This book is wrote in three voices, that of Libby in present day, Ben and Patty on the day of the murders. To say that Libby is messed up for surving the murders of her family is an understatment, this girl/woman is a mental case. There were times her thought process would make me laugh then other times it would leave me scratching my head. Over all the story is ok, I wouldn't blaze a trail to stand in line to read this book and honestly I wouldn't spend money to buy it, wait and get it from a friend or the library. While the story set up seems to pull a person in the, the family slaughtered by the son but the one daughter get's away, is intriguing the author seems to ramble on at times making me want to put the book down and walk away. The author also has a bunch of side charcters too many in my opnion that she introduces to the story tells a little about them then forgets them. I am still wondering what happened to the members of the "Kill Club". This book offers a few twists and turns enough to make you read to the end but then once you get to the end it's like a scramble to finsh the book and tie up loose ends. I wasn't overly thrilled with the ending (Patty pissed me off) but atleast I finally got the whole story of what happened the night of the murders.
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