Lindsey G. (LinzluvsGJ) reviewed on + 112 more book reviews
Ted Tripp's advocated methods are not biblically sound. By distorting Old Testament Scripture, he advocates for numerous ways to spank children from INFANCY until they are whipped into submission, certainly not the methods our Lord Jesus Christ would have ever advocated. The same scriptures he uses to back up his methods (from Psalms mentioning "The Rod") literally mean to guide and teach your children, not to literally whip them. I long for the day when those claiming to be "Christian" will be revealed for the authors they really are, misguided by Satan himself and repentant for the pain they have misled so many parents to inflict on their innocent children. You cannot be Christian in word, yet ignore Christ in your actions.
Christian parents, or parents of any faith can and should discipline without violence (which is exactly what spanking is...hitting). It is not necessary and potentially harmful physically, and absolutely psychologically harmful. Logical consequences help children to learn after making a mistake. Hurting a child only creates fear and the insecure feeling of deserving physical suffering, nothing God desires for His children.
Christian parents, or parents of any faith can and should discipline without violence (which is exactly what spanking is...hitting). It is not necessary and potentially harmful physically, and absolutely psychologically harmful. Logical consequences help children to learn after making a mistake. Hurting a child only creates fear and the insecure feeling of deserving physical suffering, nothing God desires for His children.
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