How utterly tragic... to have someone's life laid open to you so that you can see this vampire as it sucks their mind away....how tragic.
This book is a very easy read - the author makes you feel that you are another person in that family - you end the book wondering how you personally would react to this situation and which side you would have taken. Both those you have experience with Alzheimers and those who do not can learn from this book.
Next paragraph may be a ****SPOILER****
To think that Alice planned for her own death and then just came upon the details by accident. Then was unable to follow it thru - I really felt for her. This book only covers a 2 year span and she declined that fast. I noticed that it was only a 2 month span when she forgot the total answers to her 5 questions and could only give partial answers. How sad for her family. I can understand both sides - the husband for wanting to go on with his life and not watch as his wife literally died in front of him and also the children for not wanting to lose their mother - for holding on to all they felt was familiar.
This book is a very easy read - the author makes you feel that you are another person in that family - you end the book wondering how you personally would react to this situation and which side you would have taken. Both those you have experience with Alzheimers and those who do not can learn from this book.
Next paragraph may be a ****SPOILER****
To think that Alice planned for her own death and then just came upon the details by accident. Then was unable to follow it thru - I really felt for her. This book only covers a 2 year span and she declined that fast. I noticed that it was only a 2 month span when she forgot the total answers to her 5 questions and could only give partial answers. How sad for her family. I can understand both sides - the husband for wanting to go on with his life and not watch as his wife literally died in front of him and also the children for not wanting to lose their mother - for holding on to all they felt was familiar.
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