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Jamie R. (jamier78) - Reviews

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American Dirt
American Dirt
Author: Jeanine Cummins
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 11/28/2019

This is usually not the type of book I read, so I was pleasantly surprised when I really got into it. I found myself waking up in the middle of the night to finish. It seems long and drawn out, but provides a very realistic struggle.

The Apartment
The Apartment
Author: K. L. Slater
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.2/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/26/2020

This book introduces us to Freya and her daughter Skye, who are ready for a fresh new start when they are approached by a stranger offering a great deal on an apartment. The timing is perfect, so you know something more sinister is taking place.

She keeps feeling like she is being constantly watched and followed, but just brushes these feelings off. Odd things start happening, both at Skye's new school and around the apartment.

She meets a construction worker who tells her another single mother used to live in the same apartment and commited suicide, but of course this is no accident. The owners deny it, but she does her own detective work and discovers the awful truth.

This book had the potential to be really scary, but just fell flat as far as suspense. I kept thinking to myself, this better not be about vampires, but let's just say it is about a bunch of mad scientists, literally. I was, however, surprised by who was in charge of the whole operation and why their family got picked to live there.

Beyond Fear
Beyond Fear
Author: Jaye Ford
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/22/2020
Helpful Score: 1

This was a great book which follows four female friends who take a vacation together in a rural area in an old barn, turned a B&B. You can tell from the beginning the tension in the air as they get ran off the road on their way and that's where they meet Matt, a cop who is on leave while helping his dad with the family business. Two are left behind to hail a taxi, which never comes, and once they finally all meet up, they end up in a bar for a few drinks. Our heroine Jodie, encounters a creep there and they all quickly leave and go to the B&B to drink some wine, to have a few laughs, and to relax.

After having a bad experience in her teens in which her friend was raped and killed while Jodie got away, she can't help but shake her gut instincts that something isn't quite right. I don't like the way her friends treated her and didn't believe her, and used her bad experience as an excuse to say she was having a mental breakdown.

She then goes to pick up her car from the mechanic, and when she gets back, two men are at the barn. She recognizes the one from the bar. Once again, her friends ticked me off and didn't come to her defense right away when she said "Hey this is the creep who tried to pick me up at the bar".

This whole book resolves around Jodie's determination to right the wrongs she felt she did to her friend all those years ago, and Matt ends up right by her side when he unexpectedly shows up at their doorstep. At this point, they must all fight for their lives.

Well, sometimes you're not strong until stong is the only option you have. The battle between good and bad seemed very long and drawn out and started about halfway into the book. You can sense both Jodie and Matt fighting their demons and each other as to who is in charge, but you can also feel the undeniable chemistry between the two of them as well.

The final scene reminds me quite a bit of the movie "Enough" in the fact that Jodie has had enough of feeling like a victim and has been training her whole life for this moment. She is going to go down fighting, just as you expect. Overall, this was a great, fast paced read. Thank you NetGalley for letting me give my honest review.

Christmas Camp (Christmas Camp, Bk 1)
Christmas Camp (Christmas Camp, Bk 1)
Author: Karen Schaler
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.7/5 Stars.
Review Date: 12/15/2019

Cute story line, but this book drove me crazy. Almost every single page had either the word "laugh" or "chuckle". I realize the author is trying to give you the whole feel good Hallmark Christmas movie experience, but for me, it was overkill.

Floating Staircase
Floating Staircase
Author: Ronald Malfi
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 12/22/2019

This book was great and I finished it within a matter of days. Everything you want a horror novel to be.

Gone at Midnight: The Mysterious Death of Elisa Lam
Gone at Midnight: The Mysterious Death of Elisa Lam
Author: Jake Anderson
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.6/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/4/2020
Helpful Score: 1

Being a fan of true crime books, I was excited to read the case of Eliza Lam, and it did great at developing the story, clear up to finding her dead in the cistern. It also did a great job at developing the chilling personality of the Cecil Hotel for someone who has never heard of it or its history. Ever been to a place which gives you absolute bad vibes when first stepping into it? I have. This book develops that feeling without ever setting foot into the place.

What I did not like about it was it seemed to be a jumbled up mess of the writer's thoughts without any real organization. It was more of a memoir about the author and the crazy things he did in order to write this book. I cringed when he said he stopped taking his medication for depression and drank a lot, then proceeded to go stay at this hotel. Don't tell me you're surprised when your mind starts playing tricks on you! I completely understand someone's needs for mental help as I was diagnosed with anxiety when I was pregnant with my now 5 year old. I had to stop taking my medication not long ago, because it dragged me down and made me tired, but some people need to stay on medication, and obviously this writer is one of them. It's nothing to be ashamed. I just wish he did not feel like he had to put himself into harm's way to maybe feel a closer connection to Eliza.

I started really loosing interest when they started looking into all the conspiracy theories, when they got into cults and aliens, I had to force myself to read the rest of this book because they had definitely gone too far. Thinking she was already dead and that the killers were using her like a puppet in the elevator to make the ever so famous video? C'mon! It seemed like people just wanted attention and to be famous, so they came up with something completely asinine idea to get there.

I wish the author and book would have figured out what really happened to her, but in all honesty, I do not think this case will ever be solved; too many coverups from the hotel staff and cops. I do, however, believe that someone did something to her, and that she was dead and sexually assaulted before she was discovered in the cistern.

Author: Darcy Coates
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/19/2020

This was a great first read from this author and I really enjoyed it.

It follows around 4 friends through the woods as they try to find Chris' sister Eileen after the police do not take them seriously and refuse to help. It doesn't help that they think there is a monster in the woods, silly kids just pulling a stupid prank, right?

Wrong. This entire book kept me intrigued. You would think they were going to survive or to be unharmed, but they kept making stupid mistakes in the typical horror novel fashion. It reminded me of the Geico commercial where the kids don't get in the getaway car to get away from the serial killer, but if they didn't make stupid mistakes, there wouldn't be a great story line.

I was kind of disappointed for how the book ended, but I will not ruin it for anyone. It's one of those that has closure, but it lacks a sense of finality. It was rather easy to put the pieces together as to who done it; I figured it out long before it got to that part of the book, so it was a little predictable for my taste, but overall, a great book and a fast enjoyable read.

I'm Still With You: Communicate, Heal & Evolve with Your Loved One on the Other Side
Review Date: 3/19/2020

This is similar to other books on this topic which I have read and a lot of the ideas are the same. I have heard of "spirit guides" before, your angels and protectors who help you here on Earth. It is a great comfort to know you are never alone.

I lost my grandmother a few years ago and we were really close. She had told others "Jamie and I have a special bond", I remember doing everything I could to take care of her at grandpa's funeral when I was 10 and she told me she never forgot. I had to stop reading a section one morning about loosing a grandmother because I was getting ready for work and could not stop crying. This book can really hit home.

I have a decoration for my rearview mirror made with her funeral flowers with a charm which says "When a cardinal appears, your angel is near". Thank you for mentioning birds being a sign from above. I find it comforting knowing she still watches over me.

I also lost an ex boyfriend to suicide almost 10 years ago. I remember having a bad day at work, my stress level was through the roof, and our high school prom song came on over the radio and stopped me in my tracks. It was like he was saying "Calm down, I am here". I also had a dream shortly after he passed about what it would have been like if we had stayed together. All of these things are mentioned in great detail in this book.

I still think about my grandmother every day and not long ago, got the feeling she wasn't staying as close anymore. I don't know why, but this upset me a great deal. This book answered the question why and gave me the reassurance I needed to know she is ALWAYS with me, even though I don't always feel it.

What makes this book different? It gives you exercises you can do if you feel like you need to talk to your loved ones on the other side. This is a good reference guide I will keep for when I need it again.

The Line Between: A Novel
The Line Between: A Novel
Author: Tosca Lee
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 12/18/2019

This book sucked me right in and I anxiously turned each page, I cannot wait for the sequel!

Little Disasters
Little Disasters
Author: Sarah Vaughan
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/25/2020

This was a fun book to read, leaving the reader thinking "What is going on here"? from the very 1st page. Liz is a pediatrician and when her friend comes in with her baby, they realize something terrible happened, and the mother is covering something up, but what can it be? Then their tight knit group of friends are all left wondering if this so called perfect mother is not so perfect after all.

With all the signs of depression, at first you think that Jess really hurt her baby. She envisions herself hurting Betsey and then worrying if she really did it, but the further you get into the book, you realize she was just a stressed out mom like most of us are, needed a little time to herself, and made a mistake in her judgement and will do whatever it takes to protect her family.

I thought the book ended here, and got a little impatient as it drew on a little further, but in the end, it was a perfectly good way to complete this book. This was a great first read for me from this author. Thank you NetGalley for my free download.

Lost Companions Reflections On Death Pet
Lost Companions Reflections On Death Pet
Author: Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/4/2020

If you want a book which looks at the loss of a pet from a completely scientific perspective, but you are not religious or spiritual, then this book is for you. I read this book, hoping it was similiar to other books I have read about loosing a loved one, but it fell completely short of giving you the comfort of your pets still being around, especially when you need that feeling the most. This author does not believe in an afterlife at all.

It is also from the perspective of someone who is more of a dog person than a cat person, and you get the feeling he feels like cats are inferior, private creatures who want to go die alone. But a few years ago, I spent a weekend with my best friend. When I came home on a Sunday, my favorite cat dragged himself into the kitchen, clearly dying. He had waited for me to say goodbye. And I do agree with this author, as much as it hurts, it is best to stay with your pet if they have to be euthanized. My cat died on the table at the veterinarian's office before they could put him out of his misery, and as awful as this memory is, I can only imagine what it would feel like for a beloved pet to die alone.

I remember twenty years ago, having to take a poetry class my first time in college. I got marked down on my score because the teacher did not agree animals could not feel emotion and I could not convince him otherwise. However, my philsophy teacher I had at the same time did. I am glad the book has mentioned this and I am glad it is not more widely recognized concept.

The Missing Hours
The Missing Hours
Author: Emma Kavanagh
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 2/9/2020

This book was very intriguing from start to finish. It kind of lagged a little bit in the beginning, but quickly picked up pace. I was pleasantly surprised by the ending, who actually done it, but I won't ruin it for everyone else. Read this book already! You will not be disappointed.

Mistress of the Ritz
Mistress of the Ritz
Author: Melanie Benjamin
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.6/5 Stars.
Review Date: 12/15/2019

I usually don't read this genre of book, but found it a pretty quick read. This unlikely couple will surprise and intrigue you in ways you never thought possible.

The Perfect Father: The True Story of Chris Watts, His All-American Family, and a Shocking Murder
Review Date: 4/22/2020

This book looks into the lives of the Watt's family, who appear perfectly happy and blessed with a beautiful house, nice vehicles, and two going on three beautiful children. But on the inside is a family going through tumulous times with bankruptcy and an unfaithful spouse.

Shannan uses her Facebook to promote a product called Thrive and has a very upbeat, perky personality. Her husband Chris is more of an introvert and gladly lets her be the boss of the household for several years.

Then he suddenly realizes he is unhappy in his marriage and cheats on her. Rather than getting the divorce most couples do at this point, he sneaks around for as long as he can and then decides he would be better off without his family. He then proceeds to coldly murder his family and denies any involvement for quite some time.

I felt physically ill reading what he did to his two little girls, who he supposedly "loved to the moon and back", but that did not prevent him from taking desperate measures for what he thought would be a better life with his girlfriend. I do not really feel like Shannan deserved this either of course, but it seems like she really pushed his buttons to the breaking point. Reading this book, I thought an episode about this case should appear on the TV series "Snapped".

I remember this case well and the photos of this family left you thinking how could this be when they looked so perfect? He looked like a perfectly nice, normal guy, but I've read enough true crime novels to realize a lot of these murderers appear to be quite physically attractive.

I thought it was kind of stupid Shannan's family sued Chris for $6 million dollars. It is not going to bring their daughter/sister back and Chris has already signed over his rights to his father-in-law from the estate, so unless he writes a book and makes a ton of money, I doubt he'll ever make that type of money since he is serving life in prison.

Safe No Longer
Safe No Longer
Author: Gayle Curtis
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/4/2020

This book had the potentional to be great, following around the characters of a small town as they come to grips with the death of a child and the disapperance of another. However, most of these characters were selfish and unlikeable and I had a hard time getting into and following this book. It was hard to keep up with all the drama going on and it just became an absolute cluttered mess... who's covering what terrible secrets and who is bonking who.
The ending what absolutely horrible with no real sense of closure. I finished this book thinking "What did I just read"? Thank you NetGalley, but this one was not for me.

Author: Nigel Blundell
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/28/2020

This book gives a history of serial killers who are also cannibals throughout history. Most of them have been either abused, abandoned by their biological parents, or experienced death early on in life and became obsessed with it. A lot of them were men who discovered they were gay, so a lot of these were perverted pedeophiles, who got aroused watching their victims die. Quite a few others picked up prostitites because they did not otherwise have good luck with women.

I was particularly disturbed with the ones who would break into people's homes and take their kids, some as young as 5 years old, which happens to be the age of my daughter. Quite a few of them had a burial ground located inside their house or close to it. I can only imagine what a grisly site these police officer's discovered realizing these killers were cooking their victims and eating them when they went to investigate the crime scene. One of them admitted they liked "young flesh" the best, after the police discovered a little girl's hand cooking on the kitchen stove. It's enough to give you goosebumps.

Being a fan of true crime novels, I liked the fact this book covered several and not just one well known case. This was quite an intriguing read and I would recommend it to anyone interested in this genre.

The Silence
The Silence
Author: Luca Veste
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/13/2020

This book started out as very interesting to me and I am close to the same age as the characters in this book, so I could feel myself there at the concert with them, enjoying me some 90's music. What fun that would have been, until it was not...

A group of 6 friends then spend the weekend camping out at this music festival. Something scary and tragic happens that leaves the group not talking to one another. They are not given a choice when something happens to one of their own and they must face their demons after a year of being apart and not talking much.

Then the red candles keep showing up at all of their houses, and the lead character Matt swears it is the Candle Man, a local legendary serial killer who has been known to leave these as his trademark after he kills, so the level of excitement builds as each one is left wondering who is next. From here, it takes on an undeniable "I Know What You Did Last Summer" vibe.

I won't ruin it by solving this mystery for you, but the ending was absolutely perfect and left off where there could be another sequel to this book. I cannot wait to find out!

Summer Darlings
Summer Darlings
Author: Brooke Lea Foster
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 5/10/2020

This was a great coming of age novel set in the 1960s. After Heddy looses her scholarship at a prestigious school, she embarks on a new adventure as a babysitter for the rich, desperately wanting to be just like them, but it's obviously not all it's cracked up to be. If you like glamour, drama, and a soap opera type setting, this book does not disappoint.

I loved that she made friends with Gigi, the local celebrity, because Gigi seemed to be more down to earth than most and the one who taught her the biggest lesson, we all want a happy ending, but a man does not define who you are. Gigi was way ahead of her time, and for one night, she let Heddy knew what it felt like to be one of them.

It had a surprising twist at the end I definitely didn't see coming, but the author just left the story hanging. An epilogue would have been nice, but maybe the author will consider continuing this story. Thank you for another fun read.

A Tangled Web: A Cyberstalker, a Deadly Obsession, and the Twisting Path to Justice.
Review Date: 4/29/2020

First of all, to the author, thank you for writing a true crime book as I am sure your mother would have been very proud of you. I have heard of Anne Rule, but I have never read any of her books. This provided wonderful insight as to why this family does a great job with writing this genre.

What can I say about this book... Dave is a typical guy getting out of a long term relationship with the mother of his children, and like many of us (myself included, I met my husband there) decided to get back into the dating world via the Internet. He makes it clear he wants a no strings attached relationships, and he finds Liz on Plenty of Fish, a dark haired, petite woman who he has no true connection with, but the sex is great. She cannot seem to understand this whole "friends with benefits" concept and takes her obsession to a whole new definition of psycho.

What does Liz do when the first competition, Cari, comes along? She murders her, and pretends she's her for 3 YEARS and she somehow manages to get away with it, sending over 20,000 messages to Dave, his ex, some of the other girls he tries to date, and also the murder victim's friends and family. Any time Dave tries to pull away, she either tantilizes him with more sex or pretends she's the victim of "Crazy Cari". Some of these people caught on along the way, but Dave would just ignore their warnings as he had beame accustomed to it. I guess after 3 years, you tend to shrug these things off?

You also learn Liz has another boyfriend Garrett while she was seeing Dave. You feel sorry for him as she constantly takes advantage of him; he pays her bills and let's her live at his house rent free all while she's sleeping with someone else.

I am happy to hear this family finally got some sort of justice, but the body of Cari was never really found. May the evil witch who did this rot in prison the rest of her life.

Thank you Net Galley for providing such an intruguing book! I received this for an honest review.

The Wife Who Knew Too Much
The Wife Who Knew Too Much
Author: Michele Campbell
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 4.2/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/11/2020
Helpful Score: 2

This book was an attention grabber from the beginning, and gave the reader a Romeo and Juliet scenario. Boy meets girl. They fall in love. Their families do not agree with the relationship and break them apart.

Years later, Connor conveniently shows up at the restaurant where Tabitha works, and it is as if time has stood still. They find out they still have feelings for each other and spend the night together. The bad thing is, Connor is married to a very rich woman named Nina and he promises Tabitha he is going to leave her. Tabitha soon discovers she is pregnant and goes looking for Connor at the Ford's annual 4th of July party in a panic.

Nina dies that night and where it is ruled a suicide, it eventually becomes clear she was murdered, but by who? You follow around all the other characters who are employed by the Ford's and Tabitha soon finds herself convinced of the murder. It's her job to prove her innocence, and at times, she is convinced Connor is involved.

This book took a very good turn and I was not able to guess who was involved. The ending could have been happier, because that's of course what we all want, but it eventually all made perfect sense.

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