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Book Review of Broken Soup

Broken Soup
Broken Soup
Author: Jenny Valentine
Genre: Children's Books
Book Type: Paperback
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Helpful Score: 1

After the death of Jack, Rowan's mom goes off the deep end. She does not seem to notice or care about anyone else in her family. A surprise negative shows up that rocks Rowan's world and Harper, the one who gave her the negative, turns out to be the love and support that she has needed all along. At 15, Rowan thinks she has to do everything and be the world for her little sister Stroma, but she finds that loved ones new and old can be a positive help to her and support her. With at least 5 OMG surprises incidences, this book is well worth the read for anyone. Trust me as I am 36 and after the first chapter I could not put it down and my neice is the one who recommended it to me and she is 16. A great read for all ages as long as you believe in the mystery of life, love conquers all, and things have a way of working out to the best you will love this book.