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Heather (wingsofpetals) - , - Wish List

1 to 37 of 37
The Astrological World of Jung?s 'Liber Novus': Daimons, Gods, and the Planetary Journey (Volume 2)

Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms of the World

The Encyclopedia of Aphrodisiacs: Psychoactive Substances for Use in Sexual Practices

The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants: Ethnopharmacology and Its Applications

Ergot Alkaloids: Chemistry, Biological Effects, Biotechnology (Bioactive Molecules, Vol 12)

Essential Substances
Essential Substances
Author: Richard Rudgley
Book Type: Hardcover
Wish Date: 2/28/2021

Ethnopharmacologic Search for Psychoactive Drugs (Vol. 1 & 2): 50 Years of Research

The Fascinating World of the Nightshades: Tobacco, Mandrake, Potato, Tomato, Pepper, Eggplant, Etc.

Hallucinogenic Plants of North America
Hallucinogenic Plants of North America
Author: Jonathan Ott
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 11/27/2020

Herbs and Things
Herbs and Things
Author: Jeanne Rose
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 11/27/2020
  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Jung?s Studies in Astrology: Prophecy, Magic, and the Qualities of Time (Volume 1)

Liber 420: Cannabis, Magickal Herbs and the Occult
Liber 420: Cannabis, Magickal Herbs and the Occult
Author: Chris Bennett
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 2/28/2021

Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy
Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy
Author: Clark Heinrich
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 2/28/2021

The Magical and Ritual Use of Aphrodisiacs
The Magical and Ritual Use of Aphrodisiacs
Author: Richard Alan Miller
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 2/28/2021
  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

The Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs
The Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs
Author: Richard Alan Miller
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 2/28/2021
  • Currently 3.7/5 Stars.

The Magical and Ritual Use of Perfumes
The Magical and Ritual Use of Perfumes
Author: Richard Alan Miller, Iona Miller
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 5/9/2020
  • Currently 3.5/5 Stars.

Mushroom Cultivator: A Practical Guide to Growing Mushrooms at Home
Mushroom Cultivator: A Practical Guide to Growing Mushrooms at Home
Author: Paul Stamets, J. S. Chilton
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 2/28/2021
  • Currently 3.5/5 Stars.

Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World
Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World
Author: Paul Stamets
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 2/28/2021
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.

Mystic Mandrake
Mystic Mandrake
Author: C. J. S. Thompson
Book Type: Hardcover
Wish Date: 11/27/2020

Mythic Astrology
Mythic Astrology
Author: Liz Greene
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 11/2/2022

The Mythic Journey : The Meaning of Myth as a Guide for Life
The Mythic Journey : The Meaning of Myth as a Guide for Life
Author: Liz Greene, Juliet Sharman-Burke
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 11/2/2022
  • Currently 4.3/5 Stars.

The Mythic Journey: Use Myths, Fairy Tales, and Folklore to Explain Life's Mysteries

Plant Intoxicants: A Classic Text on the Use of Mind-Altering Plants

Plants of the Devil
Plants of the Devil
Author: Corinne Boyer
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 2/28/2021

Plants of the Gods : Their Sacred, Healing, and Hallucinogenic Powers

Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World: An Identification Guide
Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World: An Identification Guide
Author: Paul Stamets
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 2/28/2021
  • Currently 4.5/5 Stars.

Psychoactive indole alkaloids in higher fungi. New species and perspectives

Radical Mycology: A Treatise On Seeing And Working With Fungi
Radical Mycology: A Treatise On Seeing And Working With Fungi
Author: Peter McCoy
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 2/28/2021

Relating: An Astrological Guide to Living With Others on a Small Planet
Relating: An Astrological Guide to Living With Others on a Small Planet
Author: Liz Greene
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 11/2/2022
  • Currently 4.5/5 Stars.

Sacred Mushroom of Visions: Teonanácatl: A Sourcebook on the Psilocybin Mushroom

Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil
Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil
Author: Liz Greene
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 11/2/2022
  • Currently 3.8/5 Stars.

Shroom: A Cultural History of the Magic Mushroom
Shroom: A Cultural History of the Magic Mushroom
Author: Andy Letcher
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 2/28/2021

Toads and Toadstools: The Natural History, Folklore, and Cultural Oddities of a Strange Association

Trance-portation: Learning to Navigate the Inner World
Trance-portation: Learning to Navigate the Inner World
Author: Diana L. Paxson
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 12/27/2020
  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

Veneficium: Magic, Witchcraft and the Poison Path
Veneficium: Magic, Witchcraft and the Poison Path
Author: Daniel A. Schulke
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 2/28/2021

Witchcraft Medicine: Healing Arts, Shamanic Practices, and Forbidden Plants

1 to 37 of 37