I thought the book was thought provoking and enlightening.
People can take anything out of context and twist it to say what they want it to say. It happens all the time. The best way to find out about this author and his writing it to read his book yourself.
I do not agree with everything in the book- there are few authors I do agree completely with. However, I do believe when training and disipline are done in love the benefits to the child and the family as a whole are vast.
I also think it is quite low that one reviewer has the same review for many of the Pearl's books. Come on. I bet she hasn't even read ONE of them.
People can take anything out of context and twist it to say what they want it to say. It happens all the time. The best way to find out about this author and his writing it to read his book yourself.
I do not agree with everything in the book- there are few authors I do agree completely with. However, I do believe when training and disipline are done in love the benefits to the child and the family as a whole are vast.
I also think it is quite low that one reviewer has the same review for many of the Pearl's books. Come on. I bet she hasn't even read ONE of them.
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