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Book Review of Because You're Mine (Capitol Theatre, Bk 2)

Because You're Mine (Capitol Theatre, Bk 2)
reviewed on + 929 more book reviews

I didnt care for this one. There were so many things I disliked about this book, yet it did keep me interested enough to finish it so I did give it some stars.

I hated both Madeline and Logan. In the first part, Madeline was brave enough to run away from school and do something she was morally against just to keep from marrying a dirty old man. That shows some independence and spunk, right? Well, she meets Logan and turns into a brainless, infatuated teeny bopper and guess what? - lusting for a dirty old man. Albeit younger than the first dirty old man but still. On top of that, she pretty much becomes his doormat until the last three pages of the book. Logan was the most sadistic, self-absorbed SOB in the world. There was no way Madeline could be in love with him unless she likes abusive men because this guy berated her, pretty much raped her, blamed her for breathing, and seemed to only be nice to her when he wanted to get laid. And this was even before she betrays him. I have to say betray was a strong word for what she did. Their age difference was an issue for me here only because he was so obviously in control of the relationship and did not appreciate Madeline at all (Usually I dont really mind the age difference because they are treated as equals but not here). On top of that, he saw her as a child-woman?!?! Okay, that was sick. And not telling Madeline that he forgave her for a very minor betrayal which she apologized for even before he knew about it just so he could torture her? Cruel, petty, and something akin to what a four year old would do. And I thought Madeline was the young one. What kills me was all their friends would go to Madeline to tell her to be patient with Logan but no one told Logan to get off his high horse and take a look at how good he had it (well, until like 5 pages to the end).

Things I disliked that are relevant only to this author. Ive read about a dozen books by Kleypas now and although I do enjoy most of her stories, I find it really distasteful that she reuses plotlines and backstories: nursing someone back to health to establish closeness in a relationship, having a past significant other die due to illness, having a significant other die, and best friend stealing your fiancé. Within the dozen books I have read, these are in 90% of her books. Its insulting.

Why do I keep reading her? For the most part, I like her characters and the fun things they do. That being said, since I didnt like the characters here it makes sense that I didnt like this book.