wolfie0516 reviewed on
This is an amazing book and the best I've read in quite awhile. It is so well-written, with secondary characters as fascinating and enjoyable as the h&h. The book had lots of humor, and I laughed out loud at quite a few parts. I was very sad when the book ended because I almost feel like I can't live without these characters and their stories in my life. I really liked how the love scenes were written without overkill and involved lots of subtle foreplay. I must admit that my favorite characters were two of the secondary characters who were close to the heroine, and I would give anything if the authors (Laura London is actually a husband-wife writing team) would write books about them! Again, I really appreciated the way this book was written and that it did not fall in quite the same formulaic rut I've encountered lately and become kind of burned out on (after years of reading romance novels, that's bound to happen). I highly recommend it, unless you hate pirates and ships and tangled webs of relationships and humor...