Once you enroll, your bookshelf becomes visible to other Boxers in the Box-O-Books area.
Your forum posts, your bookshelf and your PBS Profile will all have the icon on them.
You get offers for swaps from other Boxers
Boxers who browse your bookshelf select books they want from you, then offer you a "Box swap"
When you get a Box offer, you can browse that Boxer's bookshelf and choose books for your Box from them
You can also make Box offers to other Boxers
search all Boxers' books from the Box-O-Books area to find books you want, then choose a Boxer who has those books
or choose a specific Boxer's bookshelf to browse
create your box by "shopping" on that bookshelf and then make your offer
Box swaps are normally "even" (e.g., 4 books for 4 books), but they do not have to be. If you want to send out 6 books in exchange for 4, that is fine. Each audiobook is generally swapped for two bound books, but this is not required
Requestor Conditions can be applied to Box-O-Books swaps
You can decline any Box offer at any point up until the time you have clicked to accept it
You are not obligated to accept a Box offer if you would prefer to get a credit for a particular book (or books) on your bookshelf.
Boxers "negotiate" until they have reached a satisfactory swap; then they accept the swap and send the boxes to each other.
Your books remain visible on your regular PBS bookshelf until both Boxers have accepted a swap; then those books are removed from both bookshelves
If you get a "regular" for-credit request AND a Boxer request for the same book, you can choose how you want to swap the book: as part of a Box swap or as a regular swap for a credit
Once a Box-O-Books swap has been accepted on both sides:
The package label is printed from the Box-O-Books transaction
PBS Printable Postage can be applied to Box-O-Books swaps
Both Boxers mail the packages to one another.
When a Box is received it is marked received on the pending swap page; there is a place to leave feedback on each swap.
You can pause or suspend your Box-O-Books subscription at any time, for any length of time
Doing this does not affect ongoing (pending) Box transactions
Doing this also does not affect your regular PBS bookshelf