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Help Center - What if a book I want is not available?

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A book that is not currently available for you to request will not have the Order this Book button on the listing.

Many popular (very recent releases) or esoteric (not commonly Posted) books are swapped only by Wish List - you have to queue for them (just as you do when putting yourself on the waiting list at the library for a new release), using the Wish List.

If you are trying to request a book that is not currently available, you will not have the option to request it now.  However, you do have two (and sometimes three) options:

  • Put it onto your Wish List by clicking
    • This puts you "in line" for the book
    • When it becomes available for you to request at PBS, you will be notified by email.
    • You can read more about how the Wish List works in How the Wish List Works
    • Note that even very long wish lists can move very fast once they start moving!  So don't be too daunted if the line appears long.
    • Be sure to check for other versions of the book!  Sometimes one version won't be available but another will. You can use the Wish Expander for this - read more about the Wish Expander in More Wish List upgrades - Wish expander, Options button, new Sort choices.
  • Click to buy it from Amazon (commission earned).
  • Click if that button is available on the listing - to buy it new from PBS Market at a discount.

Popular and rarely-posted books are usually swapped using the Wish List - so don't hesitate to use it, to get the books you want!

Note: If you want to see only posted (= currently available) books:

  • Just be sure to choose "Posted Books" at the top left of the Book Browser page when searching, and you will always see *only* books that are currently available for swapping.
  • You can also use the "favorite genres" sliding displays on your Homepage to show currently-available books in those genres.
  • Also, the "Only Posted Books" link at the top right of the Books Posted Today page (under Search at the top of any page on the site) also limits the display to those books that are available to be requested.


Related Links:

What is the Wish List?
How the Wish List Works
old Postal Rates Effective January 17, 2016
Old Postal Rates (Jan 17, 2016 - Jan 21, 2017)
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