Felix the Railway Cat
Genres: Travel, Crafts, Hobbies & Home, Science & Math, Humor & Entertainment, Engineering & Transportation
Book Type: Paperback
Genres: Travel, Crafts, Hobbies & Home, Science & Math, Humor & Entertainment, Engineering & Transportation
Book Type: Paperback
Alice B. reviewed on + 3614 more book reviews
When Felix arrived at Yorkshires Huddersfield train station as an eight week old kitten no one you just important. This little ball of fluff would be. Felix is much more than just an employee of the transporting express Felix changes lies and surprising ways full of fun and heartwarming stories, Felix, the Railway cat is remarkable tale of aWhen Felix arrived at Yorkshires Huddersfield train station as a eight week old kitten no one you just important. This little ball of fluff would be. Felix is much more than just an employee of the transporting express Felix changes lies and surprising ways full of fun and heartwarming stories, Felix, the Railway cat is remarkable tale of a close Yorkshire community and it's amazing bond with a very special cat.