid and bright in my mind's eye.

The points of view switched at just the right time. When I wanted to hear more from Wyatt's point of view, there was more from his perspective. When I wanted to hear more from Greta's point of view, there was more from her perspective.

I especially enjoyed the main character, Wyatt. He was noble, relatable, kind, just, and real. Not a perfect Prince of your dreams, but not a bad boy, either. A godly man.

The only drawback would be how much physical touch and attraction there is. I liked it at first, but over time, it grew overwhelming. I didn't mind kissing, but there was too much longing for and thinking about the marriage bed.

All the same, I look forward to the next Colorado Cowboys novel!

The Fairy's Mistake (Princess Tales)
The Fairy's Mistake (Princess Tales)
Author: Gail Carson Levine
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 2/14/2024

I loved this as a child, re-read it as a child, and will re-read it again as an adult. Timeless.

Finally His Bride: A Bride Ships Novel (Bride Ships: New Voyages)
Review Date: 2/17/2024

Ahhhhhh! Jody Hedlund's book are good in general, but this blew me out of my mind!

The author crafted a beautiful world and well-built characters. The scenery--whether of a beach or mountains--was gorgeous, and the characters were so vivid I almost saw them with my eyes instead of my mind. The inner conflicts of the main female protagonist (Willow) and the main male protagonist (Caleb) were carefully crafted into the book, and something was always happening, so I would ask myself, shouldn't I read jsut one... more... chapter?

The characters went through hard times, there was turmoil and confusion, and they had harsh physical injuries. But this showed Jody Hedlund's good writing all the more as, in my mind, I ached for the protagonists and begged for them to make the right choice. I cannot get over her good writing overall, from how Jody had a quick-moving plot to how she gave the characters' perspectives sharp contrast, which made me mentally beg for them to understand each other, rooting for them all the more.

I have to admit the novel was too spicy. Don't get me wrongâI like the tender callous of his finger around her wrist, her heart speeding up, or him running his fingers through her hair. But laying down and being pressed against other's bodies, or herself briefly imagining her body on top of his? I had to skim over those parts, and others I'd rather not get into again. Again, the physical part of romance wasn't bad overall, but now and then, it was too much.

All the same, the romance in general was very sweet, and from character development to plot layout, the novel was incredibly well-written. I found myself almost seeing the characters and the scenery surrounding them, and my heart would ache and cheer for Willow and Caleb, always on their side. Although this is a new series, I'd say this is Jody Hedlund's finest Bride Ships book yet! 4.5/5 stars!

Hearts of Gold: A Historical Romance Novella Collection
Hearts of Gold: A Historical Romance Novella Collection
Author: Grace Hitchcock
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 8/11/2023
Helpful Score: 1

The stories are not the same, but if they have anything in common, it's that they are written with skill! Grace Hitchcock mastered storytelling in giving the reader every detail while also keeping the book in motion and making sure the novella was packed. Despite the separate books being short, there would be subplots, not to mention how Hitchcock would make the main plots slowly unfold, there clearly being more to the storyâand the characterâthat could not yet be revealed but was coming soon. The three settings of the three short books were quite different, but all charming, welcoming, and unique. Every couple is dear, and, from heart-melting declarations of love to sigh-worthy kisses, their stories are sweet.

Although, again, the stories are not the same, there was something that reappeared in each of them: The guy loving and pursuing the girl immediately. This made the main male characters a bit plain, but, to be fair, they were in novellas! The book, including the romance, had to move at a quick pace. Hearts of Gold is gold in itself! Highly recommended!

A Noble Scheme (Imposters, Bk 2)
A Noble Scheme (Imposters, Bk 2)
Author: Roseanna M. White
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/18/2024

This was Roseanna M. White's most complex romances yet, and by "complex", I do not mean "confusing". No, I mean deep. Intricate. Detailed. Delicate. Meaningful. Fragile. The main characters had multi-layered personalities and intertwined backgrounds. EVERY character had a strong background and solid backstory, there were great metaphors and symbols, the plot was one of those mysteries where it looks simple but thickens, and again... there was the eye-popping, heart-tripping, and eye-stinging romance!

Christian romances--or romances in general--have a stereotype of the female love interest being almost perfect while the male love interest is an immoral wreck, but Roseanna M. White made the main characters' struggles equal here. I was almost hearing the dialogue of the climax as the characters shouted across the room, and the messages on frustration, anger, bitterness, resentment, and feelings toward--or against--God were not pasted on but part of the story. This should be one of those books where you remember the message and it sticks with you for months.

Was it perfect? Well, there was some plot convenience, along with a few unrealistic, almost silly, parts. So no... but the rest makes up for it.

Roseanna M. White has spoiled me. For months, I'll be complaining about other novels as I try to find one as good as this. Although not necessarily her best mystery, this is by far Roseanna M. White's best romance. If you haven't read her before, please do now, and if you have, please do again! 6/5 stars!

*I received a free copy of this book to give a honest review. All opinions expressed are mine and mine alone!

To Tame a Cowboy (Colorado Cowboys, Bk 3)
To Tame a Cowboy (Colorado Cowboys, Bk 3)
Author: Jody Hedlund
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 5/12/2022

I enjoyed this for many reasons, one being that it was a light and easy read. (Each chapter was about 10 pages, the chapters were short, and the overall book was about 20 pages shorter than the last one in this series.) Romantic dialogue had me sighing with happiness, the scenery of horses and mountains was beautiful, and a couple of action scenes had my blood pumping! Not to mention the scenes in general were so vivid that I could almost pull out a pencil and piece of paper to draw what I saw.

I personally felt that the main female protagonist, Savannah, was a step up from Linnea, the most recent main female protagonist in this series. There just wasn't much to her. (Don't get me wrong. Do read the last book, The Heart of a Cowboy. It being one of my favorites of author Jody Hedlund's books yet, my heart was swept away!) Savannah, on the other hand, was far more relatable, down-to-earth, messed-up-but-kind, and just plain REAL and ALIVE.

Despite the book deserving a solid 4.5/5 stars, there was one issue that bugged me and only grew bigger: Attraction. Wanting to kiss or stroking hair is sweet and romantic, but what happens in this novel goes further. Perhaps it is just my tasteâyou may end up enjoying the scenesâbut I was quite uncomfortable, so much that I either skipped over these parts or would temporarily stop reading the book.

There were so many good parts of this novel, but one of my favorites was the last chapterâpractically a sneak peak for the next book, Falling for the Cowgirl. I cannot wait to see what happens next in Colorado Cowboys!

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