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Jessica L. (sika) - Wish List

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Academic Ableism: Disability and Higher Education (Corporealities: Discourses Of Disability)

Addiction by Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas
Addiction by Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas
Author: Natasha Dow Schüll
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 1/21/2024

Administrations of Lunacy: Racism and the Haunting of American Psychiatry at the Milledgeville Asylum

Against White Feminism: Notes on Disruption
Against White Feminism: Notes on Disruption
Author: Rafia Zakaria
Book Type: Hardcover
Wish Date: 6/26/2022

All Dogs Have ADHD
All Dogs Have ADHD
Author: Kathy Hoopmann
Book Type: Hardcover
Wish Date: 12/9/2014
  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Anarchy Evolution: Faith, Science, and Bad Religion in a World Without God
Anarchy Evolution: Faith, Science, and Bad Religion in a World Without God
Author: Greg Graffin, Steve Olson
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 2/9/2024
  • Currently 4.3/5 Stars.

Are Prisons Obsolete?
Are Prisons Obsolete?
Author: Angela Davis
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 6/5/2020
  • Currently 4.2/5 Stars.

Asperger's Children: The Origins of Autism in Nazi Vienna
Asperger's Children: The Origins of Autism in Nazi Vienna
Author: Edith Sheffer
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 10/18/2022

Asperger's Children: The Origins of Autism in Nazi Vienna
Asperger's Children: The Origins of Autism in Nazi Vienna
Author: Edith Sheffer
Book Type: Hardcover
Wish Date: 10/18/2022
  • Currently 3.5/5 Stars.

Autistic Songs
Autistic Songs
Author: Alan Griswold
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 10/22/2023

Black Man in a White Coat: A Doctor's Reflections on Race and Medicine
Black Man in a White Coat: A Doctor's Reflections on Race and Medicine
Author: Damon Tweedy
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 6/5/2020
  • Currently 4.5/5 Stars.

Black Skin, White Coats: Nigerian Psychiatrists, Decolonization, and the Globalization of Psychiatry (New African Histories)

The Blood Never Dried: A People's History of the British Empire
The Blood Never Dried: A People's History of the British Empire
Author: John Newsinger
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 10/18/2022

Civil Resistance and Power Politics: The Experience of Non-violent Action from Gandhi to the Present

Confessions of an Autistic Theologian: Doing Theology in Pictures-A Contextual, Liberation Theology for Humans on the Autism Spectrum

Content and Consciousness (International Library of Philosophy and Scientific Method)

Conversations on Palestine
Conversations on Palestine
Author: Noam Chomsky, Ilan Pappé
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 1/21/2024

Cuba on My Mind: Journeys to a Severed Nation
Cuba on My Mind: Journeys to a Severed Nation
Author: Roman De LA Campa
Book Type: Hardcover
Wish Date: 9/4/2021

Disability in Higher Education: A Social Justice Approach

Employment for Individuals With Asperger Syndrome or Non-Verbal Learning Disability: Stories and Strategies

Encyclopedia of AIDS: A Social, Political, Cultural, and Scientific Record of the HIV Epidemic (Penguin Reference)

The End of Prisons: Reflections from the Decarceration Movement (Social Philosophy)

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
Author: Ilan Pappe
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 1/21/2024

Even the Rat Was White: A Historical View of Psychology
Even the Rat Was White: A Historical View of Psychology
Author: Robert V. Guthrie
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 1/21/2024
  • Currently 3.5/5 Stars.

Fear of Life
Fear of Life
Author: Alexander Lowen
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 1/11/2015

Foucault and the Government of Disability (Corporealities: Discourses of Disability)

Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement

The Future Is Disabled: Prophecies, Love Notes and Mourning Songs

Gandhi's Truth: On the Origins of Militant Nonviolence
Gandhi's Truth: On the Origins of Militant Nonviolence
Author: Erik Erikson
Book Type: Hardcover
Wish Date: 12/24/2014

A Garden of Marvels: The Discovery that Flowers Have Sex, Leaves Eat Air, and Other Secrets of the Way Plants Work

Gaza in Crisis: Reflections on Israel's War Against the Palestinians

Grief Is Love: Living with Loss
Grief Is Love: Living with Loss
Author: Marisa Renee Lee
Book Type: Hardcover
Wish Date: 5/24/2023

Handbook of Multicultural Mental Health : Assessment and Treatment of Diverse Populations

Heart Berries: A Memoir
Heart Berries: A Memoir
Author: Terese Marie Mailhot
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 6/5/2020

Heart Berries: A Memoir
Heart Berries: A Memoir
Author: Terese Marie Mailhot
Book Type: Hardcover
Wish Date: 6/5/2020
  • Currently 3.5/5 Stars.

A History of Autism: Conversations with the Pioneers
A History of Autism: Conversations with the Pioneers
Author: Adam Feinstein
Book Type: Hardcover
Wish Date: 10/18/2022

A History of Autism: Conversations with the Pioneers
A History of Autism: Conversations with the Pioneers
Author: Adam Feinstein
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 10/18/2022

How to Leave Hialeah (Iowa Short Fiction Award)
How to Leave Hialeah (Iowa Short Fiction Award)
Author: Jennine Capo Crucet
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 10/18/2019

I Write What I Like : Selected Writings
I Write What I Like : Selected Writings
Author: Steve Biko
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 6/5/2020
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Inflamed: Deep Medicine and the Anatomy of Injustice
Inflamed: Deep Medicine and the Anatomy of Injustice
Author: Rupa Marya, Raj Patel
Book Type: Hardcover
Wish Date: 6/26/2022

Interpersonal Communication: A Goals-Based Approach

Into the Silent Land: Travels in Neuropsychology
Into the Silent Land: Travels in Neuropsychology
Author: Paul Broks
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 10/10/2010

The Invisible Kingdom: Reimagining Chronic Illness
The Invisible Kingdom: Reimagining Chronic Illness
Author: Meghan O'Rourke
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 5/21/2023

The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil
The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil
Author: Philip Zimbardo
Book Type: Hardcover
Wish Date: 7/13/2014
  • Currently 3.6/5 Stars.

Mad at School: Rhetorics of Mental Disability and Academic Life (Corporealities: Discourses of Disability)

Mad at School: Rhetorics of Mental Disability and Academic Life (Corporealities: Discourses of Disability)

Madness of Adam and Eve
Madness of Adam and Eve
Author: David Horrobin
Book Type: Hardcover
Wish Date: 10/18/2022

Author: David Horrobin
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 10/18/2022

The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True
The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True
Author: Richard Dawkins
Book Type: Audio CD
Wish Date: 5/12/2013

Mesoamerican Healers
Mesoamerican Healers
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 3/27/2012

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