It has been quite a while since I have read a good science fiction book. I had bought this book as a Christmas present for a younger friend. I had done some research to see what the younger generation was reading and admiring. "Ender's Game" had received a lot of buzz and I saw it was being made into a movie for 2013, so I told my friend when he was done reading it, I wanted to borrow it. Well he was sunk into some heavy reading for school and other books he had for required reading, so he passed it on sooner than I had expected. Long story short "pun intended" it had me from beginning to end, now I am wishing my life away as I am really pumped about the upcoming movie. Some of the characters can be dark, and at times its hard to believe that most of the main characters are children and the book takes them on into their pre-teens and teens. They are asked much along the way from the characters, so much so that even I as an adult might have caved in. The main character Andrew Wiggins or Ender, immediately you find yourself rooting for him. He is bullied at school and by his oldest brother, and is constantly an underdog as the story unfolds. Still the story finds Andrew/Ender bravely taking on each challenge from being bullied in the beginning, to tasks set at hand eventually by the IF to save the world and universe from "Buggers" or Aliens. The story is weaved well and at times you wonder where some of the content is going, be patient its well worth the ride from beginning to end. Quite a change from the fare I normally read, but making me think its worth taking an alternate route at times for a change of scenery!! I would highly recommend this book if you have read "The Hunger Game" series and looking for something similar yet different. Let me remind you that this book was written before "Hunger Games" so its not a copy cat. Quite a fast read, but slow down and enjoy that ride down an alternate path, its well worth the trip!!
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