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Book Review of Another One Goes Tonight (Peter Diamond, Bk 16)

Another One Goes Tonight (Peter Diamond, Bk 16)
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Another great story from Lovesey which has you hanging on by your fingernails. However, after having read so many of his novels, I kept my mind alert for Lovesey's tell-tale signs. As a result, I ID'd the culprit by the middle of the book. I feel so proud of myself. :-)

Unfortunately, when I tried to call Peter Diamond long distance to let him know what I suspected, he never answered my calls. If he had, the book would have been about 100 pages shorter.

But I was on the phone with an old USMC buddy last night and told him about Peter Diamond. Fortunately, my buddy lives next door to a library and Lovesey's books should be easy for him to obtain.