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Book Review of Under the Banner of Heaven : A Story of Violent Faith

Under the Banner of Heaven : A Story of Violent Faith
cwousn avatar reviewed on + 123 more book reviews

I was rather disappointed with this book. A friend gave me a second hand recommendation but she hadn't started it yet, she just said that a friend had recommended it to her and it sounded interesting. The hardbound copy I obtained didn't have a dust jacket so I had no foreknowledge of the content. I think the book is classed as non-fiction and it was a mishmash of then current (the book is over 20 years old) and historical events. I am somewhat cognizant of the LDS history and beliefs - I had worked some years ago with a devout saint (Mormon). The author seemed to focus on the more salacious parts of the Mormon faith and also seemed to treat the events listed the Book of Mormon as fact. I was disappointed in the glossing over of the events in the 19th century - there were many atrocities committed by and against the followers of the LDS faith (to which I thought the title referred). It may be that the title referred to the faith held by Ron and Dan Lafferty, two break away followers of the traditional LDS religion. In any case, I thought the book was rather disjointed and jumped between past and press with little discernible rhyme or reason. The book does give some good history of Mormonism and does examine some of the more extreme tenets of breakaway individuals. Recommended - if only for some of the historical information.