Everything Trump Touches Dies: A Republican Strategist Gets Real About the Worst President Ever
Genre: Politics & Social Sciences
Book Type: Hardcover
Genre: Politics & Social Sciences
Book Type: Hardcover
Elizabeth R. (esjro) - , reviewed on + 963 more book reviews
The title of this book is also its premise: that every person or organization that gets involved with Trump ends up worse for the wear. Numerous examples include Paul Ryan, James Mattis, Sean Spicer....
The author is a long time Republican political playmaker, but also a "never Trump" activist. He makes his case persuasively but very, very abrasively, which to me is the problem: the audience for this book is likely other "never Trump" Republicans, and Democrats looking for Schadenfreude, but the people it needs to reach are Republicans and independents who supported Trump in 2016. The author has no problem referring repeatedly to these people as deplorables, and makes cheap jokes about their lack of intelligence and there was probably even a reference to their dental hygiene at some point. People who are already disgusted by Trump will find lots of material here to reassure them in their opinions, but it is unfortunate that the author's snarkiness will limit his audience.
The author is a long time Republican political playmaker, but also a "never Trump" activist. He makes his case persuasively but very, very abrasively, which to me is the problem: the audience for this book is likely other "never Trump" Republicans, and Democrats looking for Schadenfreude, but the people it needs to reach are Republicans and independents who supported Trump in 2016. The author has no problem referring repeatedly to these people as deplorables, and makes cheap jokes about their lack of intelligence and there was probably even a reference to their dental hygiene at some point. People who are already disgusted by Trump will find lots of material here to reassure them in their opinions, but it is unfortunate that the author's snarkiness will limit his audience.