Nastasya is a 459 year old immortal stuck in a 17 year olds body. This is classified as young adult but it really isn't. The only thing remotely childish about it is the jealously displayed by Nell over Reyn. It's more of a find-yourself type of novel. Nastasya doesn't like who she has become or the immortal friends she's been hanging with in London so she runs off to Boston to a place where immortals recharge. Nastasya is really hard on herself and isn't the least bit friendly or trusting. It takes over half the book to get to anything interesting. The only reason I persevered is because I was stuck at work without something else to read otherwise I would have dumped this book.
I was disappointed in this book. Everything I've read by Cate Tiernan has been really good and this wasn't. Don't get me wrong it was ok but a real slow starter. Took almost 200 pages before I started to like the story. Nastasya ("Nasty" to her friends) is not a likable character even though she sees what she is doing as wrong and tries to change. I eventually felt sorry for her and came to somewhat like her. I may try the next book with the hopes that the world building is done and we can get to the meat of the story...other immortals trying to kill her. Yay.
I was disappointed in this book. Everything I've read by Cate Tiernan has been really good and this wasn't. Don't get me wrong it was ok but a real slow starter. Took almost 200 pages before I started to like the story. Nastasya ("Nasty" to her friends) is not a likable character even though she sees what she is doing as wrong and tries to change. I eventually felt sorry for her and came to somewhat like her. I may try the next book with the hopes that the world building is done and we can get to the meat of the story...other immortals trying to kill her. Yay.
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