No holds barred. She doesn't hesitate to say what's on her mind. That's our Joan.
Some of her comments and language will make you laugh out loud and others will probably shock you. You wonder how she can get away with what she's saying about some extremely well-known people or events. No matter what, you'll be anxious to turn to the next page to read what else she's seen fit to tear apart or make fun of.
This is a funny book and one you might want to share with your friends. I gave one copy to a very ill friend who was in the hospital and he said it was the first and only thing that had made him laugh since he got sick.
Now that Joan is gone, unfortunately, this book seems even more precious.
Joan was a very kind and unselfish person, despite her fame. She was always ready to reach out and help someone.
I know that personally.
Many years ago, I was a freelance writer, poet and young mother of three. There was a new comedian who had appeared on the Johnny Carson show.
I had written some comedy material and sent it to her, asking if she could help me and perhaps purchase my work to add to her routines.
Joan sent me a handwritten letter (I wish I could find it now), telling me that she couldn't yet afford to buy any material, but my work was so good and so funny, she had told her agent about me. Her agent's name was extremely well known.
She gave me the agent's name and phone number and suggested I call him and set up an appointment. She felt sure that he could and would get me work.
This was wonderful and so kind of her. I've never forgotten how nice she was to a young woman she didn't even know.
Actually, because I didn't know if being another woman comedy writer would hurt me or help me, I had signed my letter to her with just my first initial and last name.
This would have been a wonderful break, but unfortunately, it never came to be.
At the time, I had a little 3 year old girl and 3 month old premature identical twin girls and I couldn't find anyone who could babysit during school hours and didn't have any family members who were available. I wound up sending her a thank you note, stuck my carefully written comedy material in a drawer and went to change yet another diaper.
That was 52 years ago, and I've never stopped sending Joan good thoughts and never have forgotten how nice she was. When she died, and people commented on how kind she had been, I mourned her too, and my lost opportunity.
Some of her comments and language will make you laugh out loud and others will probably shock you. You wonder how she can get away with what she's saying about some extremely well-known people or events. No matter what, you'll be anxious to turn to the next page to read what else she's seen fit to tear apart or make fun of.
This is a funny book and one you might want to share with your friends. I gave one copy to a very ill friend who was in the hospital and he said it was the first and only thing that had made him laugh since he got sick.
Now that Joan is gone, unfortunately, this book seems even more precious.
Joan was a very kind and unselfish person, despite her fame. She was always ready to reach out and help someone.
I know that personally.
Many years ago, I was a freelance writer, poet and young mother of three. There was a new comedian who had appeared on the Johnny Carson show.
I had written some comedy material and sent it to her, asking if she could help me and perhaps purchase my work to add to her routines.
Joan sent me a handwritten letter (I wish I could find it now), telling me that she couldn't yet afford to buy any material, but my work was so good and so funny, she had told her agent about me. Her agent's name was extremely well known.
She gave me the agent's name and phone number and suggested I call him and set up an appointment. She felt sure that he could and would get me work.
This was wonderful and so kind of her. I've never forgotten how nice she was to a young woman she didn't even know.
Actually, because I didn't know if being another woman comedy writer would hurt me or help me, I had signed my letter to her with just my first initial and last name.
This would have been a wonderful break, but unfortunately, it never came to be.
At the time, I had a little 3 year old girl and 3 month old premature identical twin girls and I couldn't find anyone who could babysit during school hours and didn't have any family members who were available. I wound up sending her a thank you note, stuck my carefully written comedy material in a drawer and went to change yet another diaper.
That was 52 years ago, and I've never stopped sending Joan good thoughts and never have forgotten how nice she was. When she died, and people commented on how kind she had been, I mourned her too, and my lost opportunity.
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