This is a great book-this is a horrible book- this is a horribly great book. It will rip your heart out and you'll cry nasty tears. You'll curse yourself for picking it up to read (cause you knew going in it was NOT going to be an easy read) while not being able to lay it down except to grab a tissue as your nose is spewing snot because you've been crying nonstop.
As a parent, you worry about your child from the time you realize you are pregnant till you take your last breath You worry about if he's going to make it 9 months growing in your belly, you worry if he'll be healthy, you worry if he'll have your husband's gorgeous blue eyes
or your uncle's goofy ears.
You worry about anything and everything. It never ends. When they start school, you worry if they'll make friends easily, if they'll be smart, athletic, popular, and all kinds of crazy stuff. And then there are the real worries as they get older, when you realize you can't be there 24/7. They start being more independent and you realize that you can't vet every friend they make or every stranger they meet.
This story addresses the aftermath of trying to put a broken family back together after having had one of the most horrendous unimaginable things happen to them. One of their precious daughters disappears after a ball game and for over four years they don't know if she's alive or dead.
Everyone handles the loss in a different way and once this child, now a 16 year returns, it really gets rough. This story doesn't get too graphic but your mind will paint pictures that will stay with you for eons after reading it.
This is a YA book and I'll pass my copy on to my daughter to lend to her high school students. It's a pretty quick read but wait and read it over a weekend so that you can devote the time to it as I promise once started you will not be able to ignore it till you read that last page and even then you'll think about it and be pissed that it won't leave you alone.
It would not surprise me to see this book optioned as a movie later on but I'm not sure I could bear to see it.
As a parent, you worry about your child from the time you realize you are pregnant till you take your last breath You worry about if he's going to make it 9 months growing in your belly, you worry if he'll be healthy, you worry if he'll have your husband's gorgeous blue eyes
or your uncle's goofy ears.
You worry about anything and everything. It never ends. When they start school, you worry if they'll make friends easily, if they'll be smart, athletic, popular, and all kinds of crazy stuff. And then there are the real worries as they get older, when you realize you can't be there 24/7. They start being more independent and you realize that you can't vet every friend they make or every stranger they meet.
This story addresses the aftermath of trying to put a broken family back together after having had one of the most horrendous unimaginable things happen to them. One of their precious daughters disappears after a ball game and for over four years they don't know if she's alive or dead.
Everyone handles the loss in a different way and once this child, now a 16 year returns, it really gets rough. This story doesn't get too graphic but your mind will paint pictures that will stay with you for eons after reading it.
This is a YA book and I'll pass my copy on to my daughter to lend to her high school students. It's a pretty quick read but wait and read it over a weekend so that you can devote the time to it as I promise once started you will not be able to ignore it till you read that last page and even then you'll think about it and be pissed that it won't leave you alone.
It would not surprise me to see this book optioned as a movie later on but I'm not sure I could bear to see it.