These Bob books were key in my children learning to read. An adult may find the stories very short, however, new readers who are desperate to read a 'real book' really get a confidence boost when they are able to read 'a whole book'! I recommend these to all parents and all homeschooling parents. This set has 12 little books inside this box. The order goes: Level A set 1, then Level A set 2, then Level B set 1, then Level B set 2, etc.
These are phonics based readers so the story line is limited to the letter and sounds that were taught, so parents, be patient with the limited story scope. These books have an important purpose. If you want more serious and long stories those are for parents to read aloud to children not for children to read to themselves when they are in the very early stages of learning to read.
These are phonics based readers so the story line is limited to the letter and sounds that were taught, so parents, be patient with the limited story scope. These books have an important purpose. If you want more serious and long stories those are for parents to read aloud to children not for children to read to themselves when they are in the very early stages of learning to read.