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Book Review of Child of the Morning

Child of the Morning
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Quite an interesting read. This is the story of Hatshepsut, daughter of Pharoah Thothmoses I. The pharoah also has a son, Thothmoses II. Gedge does a remarkable job of taking us back to the Egypt of Hatshepsut who becomes the pharoah of Egypt. According Egyptian historians, she is the first recorded female pharoah and was highly successful in her reign of twenty years. She was succeeded by a nephew, Thutmose III, who became one of the greatest if not the greatest of the pharoahs.

However, this is her story as created by Gedge beginning with her childhood. She weathers political snares and must convince the priesthood and the nobility that she is destined to rule. She does so successfully for many years. Gedge stays true to what we know about her historically filling in details to help us understand the young woman of her time who would be pharoah. I truly enjoyed this read and recommend it to others interested in historical fiction about this period. It's well done. And, if you want to know more about Hatshepsut do a search on the internet.