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Book Review of Worldweavers: Spellspam (Worldweavers)

Worldweavers: Spellspam (Worldweavers)
GeniusJen avatar reviewed on + 5322 more book reviews

Reviewed by Jaglvr for

What would the world be like if the spam we got in our email could actually cast magical spells upon us? That's the story behind SPELLSPAM, the second book in the WORLDWEAVERS series.

Thea and her friends are in the school library when a fellow student goes running from the room, her skin transparent, showing all the gore beneath it. The poor unsuspecting student opened and read an email stating that you could have the clearest skin you could possibly imagine. This is the start of the email epidemic that Thea has nicknamed spellspam. The name spellspam apparently sticks, even with members of the FBM, Federal Bureau of Magic.

Thea and her friends have discovered the "why" of the spellspam, but it's up to her and her friend Terry to discover the "how" of the spellspams. So it is decided that Thea and Terry are to spend a summer internship at the home of Professor de lose Reyes. The Professor is one of the most knowledgeable in the technological world, and his home is the second hub of the magical Nexus. Terry and Thea suspect that the sender of the spellspam has infiltrated the Internet via his computer access.

At first the professor believes that he can learn nothing from the two children. But as Thea and Terry spend more time in his Elemental house (a house that will do whatever you wish by merely thinking it), they are more certain that the culprit is in their midst. With the help of various members of the household and Thea's family, they take on the quest to solve the mystery of the spellspam.

Ms. Alexander crafts a creative story that keeps the reader engrossed and marveling at the worlds that are created. The story moves quickly and the characters are truly unique.

One piece of advice though. This is the second story in the series, following GIFT OF THE UNMAGE, and to fully understand and appreciate the story, it's best to have read the first book. The story can definitely be followed, but there is a lot that is referenced from past adventures that would be clearer to the reader if they have the background knowledge. Having said that, I quite enjoyed this story and look forward to more adventures with Thea and her unlikely group of heroes.