R E K. (bigstone) - , reviewed on + 1458 more book reviews
ometimes I choose a book by its cover, sometimes by the reviews I've read or recommendations from others, even if the book won an award. This one did but I don't rccall which method I used to put it on my TBR. I do know that every time I looked at the cover I asked if I wanted to read a war book. Well, this one isn't a war book. It's a book about those involved in war. While the tale begins in Viet Nam it could be any war.
The narrator Paul Berlin, a young man who doesn't really know what he wants to do with his life so he drops out of college and is drafted. He doesn't really want to be a solder but he becomes one.
I like the author's writing, and approach about death. There are no embellishments. They simply die. Firghtened to death. Shot through the throat. Stepped on a land mine. Nothing more so the reader can get into the heads of the men in the story, especially that of Paul Berlin.
It's based on a ridiculous premise. That a man named Cacciato who deserts can walk to Paris. So can those who pursue him. It's humorous, tragic at times and just plain interesting. perhaps I should say fun. The reader knows that such a trek is impossible but the author pulls him forward. It's not a great story but it's so well done that I kept reading - all the way to the surprising conclusion. Yes, I recommend this one. Tim O'Brien is such a fine writer that I put his name on my author list. Good, good book.
The narrator Paul Berlin, a young man who doesn't really know what he wants to do with his life so he drops out of college and is drafted. He doesn't really want to be a solder but he becomes one.
I like the author's writing, and approach about death. There are no embellishments. They simply die. Firghtened to death. Shot through the throat. Stepped on a land mine. Nothing more so the reader can get into the heads of the men in the story, especially that of Paul Berlin.
It's based on a ridiculous premise. That a man named Cacciato who deserts can walk to Paris. So can those who pursue him. It's humorous, tragic at times and just plain interesting. perhaps I should say fun. The reader knows that such a trek is impossible but the author pulls him forward. It's not a great story but it's so well done that I kept reading - all the way to the surprising conclusion. Yes, I recommend this one. Tim O'Brien is such a fine writer that I put his name on my author list. Good, good book.