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Book Review of Bachelor Undone (Bachelors in Demand, Bk 2) (Kimani Romance, No 261)

Bachelor Undone (Bachelors in Demand, Bk 2) (Kimani Romance, No 261)
scoutmomskf avatar reviewed on + 2669 more book reviews

Another Bachelor in Demand bites the dust. York and Darcy have known each other for a couple of years since her best friend, Ellie, is married to his godbrother, Uriel (Bachelor Untamed). However, they don't get along and avoid each other during gatherings they both attend. York hit on Darcy at Ellie's wedding and got shot down in no uncertain terms. This put a dent in York's pride and colored the way he looked at her. What he didn't know was that Darcy had just ended a terrible marriage and was cynical about all men, and he got hit with the results.

Neither one expected to run into each other in Jamaica. Darcy was there on vacation and looking for a vacation playmate. York was there on business, investigating a movie piracy scheme. I had to laugh when Darcy first saw York because she didn't recognize him, and her dismay was hilarious when she did. It only got worse when he later confronted her about a man she talked to a hotel party. He had excellent reasons to warn her against Damien, but she didn't want to hear it. At the same time, the attraction that bubbled beneath their antagonism finally boiled over.

I enjoyed watching the development of Darcy and York's relationship. It started as purely physical, with Darcy intending that it end when she leaves Jamaica. York, on the other hand, sees no reason that they shouldn't continue. He doesn't expect to find that he wants more than just an affair. This quickly becomes evident to him when he hates to see her with someone else, and when his protective instincts are thoroughly aroused by the time she spends with Damien. I was a bit frustrated with Darcy's refusal to listen to York's warnings. I somewhat understood her reasons, but his experience should have made her more receptive.

I liked watching them grow closer the more time that they spent together. Darcy began to suspect that her heart was in trouble, but did not want to admit it. When the issue with Damien grew more intense, York made a boneheaded move that protected Darcy but made her feel betrayed and used. I hurt for her, but I also wanted to shake her for being so stubborn. I liked Ellie's conversation with Darcy and her attempt to talk sense into Darcy. The ending was good, as York showed up on Darcy's doorstep. I enjoyed how he took the wind out of the sails of her anger with a few words. The epilogue was fun, especially York's conversation with the three remaining bachelors' club members.