Was this one of my favorite Lancaster books, no. Did I like the characters, not really, but I was invested in the book and I did want to see how it ended. It wasn't a horrible book, just similiar to others books I have read and movies I have seen. I did enjoy the ending, even though it was somewhat predictable. Most of the time I can say "Hey I loved this book or Don't waste your time" but I'm really indifferent about this one. I'm not sorry I read it. I don't feel like it was a waste of time as it was a fast read and it had its moments. So I will just end by saying read for yourself. Some folks will like it, others will not. Me, I will continue to read Jen's books but I do think her strong suit is writing life stories. If you haven't read her book, Bright Lights and Big Ass, please do, you will be rolling on the floor laughing.
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