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Book Review of The Perfect Rake (Merridew Sisters, Bk 1)

The Perfect Rake (Merridew Sisters, Bk 1)
The Perfect Rake (Merridew Sisters, Bk 1)
Author: Anne Gracie
Genre: Romance
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback

The Perfect Rake started out as a fantastic novel, it is a fun and light hearted romance that fits perfectly in the genre. I dont mind saying that I am a little bit addicted to your bodice rippers, while I try to go with some that go against the grain lightly I still love the formula and the happily ever after. Which with The Perfect Rake you do get. However, the story ends up being a little lack luster.

About midway through this book it drags, and you will get a little tired of the Hero and Heroine. It becomes a point where the hero is just TO perfect, to sweet. He sets himself up like a martyr and it gets a little bit old. Over all the characters are likeable, and they arent absolutely horrible. But I think around page 180 or so I wanted to club our hero Gideon over the head with a cup of raffia. I mean is supposed to be a rake, it would have been a bit nicer if he acted a little bit more like a rake.

But all is not lost, the book may not be perfect but its not a failure either. Over all the characters are likeable, and there are some rather amusing moments between Gideon and Prudence. So if you dont mind a little bit of melodrama, and a slight drag in the center, you will enjoy the book. And for me while it wasnt perfect, It did make me want to continue on and read the next book in the series.