I just happened to see on the WEB, a picture of a british Celebrrity, Katie price, that is how my interest in Peter Andre began.He was a fledgling celebrity Rock Star ( has a gorgeous voice, I YouTubed it :) anyway, he met Katie Price (a british Sex Kitten celebrity)when he was in a British celebrity Show, "I am a celebrity, get me outta here" when they were to survive on an Island with nothing but a few dried beans and some rice.he couldn't resist her, but didn't hook up til she chased him after they show ended.Well, I just "had" to read more about this cute singer.he is the sweetest thing, and a gifted writer. He tells of his childhood adventures, and being raised by Jehovah Witnesses. They marry, and have a cople kids of their own, very interesting story, being Katie has a blind son, Junior already. I enjoyed this book a lot, but have nt got room to collect every good book I read.I believ you will really enjoy this expose of their poppin life together.