If you receive a Box-O-Books that contains inappropriate items, wrong books, books that violate your Requestor Conditions, or books in poor condition (or if not all of the books promised are included in the box), you should contact the other Boxer using the Personal Message button on the swap to discuss the situation.
The other Boxer can compensate you with replacement books, or Book Credits.
We do not expect that all members will agree on all matters, especially not when it comes to subjective things like book condition; we cannot adjudicate ourselves.
If the situation is not resolved to your satisfaction, you can note the problem in the Boxer Feedback space on the swap.
If the situation is resolved, you can mark the box received and leave appropriate feedback.
The other Boxer will be able to respond to your feedback, and the "discussion" will end there.
Other Boxers will see both comments together when they view that feedback.
Boxer feedback cannot be edited after it is submitted, so please be sure to say what you mean and mean what you say!