John Aversin, Thane of the beleaguered abandoned backwater Alyn Hold, and his lady, dragon wizard Jenny Waynest, returned from their adventures in "Dragonsbane" to live happily ever after, or so both readers and characters hoped. But life has no happy endings, especially in the harsh Winterlands. Aversin has spent his whole life protecting the people of this land. He risked his life for his king and brought back books and soldiers from the southern capital. Now the newly filled garrisons are under seige by a huge bandit army, an army with a mage. And if that wasnt enough another dragon has appeared even if it doesnt kill his people, theyll starve to death if he doesnt stop its predations on their flocks.
And things are going to get even worse. After a thousands years of (relative) peace, demons have found a way back to the land of men. Theyre coming after mages starting with John and Jennys young mageborn son!
[Note: This review is the same for all 4 books of the Winterlands series.]
*** Aahhh... This is what I mean by a good Hambly book! No! A great Hambly book! This is probably my favorite Hambly series, and one of my favorite series of all time. What makes Barbara Hambly books so wonderful is that not only are her stories nail biting-ly thrilling but you come to love the characters. Id compare her to Stephen King they both write exciting stories that have you snapping when they (dare!) try to interrupt, and they both write emotional, three dimensional characters, often outsiders, you truly come to care for. And like all great character driven stories, they change and grow and learn. When you close the last page, you feel like youve completed an epic journey, one where your inner journey is at least as important as the outer. Even the dragon grows!
Like all the great stories its a hard, often heart-rending journey, but one told with some beautiful prose. I cant say much more without spoiling the story youll just have to read it yourself.
Conclusion: Highest recommendation! Dont miss out on this amazing experience!
Be sure to start read the books in order:
1. Dragonsbane (ISBN: 9780345349392)
2. Dragonshadow (ISBN: 9780345421883)
3. Knight of the Demon Queen (ISBN: 9780345421906)
4. Dragonstar (ISBN: 9780345441713)
And things are going to get even worse. After a thousands years of (relative) peace, demons have found a way back to the land of men. Theyre coming after mages starting with John and Jennys young mageborn son!
[Note: This review is the same for all 4 books of the Winterlands series.]
*** Aahhh... This is what I mean by a good Hambly book! No! A great Hambly book! This is probably my favorite Hambly series, and one of my favorite series of all time. What makes Barbara Hambly books so wonderful is that not only are her stories nail biting-ly thrilling but you come to love the characters. Id compare her to Stephen King they both write exciting stories that have you snapping when they (dare!) try to interrupt, and they both write emotional, three dimensional characters, often outsiders, you truly come to care for. And like all great character driven stories, they change and grow and learn. When you close the last page, you feel like youve completed an epic journey, one where your inner journey is at least as important as the outer. Even the dragon grows!
Like all the great stories its a hard, often heart-rending journey, but one told with some beautiful prose. I cant say much more without spoiling the story youll just have to read it yourself.
Conclusion: Highest recommendation! Dont miss out on this amazing experience!
Be sure to start read the books in order:
1. Dragonsbane (ISBN: 9780345349392)
2. Dragonshadow (ISBN: 9780345421883)
3. Knight of the Demon Queen (ISBN: 9780345421906)
4. Dragonstar (ISBN: 9780345441713)