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Help Center - Posting and Sending a Wish Listed book

Search Terms:

When you Post a book that another member is wishing for, the book will be offered to the member immediately. On your My Account page, you will see the Wish List Hold, with notations as below:

  • Reserved On: (date)
    Status: Waiting 48 hours for other member
    to confirm that they still want this book.
  • When the Wishing member confirms that she wants the book, you will be notifed by email.

  • If she declines the book (or does not respond within 48 hours), your book will immediately be offered to the next member on the Wish List for that book.
    • You will not get an auto-email notifying you of this cancellation; the offer will just be passed along.
    • If no other members are wishing for that book, it will go onto your bookshelf. (If this happens, you will get an auto-email telling you that this has happened.)
  • If you have Posted the book in error, you will not be able to remove the pending offer.
    • You will need to wait until the book is requested, then click "I cannot send" on the request
    • You will have a chance to send a Personal Message to the requestor when you cancel.

Additional Possibilities:

  • If the book is set to auto-request on the a member's Wish List, the book will be requested automatically; you will get the email notifying you of the request about an hour after you post the book, and the request will appear on your My Account page.
    • In the meantime (before the hour is up), you will see the auto-requested item ONLY on your bookshelf, with the notation "request pending-1 hr max." next to it.
    • However, if the Wisher then cancels this request, you may log in and find no request there!
    • You will have received an email notification of the auto-request, but you will NOT have received an email notification of the first Wisher's cancellation because the offer has been passed along automatically to the next Wisher, without generating an auto-email notification. If no one else is wishing for the book, and the first (auto-requestor) cancels, then you WILL receive an email notifying you of the cancellation.

  • If you receive a notification email of a request, but do not see the request when you log in to respond to it, you can confirm what has happened by checking your Transaction Archive to see if the first transaction is there.

  • To get to your Transactions Archive:
    • from My Account: click the link "Transaction Archive" at the top of your My Account page (in the yellow bar)
    • from anywhere on the site: place your cursor over My Account in the toolbar at the top of the site, and choose "Transactions" from the menu that drops down.
  • If you post a Wish List book (or any book) to your bookshelf while your bookshelf is on hold, the book will NOT be "hidden"!
  • Newly posted books bypass your bookshelf, and will NOT be affected by a bookshelf hold.

  • Please do not post books until you are ready to send them out!


Related Links:

What is the Wish List?
How the Wish List Works
Can I offer my Wish Listed book to a specific member?
I have a book on the Club Wish List. Can I contact the wisher?
I have a book on the Club Wish List but it doesn't have an ISBN
My book's on the Club Wish List, with a different/no ISBN
What does *pending request, 1 hr max* mean?