Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter, Bk 3)
Genres: Children's Books, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Book Type: Paperback
Genres: Children's Books, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Book Type: Paperback
As Harry Potter starts his third year at Hogwarts, things are not going well. His classes are tougher and the tests are harder. His Quidditch broom has been broken to bits. One of Harry's professors has seen an omen of his death in his tea leaves. And convicted murderer Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban and word is he is out to get Harry Potter. Hogwarts is on lockdown with Black on the loose.
Another excellent addition to the Harry Potter series. I don't know how the author comes up with her ideas, but they are fantastic. I love the picture on the wall that asks for the password before letting anyone into the secret passage. I love the whomping tree that actually hits anyone who comes close to it. And who doesn't love Hagrid's many strange (and sometimes scary) pets? I can't wait to dig into the next book. The narration in this series is outstanding. My rating: 5 Stars.
Another excellent addition to the Harry Potter series. I don't know how the author comes up with her ideas, but they are fantastic. I love the picture on the wall that asks for the password before letting anyone into the secret passage. I love the whomping tree that actually hits anyone who comes close to it. And who doesn't love Hagrid's many strange (and sometimes scary) pets? I can't wait to dig into the next book. The narration in this series is outstanding. My rating: 5 Stars.
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